*** League of Legends ***

Oh and Ezreal was made available this week who I've been pondering whether to buy, Ojste I followed your build and have a right laugh with him, top champ just overshadowed by the other carries :)

for me, ezreal is easily the most fun champ to play, having such a high skill cap (with 4 skill shots) makes him very rewarding to play. he is not the best ranged carry but he can most certainly carry.

his core should always be dorans blade -> boots 1 + wriggles. wriggles helps him out so much in lane, especially if you are new to him.

he is overdue some (small) buffs which im sure he will get eventually though he is still a viable ad carry. many people see him as weak but thats only because he has the ability to miss, unlike many other easy mode carries.
Had two great games last night although both the teams we played lacked a tank. I'm really liking uydr at the moments he just seems pretty versatile and able to put out decent dps while tanking with his shield. I find him best as off tank with a Dorians shield and banshees then build some dps. Boot of swiftness and a phantom dancer make him ultra fast to get to squishys and start stunning.
Had two great games last night although both the teams we played lacked a tank. I'm really liking uydr at the moments he just seems pretty versatile and able to put out decent dps while tanking with his shield. I find him best as off tank with a Dorians shield and banshees then build some dps. Boot of swiftness and a phantom dancer make him ultra fast to get to squishys and start stunning.

Yep loved the games last night, relaxed team on our side and 2 non tank teams on theirs - all good :)
I have had fun with Olaf recently, using my own trial & error build, starting with the 12% vampire life stealer for the early lane survival (using the W spell that increases damage & life steal). If I am survivng the lane longer than the enemy, I hold off purchasing until I have enough gold to buy that stupendous attack weapon with +60 damage & additional life steal (I am in work, so cannot access the Lol website). This gives me stronger surviveability with enough clout to smack the enemy dead.
Next, I buy the attack speed weapon that again adds +55 damage and 50% speed for more ouch with a little oomph. At this point I start dominating in my lane.
Finally, I then work my way to the Phantom Dancer and then either the boots of fast attack (if I cannot chase down quick enough) or push for the deadly Infinity weapon that deals 200% crit damage.
Should the opposition have a tank in the team, I might buy the thornmail armor that gives 100 armour & 30% return back of normal damage. This usualy buys me enough time to kill the tank (my lifesteal resupplies health) and possibly any squishy mate of his/hers.
Most of masteries are in attack, so like Tryndamere, I find Olaf to be deadly later in the game.
Out of interest does the Hon thread keep getting Lol advertising in it.....

I was just answering the question that got asked...

Genuine question here though, I have played a lot of HON, I'm not brilliant at it but I'd say I'm above average. I also enjoy LoL (it's a lot more relaxing to play) but I'm starting to get bored, I've played something like 20 games and I'm not even level 6, apparently you have to get to level 30 to start playing ranked games, how long does this take? I'm not sure I can be bothered to play through all the training matches where more often than not I'm the only person there with a clue what they are doing.
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Any tips on Malphite?

Ok well I got bored and I didn't full agree with some of the other advice thrown about, so here goes:

Skilling Order: Q E Q W Q R, then priority from there is R>Q>E>W/

Summoner Spells: Ghost, Exhaust

Ghost I feel is mandatory on every champion, it really hurts you not taking it. Exhaust is there to help you do your job of locking down single targets, both in lane and in teamfights. While you can run Flash, I don't like it. Your Ult is already a flash, you can use it both to escape and to initiate. Ghost is just far and away more useful.

Masteries: 9/21/0 or 9/0/21

Runes: Magic Pen Reds, Scaling Mana Regen Yellows, Flat CDR or Magic Resist Blues, Movespeed Quints

Dorans Shield or Dorans Ring
Boots (later to become Merc Threads)
Catalyst or Heart of Gold
Sunfire Cape or Randuins
Banshees Veil or Force of Nature

Just to clarify, I hate giving item builds (especially strict ones) because every game is different and you need to account for that with your purchases. However the above should be easy to follow. If you have gone 21 def, then you start with a Ring and follow the right hand side. If you have gone 21 Utility then you start with a Shield and follow the left hand side. You need the surviability of the Shield if you decided to be greedy and go down Utility and if not then you need the early Heart of Gold to make up for the fact you don't have a shield. I almost always go down the right hand side now. Again, this ordering will change in every game. I will include my final perfect build just for arguments sake though. Eventually would get a Guardian Angel but really things should never go on that long, and obviously that's versus a balanced team. Never be afraid to pick up a Thornmail if they are heavy on AD, it also adds substantially to your damage.

The whole idea behind Malphite is to lock down single champions on the opposing team. It's your job to get at that lovely squishy little Ashe or Sivir that's sitting behind Rammus plinking away at all of you in relative safety. Your combo (which is Ultimate in, Press W, Press E and hit them with Q) should take them to below half aswell as slowing their attack speed. You are able to finish it before they hit the ground, so just practice against bots to get the flow of it down. Follow with an Exhaust and congratulations you have removed their primary source of damage from the fight, if not killed them. From there you should start hitting Q's on anyone who is looking to run away/chasing an ally down, using E near any auto attack champion (the attack speed slow effect is considerably larger then the damage radius) and generally making a nuisance of yourself.

