Garen, The Might of Demacia
Garen, The Might of Demacia approaches...
Garen is a new melee fighter champion that is intended to be easy to use! His abilities are all only limited by cooldown, with no energy or mana costs.
Perseverance (passive) - Garen gains a large health regeneration boost when he stays out of combat for a few seconds
Decisive Strike - Garen gains a movement speed boost upon activating this ability, and his next melee attack deals increased damage and silences his opponent
Courage - Garen permanently increases his armor and magic resistance every time he kills a minion, and he can activate this ability to take reduced damage from all sources for a few seconds
Judgment - Garen spins his sword rapidly around his body and moves with it, dealing large amounts of physical damage to all enemies within its radius
Demacian Justice (ultimate) - Garen executes Demacian Justice upon an opponent, dealing a large amount of damage with bonus damage for health that an opponent is missing