*** League of Legends ***

not mentioned in a long time aparently!

We're all still playing it, new patch incoming brings in the infamous AI bots mode which will allow you to join a queue solo or as a premade against the AI - not a bad idea for if your team just wants to experiment with builds.

Ammumu is getting a buff so Mcknight should be very happy, he already carries as Ammumu so he'll almost be able to ignore the rest of us now :)

Anivia gets a nerf - which is a shame.

A wealth of other changes

yea i only bumped tyhe thread because someone decided to make a new one so he coul attempt to pimp his refferal code!

theres a wealth of information inside this thread lets keep it the main league of legends topic on this board
yea i only bumped tyhe thread because someone decided to make a new one so he coul attempt to pimp his refferal code!

theres a wealth of information inside this thread lets keep it the main league of legends topic on this board

Nice one, i'd agree a new thread doesn't make sense.
On another note

Added a new UI to better convey Shields on the health bar

We saw this in the recent AI v Bots or was it humans v AI Bots :) Should prove interesting against champions where the shield health is critical for the next action like sion
What are the numbers on this game compared to HoN?
I much prefer HoN due to the really slow movement in this game i find.

How do you mean - total players - not released info but estimated at 1 million. Or in here? Between 10-20 people playing daily.

If you prefer Hon then realistically stick with it, space in the market for both games :)
How do you mean - total players - not released info but estimated at 1 million. Or in here? Between 10-20 people playing daily.

If you prefer Hon then realistically stick with it, space in the market for both games :)

Just in general online, from what i see HoN is between 20k-50k online most of the time.

I've heard LoL has a much larger player base, mind you its from someone who hates HoN because of the initial fee even though he has bought like every microtransaction possible with LoL i believe.

I want to stick with HoN, and buy some of the microtransaction stuff, just a lot of people saying its a gradually decreasing player base and DoTA2 will probably kill it off, or are these just haters =P?
Teleport / Flash

Solo Top

Most of the time you'll want Doran's Shield now, although Ring works if you know who you're laning against (and they don't offer up much harassment).

Q E Q W Q R Q E would be the best early skill order (basically max Q first).

It's usually not worth using Q to harass too much until you have it at level 2, I use it early just because sitting with full mana is inefficient and you may as well put out some harassment, but don't go over the top.

First trip back should be Sorc Boots (1100) + HP Pots/Ward if needed (might not need either).

After that I generally either get a Giant's Belt (1110) or Chain Vest (700), or even a Negatron Cloak (740). this really depends on what you are laning against, the enemy team composition and how well you are doing.

Usually end up with Sorc Boots, Sunfire and Banshee's as a core which can be expanded depending on what you face.

He can jungle as well, but not really recommended.

Can I ask why sorc boots? I tend to enjoy boots of swiftness.
Can I ask why sorc boots? I tend to enjoy boots of swiftness.

Neither sorc boots nor boots of swiftness. Malphite makes a very good tank/support champ and you should always most of the time go for merc treads along with sunfire cape and banshee. after that you have to look at how the game goes. with heavy casters i strongly suggest Fon. with physical damage randuins omen.

main role as malphite is harassing their support/dps champs and making sure you land good ulti which is really good.
Just in general online, from what i see HoN is between 20k-50k online most of the time.

I've heard LoL has a much larger player base, mind you its from someone who hates HoN because of the initial fee even though he has bought like every microtransaction possible with LoL i believe.

I want to stick with HoN, and buy some of the microtransaction stuff, just a lot of people saying its a gradually decreasing player base and DoTA2 will probably kill it off, or are these just haters =P?

LOL's player base is significantly larger than Hon's - primarily because it is more accessible and as a free game you can just dive in :) How much larger is difficult to say but even that webcast got 30,000 viewers watching an AI game for 30 minutes lol :)

But as I said before if you don't want to play it or don't like it - no problem. There is a nice Hon thread somewhere on these forums for extolling Hon's virtues.
oh ty man, ive been using that site for a while now trying out different types of characters and such. :D

No probs m8 .Some good builds on that site.Find out what build you like but dont be afraid to change it.The amount of games i see people sticking to the same build even when it isnt working is untrue.If a team is stacking AP get some decent MR for gods sake lol.
Well I haven't used my main accout for quite some time now, got my cousin into the game (big time lol!) so started a new account so could show him the ropes whilst levelling at the same rate.

So far I've only got a few champs with this account, them being Irelia and Ashe. Irelia is such an awesome champ and can't wait to get a runepage for her, great at farming and can be built to be pretty tough whilst still dealing out decent dps.

The core is:


On top of that there are so many other items I get for her, she is massively versatile, if things are really going my way I'll go full dps and get a bloodthirster and probably a starks fervour. If we are lacking tankiness then Randuins/Banshee/Warmogs are all nice. Any other Irelia players here?

Oh and Ezreal was made available this week who I've been pondering whether to buy, Ojste I followed your build and have a right laugh with him, top champ just overshadowed by the other carries :)
What's your steam tag and i'll invite you. We also have a mumble chat if you fancy coming in. Though we play predominantly for fun

i think my steam tag is 'ins' , wasn't sure so I linked my profile page above :)

EDIT - you can add me to steam via my email adress, ub3r_1337_@ hotmail.com
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Just in general online, from what i see HoN is between 20k-50k online most of the time.

I've heard LoL has a much larger player base, mind you its from someone who hates HoN because of the initial fee even though he has bought like every microtransaction possible with LoL i believe.

I want to stick with HoN, and buy some of the microtransaction stuff, just a lot of people saying its a gradually decreasing player base and DoTA2 will probably kill it off, or are these just haters =P?

The "HON is dying" line seems to be turning into a meme... HON simply isnt dying, the player base has grown continually since launch. It certainly is smaller than LoLs (it's free afterall) but also has the virtue of being a vastly superior game.

DOTA 2 probably will kill it off though, I can't imagine a reason not to move over to it really.
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