*** League of Legends ***

Just got this and have had a few hours playing around so far, brilliant game.

Does anyone have tips or advice? I'm a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of customisation with builds, items, etc. I've only played around with Fiddlesticks and Sivir so far.
Just got this and have had a few hours playing around so far, brilliant game.

Does anyone have tips or advice? I'm a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of customisation with builds, items, etc. I've only played around with Fiddlesticks and Sivir so far.

Sent you the mumble details, also the first post contains a load of information that may assist as well as videos etc
Sent you the mumble details, also the first post contains a load of information that may assist as well as videos etc

Cheers, although I'm hearing impaired and might not be able to hear so well on Mumble! I'll have a try later.

Also have a look here for some builds for the champs you play http://www.mobafire.com/

Looked through that site yesterday, quite informative. I kept tabbing out to make sure I made the right choices (it was a Sivir build) so I want to learn how to pick intuitively.

Are there any must-have items at the start? I heard that health regen is a good one to go for, but no idea what to do regarding armor, weapons, consumables etc.
you normally gear towards a certain 'role'. Sivir is considered as a ranged carry who focuses on attack damage so you should focus on items that give attack damage. you should get little bits of defense whenever you need it. one item is normally enough because the job of the ranged carry is to keep out of danger and deal consistent damage from range.

the guides will show you what kind of items to get to best suit your role but different champions benefit from different stats, even if they belong to the same group

the best guides will show you a 'core' build which you should always get, followed by a choice of situational items which you should get after, depending how the game has been played out
Ok, have looked through a few guides.

Also my client/PvP.net keeps crashing after every game, seems like its quite a widespread issue but no idea what's causing it! Anyone here had a similar problem and managed to fix it?
for me, ezreal is easily the most fun champ to play, having such a high skill cap (with 4 skill shots) makes him very rewarding to play. he is not the best ranged carry but he can most certainly carry.

his core should always be dorans blade -> boots 1 + wriggles. wriggles helps him out so much in lane, especially if you are new to him.

he is overdue some (small) buffs which im sure he will get eventually though he is still a viable ad carry. many people see him as weak but thats only because he has the ability to miss, unlike many other easy mode carries.

Definitely viable, shocked a few people who just moaned Ez sucks etc he really can farm like a boss and put out the damage and like you said he is great fun to play, scored some funny as hell kills with his ult :D

Looking forward to trying the new Ryze, looks like he will actually be a bit more interesting to play now!

Also dissapointed with the miniscule indirect nerf to Mundo, he's just too damn strong! I love playing as him but really he's gotta be classed as OP! Loosing streak? Don't worry Mundo it up and it's a win :p
don't forget that most of the players play normal games and not ranked. hence what you see on high ranked EU doesn't apply.

I don't play solo ranked that often, most of the time I do premades, either in ranked or normal. Not everyone I play with is super high ranked either, the range is usually from 1500-2000 either way. That level of ranking I would label as moderate to very good, although elo isn't really a good indicator of skill at all in this game.

mcknight said:
Your right I'm awful and clearly have no idea what I'm doing.

And Q does nothing that Exhaust does bar the slow, which is the most negligible part of the spell.

Never said you were awful, I only responded to you saying my advice was suspect when it was actually a good representation of how to play Malphite properly.

Malphite doesn't really need to use Exhaust to shut down enemy carries, his ult + E tend to do enough of that in a fight. He needs two of teleport/ignite/flash more than he needs Exhaust. I'm not saying Exhaust is useless on him, it's always a useful spell, it's just less necessary on him.


As you spend time playing the game you will become accustomed to what the different items do from memory, rather than having to look them up or mouse over everything. The same is true of champions, over time you'll learn their strengths and weaknesses and it will make you into a much better player.

Item builds are a great way to start out, but they are very subjective depending on who you are fighting against.

The best thing you can do is try out different items based on different situations and even more importantly, play lots of different champions. Most of my early LoL career I was playing Nasus every single game and nothing else. I became a great Nasus player as a result of that (and he is my favourite champion), but I did lack knowledge about all of the champions I was facing up against.

Broadening my horizons by playing different champions introduced me to their skills, how they are used and how they are countered (or what worked against me). This can then be applied when you are playing against the specific champion.

Kennen is a good example of this, as when you play against him in a solo lane he can seem incredibly powerful and hard to deal with (and well, he is!). But once you've played him yourself you learn how his passive works (every five auto attacks it adds a mark of the storm), how his main skills work and the cool downs they have. It allows you to time your harassment and avoid his much better, as well as preparing yourself for when he inevitably tries to kill you at level 6.

Watching good players stream is also helpful, it gives you a good idea into what they pay attention to when playing, just how important last hitting is and how they go about controlling the map. It's also a nice way of seeing what the different champions can do, without actually having to put the effort into playing them.

In time you will learn what items you are going for based on your opponents champion choices and who you are laning against, you'll know what the ingredients cost and when the best time to recall and buy them is.

The game is mostly about playing smartly and conservatively, making minimal mistakes and capitalising on the mistakes of others. You can't force a win in this game through sheer skill or ability, you have to treat it like poker and be patient. Not every hand you get dealt is one you should go all in with, but you should absolutely do so when the opportunity arises.
Had a go with Tryle, bloody kicks ass at the higher levels! Not sure if I'm that keen on melee though, plays very differently to ranged.