Your combo is the main reason you finish a Randuins, you can fire it off when you initiate into their whole team and ensure that no-one will be running away. It's stacks with his E quite nicely and is personally my favourite tank item in the game.

Early game is pretty easy. You have a large base AD so don't be afraid to punch things (it also makes last hitting pretty easy). You can harass freely with auto-attacks and Q when your Passive Shield is up and simply back off when it's down. It makes Malphite an incredibly strong champion in any lane, solo or duo. Also as with any champion, wait until you get lvl 2 of your main skill to start really harassing champions. Lvl 1 of practically every skill in the game is very mana inefficient and should only be used if you are at full mana or to guarantee a kill.

And that's about it. Feel free to add me in game "mcknight27" if your not already part of the mumble group. Tanks and initiators are what I do best and I'm always happy to give advice :)
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I was just answering the question that got asked...

Genuine question here though, I have played a lot of HON, I'm not brilliant at it but I'd say I'm above average. I also enjoy LoL (it's a lot more relaxing to play) but I'm starting to get bored, I've played something like 20 games and I'm not even level 6, apparently you have to get to level 30 to start playing ranked games, how long does this take? I'm not sure I can be bothered to play through all the training matches where more often than not I'm the only person there with a clue what they are doing.

Unfortunately that's what happens when a previous DotA-like player comes to LoL. Thankfully however the ELO system still applies to normal games. The difference between the ranked and normal is a lot like the difference between MMR and PSR in HoN right now. LoL just makes your normal game ELO not visible to anyone, which I think is a really nice design choice and sidesteps the hassle PSR brought to HoN games (you used to be able to discover it by trolling through the game files but they even removed it from there).

If you start consistently winning games then you will be matched up against better opponents. The game takes your ELO rather then your "level" when it determines match-making. It will take a few more games but honestly if your not even 10 yet then I'd argue you haven't given the game a fair due, simply because of how matchmaking works.

Or you know, come play with some of us :)
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Is the clash of fates box set worth it? I.e. are all the hero unlocks e.t.c. worth the cost?

Also, can someone please add me to the steam group, Utnac. Thanks
Had two great games last night although both the teams we played lacked a tank. I'm really liking uydr at the moments he just seems pretty versatile and able to put out decent dps while tanking with his shield. I find him best as off tank with a Dorians shield and banshees then build some dps. Boot of swiftness and a phantom dancer make him ultra fast to get to squishys and start stunning.

udyr is a really good champ, and definitely best played as an offtank. he belongs in the jungle though.. he is wasted in lane and offers nothing in a duo lane. if you really must go in lane then pick solo.
Sorry was tired and your right, suspect wasn't really the right word so I've changed it. I don't get your level comment though?

Well I don't see your build doing that well against quality players, most of the best EU players run ignite/teleport, flash/teleport or ignite/flash on Malphite.

He doesn't really have a need for ghost or exhaust as his Q does a whole lot of what both of those skills do.
Well I don't see your build doing that well against quality players, most of the best EU players run ignite/teleport, flash/teleport or ignite/flash on Malphite.

He doesn't really have a need for ghost or exhaust as his Q does a whole lot of what both of those skills do.

don't forget that most of the players play normal games and not ranked. hence what you see on high ranked EU doesn't apply.
Well I don't see your build doing that well against quality players, most of the best EU players run ignite/teleport, flash/teleport or ignite/flash on Malphite.

He doesn't really have a need for ghost or exhaust as his Q does a whole lot of what both of those skills do.

Whats your ingame name avec?
Unfortunately that's what happens when a previous DotA-like player comes to LoL. Thankfully however the ELO system still applies to normal games. The difference between the ranked and normal is a lot like the difference between MMR and PSR in HoN right now. LoL just makes your normal game ELO not visible to anyone, which I think is a really nice design choice and sidesteps the hassle PSR brought to HoN games (you used to be able to discover it by trolling through the game files but they even removed it from there).

If you start consistently winning games then you will be matched up against better opponents. The game takes your ELO rather then your "level" when it determines match-making. It will take a few more games but honestly if your not even 10 yet then I'd argue you haven't given the game a fair due, simply because of how matchmaking works.

Or you know, come play with some of us :)

I'd agree...20 games, just passed 750 games. Doesn't make me a better player though - but 20 is hardly touching the surface
Well I don't see your build doing that well against quality players, most of the best EU players run ignite/teleport, flash/teleport or ignite/flash on Malphite.

He doesn't really have a need for ghost or exhaust as his Q does a whole lot of what both of those skills do.

Your right I'm awful and clearly have no idea what I'm doing.

And Q does nothing that Exhaust does bar the slow, which is the most negligible part of the spell.
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