*** League of Legends ***

Taric and Sivir are the best lane/tower pushers ingame.

I had good success with Sivir with a few dodge items/runes doing a bit tanking while i push lol. Fun having 3-4 people chasing you, cant catch you then having a boomarang hit all of them at once while your still running away lol. With her passive and defence mastaries i had something sillly like 45% dodge while moving, and +10% speed every time i got a dodge lol.
I guess we must be getting good - last night we twice had cheating levied at the team. One game it made sense we were 4 (from the start!) they were 5 and we literally owned them - crazy game, they must have been quite embarrassed :)
Join us as Jeff Jew, the content producer of League of Legends, unveils the new Champion: Garen - the Might of Demacia!

Watch a showcase of Garen's skills as Jeff and the Riot Games team run through the Twisted Treeline map.

Then chime in and ask the Riot Games staff your questions in an exclusive live Q&A session.

I believe this is 11.00am GMT (6.00pm PST)


** lol i'm spo out of date - this has happened but the video is here :) **
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Do you guys play on the EU client?, I sent Tals a invite awhile back when he sent the HoN beta invite but never seen him on. I'm on the US one, had some friends on there and unlocked so much stuff don't wanna make another 8(
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Do you guys play on the EU client?, I sent Tals a invite awhile back when he sent the HoN beta invite but never seen him on. I'm on the US one, had some friends on there and unlocked so much stuff don't wanna make another 8(

A couple of us (Random and I) have both clients - I think Random got to +20 I was about 15. However since I've been playing with the Overclockers i've pretty much focussed on the Euroclient with it's better pings. We're getting a nice number of +20's which is helping the games :)
Did I miss some bit of news? Xfire players has gone from 7k players to +9k players in a couple of days. Or is that the power of those livestreams?
Quite a neat site http://www.lolbase.net/ just upload your log files an it gives you various stats re your character.

Here is mine not sure if it will update - I think log files are held for 5 days so should show my last 5 days gaming

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hehe I preferred your original post :) I tend to over use my Ulti as Ashe but I always think the cooldown on the crystal arrow is very low so the arrow if anything is under used
It doesn't get much better than this :) Only one level 6 - everyone else +20

Anyone played dota/hon then moved onto this? What are your opinions of it? I've heard it's a slightly dumbed and noob-friendly version of the games I mentioned.
Anyone played dota/hon then moved onto this? What are your opinions of it? I've heard it's a slightly dumbed and noob-friendly version of the games I mentioned.

I think probably the comment is has anyone played HoN or Dota beyond the Noob stage :) I played Hon and forget the game the community is vile. The actual game I don't like the confusing shop, the map and the green and browns that merge into one.

Slinky has played it more though so he'd be best to compare the two. As it's free the best thing is just download the EU client and try it out yourself. I suspect initial impressions won't be favourable till you have played a bit.
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