*** League of Legends ***

How can i escape ELO 1200 hell ?

When tals and the other players decide to stop playing useless normal games we can maybe start doing ranked games.

As for 1200 elo its basically the same thing as normal games people are too dumb to understand the basics of this game.

You need to choose a strong carry so you can hope to carry the noobs. Although sometimes its hard even with the best carry. Forget jungling or tank champions.

I have been trying nunu the last few games and I really like him but again they cannot handle nunu jungle and ganking. There is no map awareness or support.
Sorry to break it to you Keives but without extreme luck you'll be there forever.

Frankly I don't think there should be split rankings because people who join as a team and win MUST know the game to be able to beat other teams - that knowledge and ability to team play doesn't magically evaporate the second you click Solo Queue (ok ok, so your voice server evaporates but I cant think of anything else that would).

As for carry as hard as you can, that kind of works to an extent but I had a few games the other night:

First 2 games I was tanking only for the DPS department to be completely void so I thought alright next game I'll play the DPS and let someone else tank but the person who did despite trying their hardest (and being able to stay alive for a reasonable amount of time) was just initiating at completely suicidal moments which caused the usual chain reaction of people following in one by one.

Played another fantastic game last night which lasted for 1h20mins or so and my team were all decent - mistakes were happening but we were slowly clawing it back until everyone decided to run off and engage 4 of the enemy on a lane with TWO inhibs down. While our lot was tangled up their sion pushed the nexus and won - it was pretty disappointing because it was obvious it was going to happen and that the nexus was the only "choke" point where we could face them all at once.

Sometimes I think maybe I'm just a 1200 player but I'm not sure. It'd be nice if the game had inbuilt voice so that you could coordinate better with your team - at least that way the ones who were willing to play as a team might do better and eventually rise up.
Anyone here play Evelynn after her nerfs?

I've just picked her up out on a whim and decided to build her AD, something like; Wriggles, boots of mobility, sheen>phage>triforce and then next item is situational, something like wits end or yommus. I love her after she gets triforce but before hand she provides so little damage that you literally have to gank people who are on extremely low health or at least work with someone else who has a stun.

When tals and the other players decide to stop playing useless normal games we can maybe start doing ranked games.

As for 1200 elo its basically the same thing as normal games people are too dumb to understand the basics of this game.

You need to choose a strong carry so you can hope to carry the noobs. Although sometimes its hard even with the best carry. Forget jungling or tank champions.

I have been trying nunu the last few games and I really like him but again they cannot handle nunu jungle and ganking. There is no map awareness or support.

You have me at a disadvantage as I don't know who you are in mumble. However to be clear I am happy t play either duo ranked or premade ranked, however I won't do it with any old team. That covers those I feel may believe they are better and those that are a lot worse :)

But yeah i'd personally prefer to play ranked - but you may fit in my no ranked game list :)
Sometimes I think maybe I'm just a 1200 player but I'm not sure. It'd be nice if the game had inbuilt voice so that you could coordinate better with your team - at least that way the ones who were willing to play as a team might do better and eventually rise up.

I don't think you are but I did read on another forum - QT3? that to really do well you have to be a carry which makes a lot of sense :) The games that you will win in randoms is the seldom times when the team motivation and attitude is good and one player takes the lead :)
FYI EU Mumble will have a 2 hour downtime between 7am and 12 today

On the back of the software upgrades the other day we have continued to see problems with our core database systems.
Upon further investigation we have determined some hardware components that while haven't totally failed are failing and is likely to be the cause of the issues people have been seeing.

To resolve this we will have an engineer on site first thing tomorrow to swap out the suspect hardware.

The outage window for this is between 07:00 and 12:00 GMT with an expected downtime of 2 hours.

During this time, a number of key websites will be unavailable including but not limited to:
Multiplay's GameServers
Renewal Site
Ticket Support
Geez when will i learn. Saw that HoN was on offer this weekend for a £6.50 so thought hey ho why not (played HoN during beta). I recall many emails telling me how much it had improved etc etc..

All i can say is... `gimme my six and a half quid back!`

Still looks and feels like it was created in some home version of `Games Creator for Windows`
I don't think you are but I did read on another forum - QT3? that to really do well you have to be a carry which makes a lot of sense :) The games that you will win in randoms is the seldom times when the team motivation and attitude is good and one player takes the lead :)

When tals and the other players decide to stop playing useless normal games we can maybe start doing ranked games.

As for 1200 elo its basically the same thing as normal games people are too dumb to understand the basics of this game.

You need to choose a strong carry so you can hope to carry the noobs. Although sometimes its hard even with the best carry. Forget jungling or tank champions.

