The League of Legends Collector’s Pack (both the boxed retail and digital versions) will get you:
* 20 Playable Champions
* 4 Summoner Runes
* $10 of Riot Points for use in the store
We wanted to give players 4 runes that would be fairly powerful, and fit different play-styles. To do so we chose:
* Greater Mark of Malice (Improves your critical chance)
* Greater Seal of Vitality (Increases your health per level )
* Greater Glyph of Knowledge (Increases your mana per level)
* Greater Quintessence of Revival (Decreases your Death Timer)
Similarly we wanted to choose 20 champions that would fit different play styles, and also a set of champions that players could quickly pickup and play. We chose:
* 3 Ranged DPS Champions
* 5 Melee DPS Champions
* 2 Support Champions
* 5 Tank Champions
* 5 Mage Champions
The actual champions that we are including in the collector pack are:
* Alistar
* Amumu
* Annie
* Cho'gath
* Evelynn
* FiddleSticks
* Janna
* Kayle
* Malphite
* Morgana
* Nasus
* Rammus
* Ryze
* Sivir
* Teemo
* Tristana
* Tryndamere
* Veigar
* Warwick
* Zilean
Also, depending on when and where you purchased the game, you will get one or two different exclusive skins.