*** League of Legends ***

Yes I do, it's basics. I normally play with 3 randoms as I'm normally duo with 1 other and between us we can normally carry hard.

Yes lets talk about very situation times, lets try and find that one exception to the rule with your setup, watch most pro games now, generally 9/10 it's a smiteless blue/red pull and it's a standard thing in most ranked games at gold and above. I found your way generally works on low elo games but with the introduction of the short wards for support and well people generally having common sense to go in to the lane behind the minions your tactic rarely works. To be frank I've seen it work once in I'd say the past 150-200 games.

The way I play I expect others to play similar to that of what high elo people play and that's to help the jungler, I've possibly been spoilt by playing with good players but meh. Granted you're not on communications if you're with randoms. You don't help the jungler you don't get help simple and to be honest it's rare I don't get help as a jungler.

I must admit when i play ranked with my team mid + top or bottom whoevers closest to what they need red blue/ always help the jungler take out wraiths/red without stealing any xp, but in a random game your not playing like a pro. i just play for fun / try new things etc.
I must admit when i play ranked with my team mid + top or bottom whoevers closest to what they need red blue/ always help the jungler take out wraiths/red without stealing any xp, but in a random game your not playing like a pro. i just play for fun / try new things etc.

Still the principle applies weather you're playing a normal or a ranked game. If we go by that then as a jungler I want to play for fun and I just want to farm my jungle and not gank any lane as to me I like farming the jungle, works both ways really. It's basic simple etiquette, I'm always on lolking when I play league and while running from mob to mob will check people's stats out and ranking and you know the ones who don't help are all low elo players.
in random games if jungler requests it i do help 90% of the time. 100% of the time as mid.

All im saying is when you play with randoms you should never expect anything from anyone. then you leave less disapointed. then play with a ranked team when you want a good game. or add people you know you can trust and play with them often.

on a night i just about always get atleast 4 people i know and play with all the time to play with me in a game (if not ill have 5) , makes it more enjoyable and even when you have 4 people you know , play with and trust 50% of the time the 5th random always sccrews you over or trolls which is annoying.
in random games if jungler requests it i do help 90% of the time. 100% of the time as mid.

All im saying is when you play with randoms you should never expect anything from anyone. then you leave less disapointed. then play with a ranked team when you want a good game. or add people you know you can trust and play with them often.

on a night i just about always get atleast 4 people i know and play with all the time to play with me in a game (if not ill have 5) , makes it more enjoyable and even when you have 4 people you know , play with and trust 50% of the time the 5th random always sccrews you over or trolls which is annoying.

Again, when playing with randoms you should never expect the jungler to help you're lane. I'm never disappointed, I always have a fun game of LoL, weather it's pulling a fed AD carry to my low HPed fleeing team or some other shenanigans I have fun. After playing ranked I really don't care for normals, win/lose, trolls whatever doesn't bother me but the principle is always the same, you don't help me kill the mobs then you're not getting help from me and as you have said you should never expect anything from anyone that includes the jungler.

You don't need to tell me about playing with others mate, I've got over 1600 games and I've got plenty of people I can play with lol, I've played over 1300 games with one of my friends (who I might add carrys most of the games hard, he had around 900 wins and 500 loses or something like that.)

Again it's normals and still there should be help on the pull, it's just common sense and basic etiquette regardless or ranked or normals.
Fair enough ^^

Didn't mean any harm/offence from what i was saying btw :) Also didn't realise you were such an experienced player otherwise i probably wouldn't have said anything in first place :D
Fair enough ^^

Didn't mean any harm/offence from what i was saying btw :) Also didn't realise you were such an experienced player otherwise i probably wouldn't have said anything in first place :D

Nah I didn't take it that way and I apologize if my replies seemed arrogant, at work really busy but I wanted to reply. If I'm honest I think it's 1700 games or close to lol. LoL is such a great game though, it's one of few games in my adult life that has kept me interested for more than a few weeks, I did take a long break and feel I'm rubbish compared to how I used to be :(
Same, one game i just seem to be able to play over and over again and although the aspect of it is the same over and over the game itself is so different every time. and when your playing with friends it just makes it so much more fun.

Only downside is it will get to 10-10:30 and i really wanna go to bed, but ill start another thinking. if we boss it we could win 20-30 mins with surrender it will be fine. then an hour later game still hasn't been decided :D

I heard its currently most played game online atm is that true?
That's the only downside, about to go to bed... Want to do one game, have had an evening of 20 min surrenders... Last game hour + lol.

Yea' I'm sure it reached the most online played game last year.
As ad/support we will generally help the jungler if that is close to our lane but the loss of gold/xp to the ad/support is too big imho to fully help jungler if they are not next to us.
I love it, the only game I will come back to though I am a relative newbie compared to most.

