*** League of Legends ***

Been playing this since the weekend, really enjoying it (although I had my first smack talking gob***** of a kid last night). I'll set myself up on Mumble and whatnot tonight and hopefully have some games with you guys, I'm fairly noobish though! Item choice is the most overwhelming thing at present.

In terms of hero recommendations from you guys, I'd be interested to hear what the first few you unlocked (or in hindsight wish you had unlocked) were. So far I've got Ashe, Master Yi, and Soraka.

This will be my first OcUK community game \o/.
Been playing this since the weekend, really enjoying it (although I had my first smack talking gob***** of a kid last night). I'll set myself up on Mumble and whatnot tonight and hopefully have some games with you guys, I'm fairly noobish though! Item choice is the most overwhelming thing at present.

In terms of hero recommendations from you guys, I'd be interested to hear what the first few you unlocked (or in hindsight wish you had unlocked) were. So far I've got Ashe, Master Yi, and Soraka.

This will be my first OcUK community game \o/.

I started at the weekend to :)
I have the same issues also .lol
I tend to use ash at the moment but may change.Who do people recomend for beginners.I see everyone seems to fight for xin or whatever he is called.

Cheers all
Beem playing HoN lately during their free week and Vlad being so annoying with his get out of jail free card of his puddle ability. The first 5 mins or so laning is a bit more interesting in HoN due to denying, they both suffer from the same problem if one team/hero gets ahead early it's pretty much game over though. So many games are conceded compared to LoL, which you can turn around a game late on if you wipe the enemy team whilst defending your last tower then push quick and win.

Still don't think I'll buy it though, would probably play it more than LoL if it was free (sort of) like LoL though.

Hardly touched SC2 MP since I bought it :(
I only ever played about a dozen games during HoN's beta, was much easier to get into LoL and get passed the initial "feel like a newbie" phase.

The puddle hate mainly comes from seeing him avoid so many heroes' ultimates. I think LoL is more fun to play in general just that maybe there's more to learn in HoN. On the whole though I think they are much more similar than fans of either game would have us believe, they both have the same problems with certain items and item combos and some unbalanced heroes. Although I'm starting to think more and more that normal games in LoL shouldn't be blind pick.
Just started playing again after having a couple of weeks break, not that any noticed I bet lol.

Had a few good games last night and enjoy the new champ :)
The cooldown is short though isn't it? With maxed cd reduction of 40% at lvl 4 about 7/8 seconds? Makes him invulnerable and untargettable, compare that to kayle's ultimate for example.
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Beem playing HoN lately during their free week and Vlad being so annoying with his get out of jail free card of his puddle ability. The first 5 mins or so laning is a bit more interesting in HoN due to denying, they both suffer from the same problem if one team/hero gets ahead early it's pretty much game over though. So many games are conceded compared to LoL, which you can turn around a game late on if you wipe the enemy team whilst defending your last tower then push quick and win.

Still don't think I'll buy it though, would probably play it more than LoL if it was free (sort of) like LoL though.

Hardly touched SC2 MP since I bought it :(

I agree with this. I like HoN for its more demanding early play, and higher rewards and punishments for deaths and kills. However, with HoN you know whos going to win within the first few minutes, and I love the fact a LoL game can be turned at near on any point with some good play.
Been playing this a few days now, really enjoying it. As I've gone up in levels the quality of the games have certainly improved and I've had a string of long games with comeback after comeback. You just don't get the same in HoN and for that reason alone I will be sticking with LoL.

It may be a little less hardcore, but it's nowhere near an easy game to play well.

I'd get truly bored of a game like this if half the games I played never reached a proper conclusion due to people surrendering early when it's clear that one side will win. You'd be starting a new game and farming your way up far too often in that situation.
I have often heard HoN being more 'hardcore' than LoL. Is that just because of the higher death penalties/rewards and denies, or am I missing something?

higher level cap
no runes/talents/ extra 2 spells
lose gold when you die
spells do more dmg then in lol
barracks dont respawn
higher level cap
no runes/talents/ extra 2 spells
lose gold when you die
spells do more dmg then in lol
barracks dont respawn

With the exception of the losing gold, I still don't understand how that makes it more 'hardcore', rather than different? Everyone has access to the runes, talents and summoner spells, meaning that it just gives more space for personalisation/twinking, which in a way would make it seem more 'hardcore'. I'd even say that barracks re-spawning makes it more suited to competitive play due to the possibility of counters etc.
With the exception of the losing gold, I still don't understand how that makes it more 'hardcore', rather than different? Everyone has access to the runes, talents and summoner spells, meaning that it just gives more space for personalisation/twinking, which in a way would make it seem more 'hardcore'. I'd even say that barracks re-spawning makes it more suited to competitive play due to the possibility of counters etc.

try it its free till aug 9th
higher level cap
no runes/talents/ extra 2 spells
lose gold when you die
spells do more dmg then in lol
barracks dont respawn

higher level cap; The level cap essentially controls the flow of the game and spacing of spending ability points. What makes a difference leveling wise is leveling faster than your opponent, not being able to level higher.

lose gold when you die; you already lose gold and exp when you die due to not being in use on the field.

spells do more dmg; ...all relative, and boostable with items. 'Click, die! click, die!' Skillfull...
spells do more dmg; ...all relative, and boostable with items. 'Click, die! click, die!' Skillfull...

Spell damage is fixed, you can't improve it with items (the only exception is staff of the master), a hero that gets a free kill at level 6 will be less effective later in the game. There is an item that provides a few seconds of magic immunity too.

There is more to learn also. You need to be better at last hitting/denying, much more conservative with getting killed, you need to remember to buy portal stones (there is no free recall), portal key, juking, courier, bottle, heal/mana potions get cancelled if you are attacked.
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