*** League of Legends ***

I'd then suggest you pay the £5 get the collectors pack with it's 20 static heroes and 1900 gold - buy an 7 day xp boost with the gold and away you go :)

It's an awesome game once you are hooked in.


p.s do play the tutorial through if you haven't as well
would someone mind adding me to the steam group please :) I.D is astraben

just tried but its invite only



Hi I searched for that id and it's not showing up. If you want add talsworthy as a friend and I can then add you.

** I also upped the vent server to 15 user as we had 7 on last night so was getting a little close. The more the merrier OCUK Lol players as we have lots of spare channels.
GOA run the worst servers in every game they manage :mad:

it was so much smoother on the american servers on the europe ones i often get a game launch and then it tells me it cant connect to the server :rolleyes:

loads of people queue for a game and then leave aswell forcing everyone to requeue i guess they only play one summoner character and if someone else takes it they just ragequeue again

btw my ingame tag is arknorocuk if anyone wants to buddy me! and if anyone randomly ends up in the same game as me say hello
Should be able to play with you guys on the weekend, I've had it up to my eyeballs with feeders/noobs/leavers spoiling my little game time this week.

Still haven't really settled on a playstyle/character I really like yet, so I haven't invested in runes of any sort yet apart from the ones that came with the collectors edition. Think I have about 16k ip to spend when I do decide :p

Some games I love to play Rammus, but as with any tank, if your party don't follow and help, your pretty useless. I had a game this morning where I ended up with quite a few kills and 15+ assists, and we won quite comfortably. Then later I played, and just got no help from my team-mates, and ended up with a horrible score, being killed multiple times protecting a team mate. Quite frustrating at times ;]

Quite like Annie too, but rarely get the chance to mid, so I'm usually under-levelled to their mid and chewed through in team fights.

Still, think I have played nearly 150 games and still loving it!
I love the game, I pretty much solely play Ashe, character works quite well for me. Everytime I try a new character I suck really badly at it - although I will have to start spreading my wings - want to get my wins 1:1 which they are almost at :)

We had a strange one earlier - Warwick insisted on going mid - really poor, ultimatey warwick is a joy when he jungles so 2 lanes are gaining double xp - but no this warwick knew best. Unfortunately he proved quite good - although as a team we won it :)
We need to do some more 3v3 practice games (on 5v5 map!), the one we had the other day playing against each other instead of teaming was great fun!
3v3 is good until Jax's lamp post to face ratio gets too high ;) currently a fun char to get me to 20 at which point i can really start to experiment with early game heroes.
I'm not sure about the 3v3 on a 5v5 - certainly Ashe was fine early on but he does rely on other characters late on to keep the chars distracted :)

I think the practice games we had against other teams were really great fun. A rematch against Joops team to gain their honour back would be good and maybe other OCuk players have teams they are in that want to have a fun match against us
dont no about my team but ill ask, hopefully they should be up for a remach! we learnt a lot tbh! even tho we new we had no tank/melee!
dont no about my team but ill ask, hopefully they should be up for a remach! we learnt a lot tbh! even tho we new we had no tank/melee!

Think it was pure luck we won tbh, we where all over the place for the first 1/2 of the game and coudlnt do a thing to stop the ganks. We just held on, and by endgame had caught up on items and cause we did have a tank we had a small advantage lol.

Awsome game tho, way better then any normal pug we play against.

*edit* want to swap ashe's next time ? hehe
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Think it was pure luck we won tbh, we where all over the place for the first 1/2 of the game and coudlnt do a thing to stop the ganks. We just held on, and by endgame had caught up on items and cause we did have a tank we had a small advantage lol.

Awsome game tho, way better then any normal pug we play against.

*edit* want to swap ashe's next time ? hehe

hehe fair play I was terrible and your guy played a great game. I think Joops marking the guy up put me on far to much edge - should just have played a straight game. Great fun but my being ganked really hurt :(
Didn't see this one coming

Today GOA is announcing that Riot Games will shortly be directly publishing League of Legends in Europe. More details will be released about this soon.

Players playing in Europe need not be concerned, Riot will not be erasing, wiping or modifying your accounts in any way. You will keep your combat points, influence points, Summoner name, level, win/loss track etc.

Stay tuned for more news,

The LoL Team
Can't do any worse than GOA have tbh. I've been getting random server lag and client disconnects with random messages about server firewalls.

I for one welcome our new Riot Overlords.
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