I am starting to get the skins bug as well now.... :(
sorry but this annoys me, you should only need help from mid lane taking wolves/wraiths then red/blue depending who you are playing. i was playing before as ez and my friend blitz , we planned to sit in bottom bush (closest to nemy) then wait for them to show their face, grab and kill.

we grabbed and killed their ADC successfully, but then got harrased of jungler as we didnt help him take blue although mid did help him. and he then refused to gank our lane at all, een though we had vision ward down to ensure they had no wards and their jungler babysat our lane.

i play jungler with a few chars and i only ever ask for help off mid, it is nice if bot / top quickly come help take the blue or red but its not neccessary.

Bolded 2 parts, first top and bot should help on blue/red depending on blue/purple side, they can easily do enough damage for smiteless and return to lane without losing EXP/CS, but mid lane will lose EXP/CS due to a shorter lane and minions getting there quicker.

Second part, well read above, it's more useful for the bot/top to help you than mid...
As ad/support we will generally help the jungler if that is close to our lane but the loss of gold/xp to the ad/support is too big imho to fully help jungler if they are not next to us.

Again I've never lost a CS when helping the jungler with wraiths/red/wolves/blue if he smites and I'd say rarely loose one if smiteless ( if mid helps also. )

I think even on the S3 qualifiers the shoutcasters said about smiteless how it works because you normally are able to get back in lane and not miss a cs.
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Same, one game i just seem to be able to play over and over again and although the aspect of it is the same over and over the game itself is so different every time. and when your playing with friends it just makes it so much more fun.

Only downside is it will get to 10-10:30 and i really wanna go to bed, but ill start another thinking. if we boss it we could win 20-30 mins with surrender it will be fine. then an hour later game still hasn't been decided :D

I heard its currently most played game online atm is that true?

Have a look at this infographic, is pretty interesting :)
Have a look at this infographic, is pretty interesting :)

Pretty cool.

I love the game in theory but have recently started to fall off in terms of wanting to actually play. I just seem to be watching streamers and reading the news.

Solo queue has made me lose all faith, people locking as troll picks just to get people to leave because they didn't get the role they wanted and etcetera... I find it difficult to see how to progress when the majority of the time odds seem to be stacked against you to lose. Seemingly, even if I play extremely well, there will be at least one player on the team who either feeds by themselves or loses the game late-game by making a stupid move, say out of a base with an inhib down into a 1v5 and therefore giving them the teamfight leverage that equals a win straight away.

I want to play, but I don't want to play :P.
Again I've never lost a CS when helping the jungler with wraiths/red/wolves/blue if he smites and I'd say rarely loose one if smiteless ( if mid helps also. )

I think even on the S3 qualifiers the shoutcasters said about smiteless how it works because you normally are able to get back in lane and not miss a cs.

Do you mean even when bottom is not closest to the wraiths - not sure how that is even possible but will watch tonight. Closest lane agreed - just!
Pretty cool.

I love the game in theory but have recently started to fall off in terms of wanting to actually play. I just seem to be watching streamers and reading the news.

Solo queue has made me lose all faith, people locking as troll picks just to get people to leave because they didn't get the role they wanted and etcetera... I find it difficult to see how to progress when the majority of the time odds seem to be stacked against you to lose. Seemingly, even if I play extremely well, there will be at least one player on the team who either feeds by themselves or loses the game late-game by making a stupid move, say out of a base with an inhib down into a 1v5 and therefore giving them the teamfight leverage that equals a win straight away.

I want to play, but I don't want to play :P.

I was like that before i quit, quit from the release of GW2 till i found out it was boring about 5 months down the line.

Been back playing LoL for 2 months now, got myself into a clan, and the fun you have is so much more better, atleast you can communicate with the people. Try get yourself into a clan or 5v5 team, trust me will make it 10x as fun :)
Really know how you feel cHk4 about jungling, I'm the same.

What people forget it's half that you don't want to gank lanes which didn't help you, it's also that you can't gank lanes which don't help you.

This isn't the old jungle in which you can do 3 pots/boots start & hero l2 gank with no help except a pull.

If I get no help on red/blue I've burned most of my pots by the time I've done blue/wolves or red/wraiths - almost all of them by the time I've got both buffs & I'm a liability to try to gank with 40% hp, I won't risk losing both buffs by trying a gank with such low HP meaning I have to port back, waste half my buff times & fall behind by having to run back to the jungle/lanes to gank.

Ideally, I like help on wraiths/red - go for a gank at l2 with at least 3 pots lefts (almost full HP), if I can get a kill great, otherwise I'll knock at least half HP off the enemy top lane/mid lane (Allowing them to bully them/deny them due to forcing them behind) - then clearing the rest of the jungle + wraiths repsawn & going back once the buffs are almost out.

The second method leaves you potentially with a kill/one land ahead, much more gold/experience & able to come back out to the game with boots/items allowing you to gank more.

It works both ways, as if top helps me with red - I'll go right top lane after red & try to get them FB or an assist on FB.
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