I've just had a game that was 1 hour 15 minutes long. At one point we had 2 inhibitors and a throne tower down but we managed to ace them and get a solid push going. It was so satisfying finally winning after all that time!
Yup that was a good game. Serves Cho'Gath right for munching on our monsters
- Pea0n
I played this over the weekend and i really suck at it! Yeah I know what tactics to use and how but whenever the enemy champion gets close to me he just kills me in no time! even though i run to a tower and tower is shooting at the enemy he always kills me and runs off with the tower doing very little damage to him!
No matter which champion I select anytime the opponent champion gets close im dead. even easier to kill me when one comes out of the bushes while another is already attacking me.
Im level 5 so far and use the make a match normal mode when joining games. Is this one of those where you have to buy the powerful items to even stand a chance? or do I just suck?
We need you BorrishYou and Joop with Slinky now also level 20 will just be perfect
We have been winning against level 30's which is always good and as a team we are imho becoming far better
Weird trees, creepy crawlers, slithering snakes coiling up around your ankles… welcome to Twisted Treeline! After several months of beta testing in practice games, this new Field of Justice is now released!
Designed for quicker games 3vs3 games, Twisted Treeline has just two lanes, one straight and one curved. This creepy forest literally teems with dark and bloodthirsty monsters who want nothing better than to devour weak champions… or conversely give them nice runes when they die trying!
You can now earn experience and influence points by slaughtering your enemies in 3sv3, so sharpen your blades, revamp your tactics and get ready for some new action.