*** League of Legends ***

24 Jun 2008
Lux is my fav too, how do you like to build her?
Did you see the Hourglass and DeathfireGrasp changes on PBE on ReignofGamging?

No, what changes? :/

My build changes quite a bit, neither DFC or Hourglass are guaranteed it depends on the setup of the opposition.

Core items for me are Athene's Unholy Grail (first full item, that mana reg is too useful to Lux), Archangels Staff (second full item) and Rabadon's (third full item)

I build Archangel's pretty early because it gives plenty of time to 'evolve' it, and Lux with Athene's is spamming a lot of skills so it doesn't take long .. that mana shield late game is <3

Other items
Sorc boots (obviously, they get built depending on the situation - early on if im getting ganked a lot / getting no support or if the lane phase ends early, otherwise its not a priority)

Void Staff (decent enough AP, nice MR reduction)

Lich Bane (decent stats, nice burst thanks to the passive)

Void Staff is the one that gets swapped out depending on the situation - Char's with lowish MR but high health (Cho, Olaf, Singed) and I tend to swap for a DFG. Bursty team compo's that im struggling to stay alive and ill swap it for a Hourglass.
12 Oct 2010
Stratford, London
No, what changes? :/

My build changes quite a bit, neither DFC or Hourglass are guaranteed it depends on the setup of the opposition.

Core items for me are Athene's Unholy Grail (first full item, that mana reg is too useful to Lux), Archangels Staff (second full item) and Rabadon's (third full item)

I build Archangel's pretty early because it gives plenty of time to 'evolve' it, and Lux with Athene's is spamming a lot of skills so it doesn't take long .. that mana shield late game is <3

Other items
Sorc boots (obviously, they get built depending on the situation - early on if im getting ganked a lot / getting no support or if the lane phase ends early, otherwise its not a priority)

Void Staff (decent enough AP, nice MR reduction)

Lich Bane (decent stats, nice burst thanks to the passive)

Void Staff is the one that gets swapped out depending on the situation - Char's with lowish MR but high health (Cho, Olaf, Singed) and I tend to swap for a DFG. Bursty team compo's that im struggling to stay alive and ill swap it for a Hourglass.

Nice, but I dunno about the archangels....I don't think it ever really gets you up to the AP you could get out of a different item.
I find that unholy grail gives me enough mana plus having a blue most of the time.

But yea I always rush unholy grail first followed by death cap and void staff. Then I will be selective between hourglass, DFG and lichbane. Tempted to try liandris torment or whatever it's called.
24 Jun 2008
Nice, but I dunno about the archangels....I don't think it ever really gets you up to the AP you could get out of a different item.
I find that unholy grail gives me enough mana plus having a blue most of the time.

But yea I always rush unholy grail first followed by death cap and void staff. Then I will be selective between hourglass, DFG and lichbane. Tempted to try liandris torment or whatever it's called.

At level 14 it typically gives me over 100 AP from it alone, and as I said the mana shield is just sooo good once you evolve it ;D
21 Aug 2012
Yeah, please don't get Lichbane, always Hourglass over it, it's so much better in terms of usefulness, Lichbane encourages auto attack which you don't want to be doing, I know she gets the passive damage but it isn't worth it.
23 Feb 2008
Agreed.... I used to play lux a lot and I'm not the most experienced player but I find that trying to use Lich Bane generally gets me killed. Lux has long range poke, so I find items that pull her in are generally too dangerous to use effectively. A similar thing with the Zhonyas Hourglass - in mid game, the invulnerability is just going to let them catch up with you while you sit still as a statue, not really helping you escape unless if your team is there to help you... As for late game, with such long range and light binding, people shouldn't really be able to get up to you. Obviously, the AP is still nice though, but the passive seems mostly redundant to me.
21 Aug 2012
Agreed.... I used to play lux a lot and I'm not the most experienced player but I find that trying to use Lich Bane generally gets me killed. Lux has long range poke, so I find items that pull her in are generally too dangerous to use effectively. A similar thing with the Zhonyas Hourglass - in mid game, the invulnerability is just going to let them catch up with you while you sit still as a statue, not really helping you escape unless if your team is there to help you... As for late game, with such long range and light binding, people shouldn't really be able to get up to you. Obviously, the AP is still nice though, but the passive seems mostly redundant to me.

Zhonyas Hourglass is amazing, yes it may stop you but if your already caught you are dead anyway, those few seconds can be enough for Q to come off CD.



13 Oct 2010
Thresh is awesomesauce! :D

Really want to try using him, alas the gx660r is off for repair so no lol for me atm :( where did you play him?

Atm my favorite role is jungle with sejuani or nocturne or support with leona/taric. Would like to try support evelyn and just going to help over lanes... would be epic!
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Really want to try using him, alas the gx660r is off for repair so no lol for me atm :( where did you play him?

I've been messing about in bot games mainly to get a feel for him.

Pure support works well, but AD build in duo lane is insane.

More champ kills = more souls = more extra damage/armor/ap

Rocking an AS/AD ruin/mastery build, along with Tri-Force, lucidity boots and Zephyr, means face are melted.

Throw in Hexdrinker/Maw in for some MR, and just first basic attack after a skill does some serious hybrid damage!

Say you have 100 souls, 250 AD and Tri-Force is charged, if you have a fully charged Q passive, your first hit will deal 379 AD + 858 AP

A few other things I have noticed, tossing your lantern to nearby souls sucks them in, handy for grabbing some behind enemy lines.

Also, when you leave the range of your lantern, it zooms to you, but still has the shield creating aura, so you or anyone who has yet to get a shield from it can get it from being next to you ^^
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22 May 2007
I'm a DOTA player through and through, and have been for about 8 years, but recently I've been looking at LoL with curious eyes. I didnt like it that much when I tried it about a year ago, but some aspects of it seem much better than dota2 at the moment, and it has such a huge following! Might try it again.



13 Oct 2010
I'm a DOTA player through and through, and have been for about 8 years, but recently I've been looking at LoL with curious eyes. I didnt like it that much when I tried it about a year ago, but some aspects of it seem much better than dota2 at the moment, and it has such a huge following! Might try it again.

Worth a go, whats the worst that could happen? Have a game with the OCUK lot, always a lot of lols doing custom 5v5's :)
5 May 2011
Something i've noticed when playing as Thresh, when using his Q to pull an enemy they can't be pulled through walls. However when you activate it a second time you can be pulled through walls to them.

Can also be used with the lantern acting as a ward allowing thresh to pull himself over walls to jungle mobs helping him to get away. :)
22 May 2007
Worth a go, whats the worst that could happen? Have a game with the OCUK lot, always a lot of lols doing custom 5v5's :)

I think I'm massively put off by the in game purchases. Yes dota has them but they are purely aesthetic items .
11 Oct 2008
Ewaf, I'd guess that a lot of people who play LoL never put any money into it. I put in a bit ages ago because RP was on sale or something.

I've tried DOTA 2, it's got a long way to go if they want to beat LoL at their own game!

Mostly playing Blitzcrank support at the moment, nothing more satisfying than pulling the enemy carry to their doom. :)
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