*** League of Legends ***

22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
I'm going to try him with...

Magic pen boots

Haunting guise. (into torment lategame))
Sheen (into trinity lategame)

Either rylas/ab sceptor or hextech for the last slot might be interesting.

It just seems a waste to ignore that 200% ad bonus + souls harvested damage bonus (unless it's base AD I'll have to check) - anyway, got allot of playing around to do tonight with him.

Either way, you will want allot of magic pen on him.
27 Jan 2007
After hundreds of normal games I finally decided to start playing solo ranked and after going 4-7 strangely enough I seem to be more relaxed in ranked than normals, even, when is often the case, there are disconnects and bad/careless players on the team. Not sure why this is, maybe because my expectations were so low to start with that there's not much that can disappoint me any more in LoL :)

Anyway, fun times, just thought I'd share.
9 Mar 2010
Fabric Nightclub, London.
Right, I have a weird but definitely OP Kha'Zix build, just stomped 4 games in a row.

Machete 5 pots > Spirit Stone > Boots > Merc Treads > Spirit of the Ancient Golem > Homeguard > Bloodthirster > Black Cleaver > Statikk Shiv > IE/GA

Went 23-5 in one game, was mental! Can burst down pretty much everyone with that.

What's the OcUK mumble channel? I have a few friends that I play with, but they aren't on all the time.

I've found my forte, it's jungle, either Vi or Kha'Zix :D
5 Jul 2007
I really wish they would implement a new queue system alongside the existing normal one. At level 30 trying to find a game for fun in normal is impossible. People insta-lock, call lanes straight away and complain when there isnt a jungle, etc. At the lower levels it was a lot more fun. Who cares if there isn't a jungle it's a normal non-ranked game for people to have fun in?!

May start up a new character to bring back the fun in the game instead of people complaiing that ADC needs go go here, etc, etc.

Would prefer a random queue with no chatroom at the start as an option. You and your mates could just choose lanes and it matches people that way straight into the game.
15 Apr 2009
I agree, I wish you could have the matchmaking done on roles and would handle that - rather than this nonsense of number of games played which has no relevance to a players skill level.

You probably realise blind pick tends to be more troll picks and people tend to insta lock, draft more controlled and you have time to decide on the roles. If you are a duo then ranked would be my recommendation as it only links you to other 2's and singles - you don;t end up being matched with either a 3 or a 4 team.

Alternatively come and join us - bring the couple of friends you have and group in with the guys on mumble.
21 Aug 2012
I agree, I wish you could have the matchmaking done on roles and would handle that - rather than this nonsense of number of games played which has no relevance to a players skill level.

You probably realise blind pick tends to be more troll picks and people tend to insta lock, draft more controlled and you have time to decide on the roles. If you are a duo then ranked would be my recommendation as it only links you to other 2's and singles - you don;t end up being matched with either a 3 or a 4 team.

Alternatively come and join us - bring the couple of friends you have and group in with the guys on mumble.

They wouldn't change the matchmaking for roles though as queue time would be way too long as very few like playing support.
23 May 2005
Has anyone experienced a bug where by you win, the enemy team surrendered but then in the match stats it had "defeat".. and the stats I had was that of an enemy. How did that happen?
23 Feb 2008
They wouldn't change the matchmaking for roles though as queue time would be way too long as very few like playing support.

They could have predicted queue times for each role, therefore encouraging more people to play support.

The bigger problem would be that they'd be enforcing the current meta... e.g. How would they decide which characters are played as support? I've played games where evelynn was the 'support' but mostly just roamed and won the lanes for the team. The champions who are classed as support is not a good enough list really... Doesn't include Leona/Zyra etc
24 Jun 2008
Really fallen in love with Lux mid again, now I'm better at the game I find it so easy to dominate all the way through.
No real sustained damage in the way that Ryze has for example but the amount of poke is just surreal and a 20 second ult/700 AP end game Lux is a right beast.

Q and E to poke some health away from the enemy -> Ult to get them low. Team charges -> Ult to finish the runners. <3
12 Oct 2010
Stratford, London
Really fallen in love with Lux mid again, now I'm better at the game I find it so easy to dominate all the way through.
No real sustained damage in the way that Ryze has for example but the amount of poke is just surreal and a 20 second ult/700 AP end game Lux is a right beast.

Q and E to poke some health away from the enemy -> Ult to get them low. Team charges -> Ult to finish the runners. <3

Lux is my fav too, how do you like to build her?
Did you see the Hourglass and DeathfireGrasp changes on PBE on ReignofGamging?
15 Apr 2009
They could have predicted queue times for each role, therefore encouraging more people to play support.

The bigger problem would be that they'd be enforcing the current meta... e.g. How would they decide which characters are played as support? I've played games where evelynn was the 'support' but mostly just roamed and won the lanes for the team. The champions who are classed as support is not a good enough list really... Doesn't include Leona/Zyra etc

I don't think that would be an issue or one that would be fairly trivial to resolve. The issue is riot don't want to lock the game into a particular meta, we all know it works ad/support jungle mid and top but the game doesn't have to be played like that. We played against an ad ahri the other day now that was a shock combined with a taric against a sona and I became the champ to kill :(
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