I have been trying nunu the last few games and I really like him but again they cannot handle nunu jungle and ganking. There is no map awareness or support.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is no easy way out of elo hell. You can maybe, MAYBE duo queue to ensure you have at least 2 competent people on your team. You can MAYBE play specific pub stompers that can take advantages of noobs and solo carry, but other than that it comes down to sheer dumb luck and basic math. The team with the least feeders, wins. A team that loses because the other team is better generally all have the same amount of deaths. A feeder is a player who has significantly higher deaths than the rest of the team and constantly dies in avoidable circumstances such as traveling through a jungle without sight or over extending too deep on an enemy tower.

There is a supposed fabled elo, somewhere >1450 where things start to get better, but getting there is like trying to break orbit in a boeing 747 passenger plane. You can play a strategy, you can point in the right direction, but soon enough, gravity will drag you back down. There is nothing you can do about it.

So my advice, enjoy solo ranked for what it is, generally people raise to their A game, but totally disregard the fact that its ranked because that side of it is an absolute joke.

If Riot were half way competent, integrated voice comms would be ideal as it would totally nullify keyboard warrior syndrome and allow for properly directed solo queue plays. As it is, you might as well be playing with 4 Nunu bots, some of who may or may not speak english, many don't give a damn about team play and will happily instigate a 1v3 sure death fight for solo glory.
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When tals and the other players decide to stop playing useless normal games we can maybe start doing ranked games.

As for 1200 elo its basically the same thing as normal games people are too dumb to understand the basics of this game.

You need to choose a strong carry so you can hope to carry the noobs. Although sometimes its hard even with the best carry. Forget jungling or tank champions.

I have been trying nunu the last few games and I really like him but again they cannot handle nunu jungle and ganking. There is no map awareness or support.

I'm sorry you are?

Also, we have a Premade 5s team (of which I'm the captain).

Best way to boost your elo in solo queue is to duo queue with a friend and play pub stomp (snowballing) champions like a Corki, Sion or Ez, along with a jungler/initiator. If you are a good jungler you can easily hit 1500 without breaking a sweat thanks to snowballing your team ahead with ganks.
BTW HoN is on offer this weekend and is better than LoL. Just a headsup

Care to elaborate?

This is coming from someone who has played (and is still playing) both, there is no "better" or "worse" game. They are fundamentally different games with similar mechanics, one with an emphasis on solo play and one with an emphasis on team play. From my experience, people who think any different tend to be not the best players in the world.

Otherwise just gtfo of the thread, if you are going to troll at least make an effort.
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I'm sorry to break it to you, but there is no easy way out of elo hell. You can maybe, MAYBE duo queue to ensure you have at least 2 competent people on your team. You can MAYBE play specific pub stompers that can take advantages of noobs and solo carry, but other than that it comes down to sheer dumb luck and basic math. The team with the least feeders, wins. A team that loses because the other team is better generally all have the same amount of deaths. A feeder is a player who has significantly higher deaths than the rest of the team and constantly dies in avoidable circumstances such as traveling through a jungle without sight or over extending too deep on an enemy tower.

There is a supposed fabled elo, somewhere >1450 where things start to get better, but getting there is like trying to break orbit in a boeing 747 passenger plane. You can play a strategy, you can point in the right direction, but soon enough, gravity will drag you back down. There is nothing you can do about it.

So my advice, enjoy solo ranked for what it is, generally people raise to their A game, but totally disregard the fact that its ranked because that side of it is an absolute joke.

If Riot were half way competent, integrated voice comms would be ideal as it would totally nullify keyboard warrior syndrome and allow for properly directed solo queue plays. As it is, you might as well be playing with 4 Nunu bots, some of who may or may not speak english, many don't give a damn about team play and will happily instigate a 1v3 sure death fight for solo glory.

I would like to play as a team but i usualy only get on for 1 game due to work/home life and cant specify what time that would be.Oh well random teams for me for a bit longer :)
It depends whether you want a premade team or just a team that at least you're all on voip and have a reasonable idea of everyones playstyle. If the latter then that is how the mumble works, you just connect in place yourself in the ready to join and see if others are around. If they are - game on, if not join the randoms but IMHO it's far more enjoyable than randoms and most times you should find a team fairly quickly. I also use the OCUK LOL Steam group.
I would like to play as a team but i usualy only get on for 1 game due to work/home life and cant specify what time that would be.Oh well random teams for me for a bit longer :)

If you log onto mumble when you want to play a game, there's a fair chance you'll find 4 others to play with quite quickly. It's a pretty informal set-up we have going. At the very worst, you end up not finding someone and playing with randoms anyway :D
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