*** League of Legends ***

Had some good games today.

Changed my Ashe build to be far more focussed on Armour penetration and mana regen and it seems to work nicely. Means my first item I use Dorans blade which gives 120 Health and damage. I also increased my minion damage in the masteries which seems to have a positive effect on minion slaying :)

We had an epic game earlier we eventually lost but it was very nicely natured and the team battles were mad!
I'm gonna have to get my ass into gear and get ventrillo working to team with you guys. The amount of raging I've done the past few days because of leavers / kiddies who think their god's gift, can't be good for me :D
I'm gonna have to get my ass into gear and get ventrillo working to team with you guys. The amount of raging I've done the past few days because of leavers / kiddies who think their god's gift, can't be good for me :D

You would be very welcome to join us, certainly helps team work hugely.
Really up to you - there are 4 LoL channels, if someone is looking for a game they may stick a message against their name in vent (comment) i.e on at 9pm/10pm etc. I use steam a bit so will ask who is up for a game and some use the messages in game.

Steam and Vent are probably the best ways to hook up though. I am happy to hit a game if I have at least 1 other friend in game :)

** Steam Group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OcUKLoL
Very good fun match last night


Started with a great yank center stage from Blitz on Karthus for us to take first blood and the team worked really well together. Our Kassadin was a tad cautious which lost us some kills (for Jax) and probably caused Jax to die as well but otherwise really fun match.
Heimerdinger all the way for me, I love getting kills from random placed turrets late in the game.

i started playing the other day and mainly stick to him nice and powerful without needing to rush into people.

its lolworthy when you stick some turrets in teh bushes and someone goes to hide in them :D

i think the turrets are capped at 155 damage each though? highest i could get them at in a game earlier anyway
New changes on the way for Yi - may revisit him once they are on board. Nice to see a character being significantly boosted as opposed to nerfed

===Master Yi===
* Attack Range increased to 125 from 100.
* Double Strike
** Now deals Double Strike on every 7th attack instead of by percent chance.
* Alpha Strike
** Reduced the cooldown to 18/16/14/12/10 from 18.
** Reduced the mana cost to 80/90/100/110/120 from 90/105/120/135/150.
** Reduced the total spell cast windup time.
** Increased the missile speed.
* Meditate
** Reduced the cooldown to 35 from 45.
** Meditate now ticks every .5 seconds down from 1 second.
** Reduced the heal amount to 140/280/420/560/700 from 150/300/500/750/1100.
** Reduced the mana cost to 70/85/100/115/130 from 80/100/120/140/160.
** Increased the armor and magic resist gained while channeling to 50/100/150/200/250 from 30/30/30/30/30
* Wuju Style
** Reduced the cooldown to 25 from 30.
* Highlander
** Assists now reduce all of Master Yi's cooldowns by half of the base cooldown amount.
the collectors edition is £4.99 in a store (my bad), is it worth picking up?

I am in to my Diablo's, Torchlights etc so would i potentially like it?

edit- just read up on it a bit more, so its kind of a torchlight meets online RTS?


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I also see that :
* Added a new sound to Heartseeker Spear.
* Players are no longer able to cast summoner spells while Pantheon is falling from the sky in Grand Skyfall.
* Heartseeker Strike
** Reduced the cooldown to 26/24/22/20/18 from 30/28/26/24/22.

I hated when Panth did his ulti and say Exhausted me before he landed. Glad their fixing that!
the collectors edition is £4.99 in a store (my bad), is it worth picking up?

I am in to my Diablo's, Torchlights etc so would i potentially like it?

edit- just read up on it a bit more, so its kind of a torchlight meets online RTS?



It's not really the same as those 2, but you can download and try it for free if you use the link tals posted on the first page. To enjoy the game you don't really need to buy it.
quite tricky to get into, can you not control the minions at all? as i seemed to get taken to the cleaners pretty quickly even with lvling and upgrades......maybe i just suck though mind you lol
You cant control the minions, but if you attack an enemy champ next to them they will all attack you! Same thing for towers, they usally ignore you(and shoot minions) but if you hit a enemy champ you will get targeted by the tower straight away.

Which champ you playing? mabe we can give you some tips to help you get started.
Ashe seems to be the best one i have vaguely got to grips with, seems to have a good long range set of weapons, especially volley once its levelled up.

It just seems to go very one sided as soon as the enemy get the minion upgrade.....:(
Ahse is great to start with, just try and play defensivly. Always aim for the lowest hp minion so you get the last shot (and the gold bonus!).

Once everyone gets past level 10-12 ish try and stick in a group with your team, anyone who splits off on there own at that point usally gets jumped by 2-3 people and killed b4 they can get away.

Try diffrent items to start with, the first item you get makes a big diffrence how long you can stay out before returning to base to shop. Mana regen or lifesteal are pritty good 1st items, but everyone seems to have there own favorite that they work best with.
I'd actually say with Ashe at start game play Ashe agressively and indeed make sure you pop your shots off at the opposition as they advance. A defensive ashe was my mistake previously. He is fairly squishy but unless you're in a dire situation don't get tempted to get health items go Damage all the way. Mana regen as first item is excellent then the BF Sword - pretty much follow their recommended items for Ashe.

I would strongly recommend playing the videos on the first post - they don't take long and will give a much better understanding of how the game works and some neat tricks

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