Edit: Thanks for your input avec, I've been playing a lot more cautious after watching a few streams and videos like WCG. I stay alive longer if I stay back a bit and don't go chasing after enemies, and every now and again there are opportunities for a gank or a quick kill which I take. Trying out all the different free characters right now, just to get an idea of what they are like.
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Enjoyed the games last night/this morning. Will probably drop into mumble again this evening. Lots to learn, but I'm only used to playing with PUGs, not premades, so higher learning curve as people actually communicate and teamplay which doesnt seem to happen often in pugs!
[And by communicate I mean not just swear at each other in Polish, Russia or 12 year-old level english]
While on my way to 30, should I be worrying about runes and masteries? These seem very specialised rather than all-round so I'm not sure.
if u find a champ u like during one of the weekly rotations i would say it would be better to buy a few of them before going for runes otherwise u will be playing the same old champs that u dont like

runes can wait ;p
Well I don't see your build doing that well against quality players, most of the best EU players run ignite/teleport, flash/teleport or ignite/flash on Malphite.

He doesn't really have a need for ghost or exhaust as his Q does a whole lot of what both of those skills do.

Actually do you know what, I will answer this properly.

Teleport is a new trend that the metagame is beginning to shift towards, and I can see possibly taking this on him. It's a pretty nice spell for your solo top to have (which is the only way I could see you taking it on him, if you are duo laning then you are going to near everything anyway and if your not then your doing something wrong).

Flash is a decent spell regardless of champion, I don't think there are any arguments there but then so is Ghost (Ghost Flash so good, amirite?). The difference however is that flash is vastly superior on someone who relies on their positioning in fights, and that person is not Malphite. Ghost is a far superior skill on melee champions to prevent kiting in teamfights. You could argue that his Q is good enough and that's true up until your opponents get a slow or run a Janna (who by the way laughs in the face of your flash-ultimate) on the off chance she's not banned. But like I said they are both good and I'd have a serious problem with a Malphite not running either, rather then running either or.

Ignite is a silly spell to put on Malphite. Sure it increases your burst but that's not your job and chances are their will be far better champions on your team to run it. The only reason I can see to run ignite is if your up against a composition where it is absolutely necessary to shut their team down, otherwise Exhaust is simply a better option. You are able to shut down numerous characters in a fight, rather then just one. And besides that the new Exhaust is a ridiculously good summoner spell, far and aways better then it was before. Your job is to initiate fights and lock down their DPS, not kill them all. Your carry that you are protecting does that for you. And you can facilitate that far better with Exhaust then you ever could with Ignite.
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Actually do you know what, I will answer this properly.

Teleport is a new trend that the metagame is beginning to shift towards, and I can see possibly taking this on him. It's a pretty nice spell for your solo top to have (which is the only way I could see you taking it on him, if you are duo laning then you are going to near everything anyway and if your not then your doing something wrong).

Flash is a decent spell regardless of champion, I don't think there are any arguments there but then so is Ghost (Ghost Flash so good, amirite?). The difference however is that flash is vastly superior on someone who relies on their positioning in fights, and that person is not Malphite. Ghost is a far superior skill on melee champions to prevent kiting in teamfights. You could argue that his Q is good enough and that's true up until your opponents get a slow or run a Janna (who by the way laughs in the face of your flash-ultimate) on the off chance she's not banned. But like I said they are both good and I'd have a serious problem with a Malphite not running either, rather then running either or.

Ignite is a silly spell to put on Malphite. Sure it increases your burst but that's not your job and chances are their will be far better champions on your team to run it. The only reason I can see to run ignite is if your up against a composition where it is absolutely necessary to shut their team down, otherwise Exhaust is simply a better option. You are able to shut down numerous characters in a fight, rather then just one. And besides that the new Exhaust is a ridiculously good summoner spell, far and aways better then it was before. Your job is to initiate fights and lock down their DPS, not kill them all. Your carry that you are protecting does that for you. And you can facilitate that far better with Exhaust then you ever could with Ignite.

Why is exhaust far and aways better than before? Reducing auto attack damage by 70% and skills by 35% compared to blinding a character for the duration like it was? ie completely shutting down champs like Trynd, Yi, Ashe or anyone else who builds for right click and go afk.
Blinding wouldn't reduce damage - just means the auto attacks miss. Exhaust is a great spell against the main damage characters.
Why is exhaust far and aways better than before? Reducing auto attack damage by 70% and skills by 35% compared to blinding a character for the duration like it was? ie completely shutting down champs like Trynd, Yi, Ashe or anyone else who builds for right click and go afk.

the old exhaust shuts down auto attackers for 3 seconds completely but was countered by cleanse.

the new exhaust completely gimps ANY champion for 3 seconds as it now includes a spell damage reduction.. it destroys aoe ultis as well and still shuts down auto attackers. if you have been the victim if being exhausted, you will know how stupid strong it is right now. cleanse also doesnt remove the new exhaust, it only removes the slowing effect part of the spell.
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