*** League of Legends ***

I would get some armor pen runes too, not just critsical chance. Need atleast enoth armor pen to beat everyones default armor level 18 (with no extra armor items) IMO.

I'm not sure - I wonder if it is better to focus on one item and have that at a high level. I reckon I can get Critical Chance to almost 30% which is a huge leap up from 1%
Armor pen is the best damage stat, if they have armor. If you take there default armor stats from them, you will always be hitting full damage, if not you will be hitting 20-40% less every single hit.
Dont get me wrong crits are good, but you have to take a balanced aproch. Crits gain less and less value after a certan point, you can only crit once per hit after all. Same as with armor pen, once you have got past all the armor there's not much more it can do.

I would try red:armor pen, yellow/blue/quin:crit chance. Should still give you loads of crit, and still plenty of armor pen to be under the cap for that.
Haven't bothered / noticed about runes until tonight, when I had a quick looky. I'm 8 and 1/2 so think I'm going to wait until I'm 10 then use the tier 2 runes.
Haven't bothered / noticed about runes until tonight, when I had a quick looky. I'm 8 and 1/2 so think I'm going to wait until I'm 10 then use the tier 2 runes.

I wouldn't bother tbh - you will improve a bit but tier 3 is a whole different ball game and worth waiting. IP gets pretty precious 20+. I would also suggest grabbing the xp boost - it will get you to 20 quicker. I'm 1 or 2 games away :)
I wouldn't bother tbh - you will improve a bit but tier 3 is a whole different ball game and worth waiting. IP gets pretty precious 20+. I would also suggest grabbing the xp boost - it will get you to 20 quicker. I'm 1 or 2 games away :)

Guess I'll keep saving then ;]
Played a game this morning, was 4vs5 and we absalutly destroyed them. Lost 2 towers and beat them in 38 mins while being outnumbered lol.

Level 21 now ;)
I'm still noobing along at lvl 11 ;p

Still feel like I'm learning the game. Bit scared to play with you lvl 20+ guys in case I let you down and look like a noob :o
I'm still noobing along at lvl 11 ;p

Still feel like I'm learning the game. Bit scared to play with you lvl 20+ guys in case I let you down and look like a noob :o

We're not like that :) Playing to have fun - and win of course :) We're now getting over 5 people so if it continues will have to make more use of our multiple vent channels. You're probably learn more by being in the team than random pubbing but really play it how you prefer :)

Had an absolutely fantastic set of games last night - team were all working really well together. One game we totally dominated. Another game we were loosing badly - managed to take them down at the dragon and didn't look back. But 4 wins out of 5 games was not a bad evenings gaming :) Where did all the time go!
If I see you online, I might hit you up and see if there is a spot in the group. Probably won't be until after the Utd game though :P
Champions this week - phew no Ashe so I have a uncontended Ashe :) Gober won't be pleased re Heimerdinger.

* Evelynn
* Gangplank
* Heimerdinger
* Janna
* Katarina
* Rammus
* Sivir
* Taric
* Veigar
* Shen
Heh, new heroes for me to learn and suck at ;]

I think I've read horror stories about Taric and Sivir steamrollering teams though, so now I can see what all the fuss was about!
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