*** League of Legends ***

Frustrating couple of games where we have dominated our lane for the most part (playing adc or support), but either lose really hard elsewhere (top/mid) or seem to lose momentum going forward into the team fight phase.

No doubt there are mistakes being made but these are hard to pick out during a match so was thinking of trying lolreplay. Anyone here use it or have some better suggestions?
Again? They've both seen consecutive nerfs over the previous patches and most of the changes are simply a revert to previous nerfs that were over-harsh. The buffs were definitely necessary.

Been enjoying playing Nunu support lately with my nephew who always goes ADC; Was pretty funny on Tristana with her Q and my W :D

Imo Kog and Nunu is the strongest combo, a decent Kog and Nunu can pretty much carry a game.
Bought Vi and her skin last night. Absolutely love her playstyle. Pretty much just balls to the wall after level 6!

Would like to meet you (Vi) down the lane when I play Olaf ;). That's if you like to rumble in the jungle!

Hit lvl 17 (51 wins). Not sure if I should be saving IP for runes @ 30 or unlocking champs.

Liking Tristana at the moment. Pow pow :)
Do what I did, spend RL cash unlocking champions and IP unlocking runes, best way imo. If you're not impatient like me buy champs when they are half price for RP.
Definitely runes, once you have a set then start worrying about buying champs or do what Ch4 did but the priority is a set of runes or you'll be at a disadvantage against players that have fully stacked level 3 runes.
Definitely runes, once you have a set then start worrying about buying champs or do what Ch4 did but the priority is a set of runes or you'll be at a disadvantage against players that have fully stacked level 3 runes.
Agree 100% on this.
Do what I did, spend RL cash unlocking champions and IP unlocking runes, best way imo. If you're not impatient like me buy champs when they are half price for RP.

talking of which, new sale today is it?

waiting for MF and Ezreal to be put up
Would like to meet you (Vi) down the lane when I play Olaf ;). That's if you like to rumble in the jungle!

Hit lvl 17 (51 wins). Not sure if I should be saving IP for runes @ 30 or unlocking champs.

Liking Tristana at the moment. Pow pow :)

I can out tank, out dps and out cc an Olaf ;)

Percentage based damage on my w isn't quite as good as Olaf's true damage, but that's the only real way Olaf has any advantage. In lane, and in jungle, he will get stomped unless he gets fed early or the Vi is useless.
I'm now level 26, after a while. If anyone is up for a game, add me: 30Hz. I play singed top, kat/lux mid, mumu jungle or ez ad carry :). I'm... ok, not great but ok, I just need some practice :D

The best way is join the OCUK channel in game and go from there.

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