*** League of Legends ***

How can people get to 20+ and still not know who to target first in team fights? And then not listen when you tell them as well.This is my main frustration and probably the biggest reason teams lose games in solo normal.

If you get games like that do the pring on the character you want targeted, that generally works well. If they are really bad then ping first then second, then third. Seen one guy do this when the team were targetting different people and it worked really well.
was playing agaisnt a team who was pretty beat but they tried to backdoor I spotted it early but they seemed to think its a fair thing to do , is this a accepted rule/thing in LoL?

In LOL it is acceptable, you have to take down the earlier towers before you can do this but it is viewed as a valid tactic.
New Skins incoming-Should have patch notes tomorrow





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League of Legends and PVP.net will be updated during scheduled maintenance on 8/10.

New Skins in the Store
Enchanted Galio
Hextech Galio
Guerilla Tristana
Grungy Nunu
Bandito Fiddlesticks

You can now preview a larger image of any skin before purchasing by clicking the information circle in the Store

Rune Pages now available for purchase in the Store!

  • Individual Rune Page
  • Bundle of 7 Rune Pages

PVP.net v1.16.12

Summoners who are level 20 and above can now participate in full Arranged Team Ranked Games.
Summoners must be still Level 30 to participate in Solo Ranked Games.


  • Music at the end of Champion Selection will now fade out properly
  • The Store button will now be greyed out when it is offline for maintenance
  • Improved the matchmaking algorithm
  • Changes to free to play champions should now be updated without having to log out and back in
  • When a minimum number of players for a practice game is required, it should now correctly count players on both teams
  • You will no longer receive a notification when someone denies your friend request, or removes you from their friend list

    Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where champion selections would sometimes have no champions to choose from
  • Fixed issues where looking at another player's runebook sometimes showed your runepages
  • Fixed an issue where you sometimes would not get the skin you selected.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not transition from the "Waiting for Stats…" screen to the end of game stats screen
  • Fixed a bug where queue dodging a Normal Game would result in a Leave
  • Fixed a bug where queue dodging a Ranked game would only grant a Loss instead of both a Loss and and Leave
  • Fixed a bug where disabling Champion Selection help tooptips was not working properly
  • Fixed a bug where in rare cases a Summoner would be told that it was not their turn to pick when attempting to lock their selection
  • Fixed a bug where Champion filters applied in the Summoner Profile would persist through into Champion Selection
  • Fixed a bug where purchased Champions would not show up until logging out and back in
  • Fixed a bug where in rare cases a team would receive a rating decrease if they won a game where one of their teammates had left
  • Fixed a client crash

League of Legends v1.0.0.98

Galio – The Sentinel’s Sorrow
  • Resolute Smite: Galio fires a concussive blast from his eyes, slowing and dealing damage to enemies caught near the impact point.
  • Bulwark: Galio shields an ally Champion, increasing their Armor and Magic Resistance, and restoring Galio's health each time that Champion suffers damage.
  • Righteous Gust: Galio claps his wings, unleashing a gust of concussive wind that damages enemies and leaves a directional draft in its wake that increases ally movement speed.
  • Idol of Durand: Galio assumes the form of a statue, taunting nearby enemies and storing concussive energy as they attack him. Galio then bursts from his statue shell, releasing the stored energy to damage surrounding foes.
  • Runic Skin: Galio converts 50% of his total Magic Resistance into Ability Power.

  • Rocket Grab cooldown reduced to 20/19/18/17/16 from 22/21/20/19/18
  • Overdrive cooldown reduced to 20 from 22

  • Fixed a bug with Trueshot Barrage where Ezreal's voice would play at the target location instead of where Ezreal was

  • Decisive Strike now resets Garen's auto attack timer on cast

  • H-28G Evolution Turret
    • Base damage increased to 30/38/46/54/62 from 28/36/44/52/60
    • Turrets no longer get bonus attack damage based how many hits they have landed
    • Ability Power coefficient reduced to 0.2 from 0.25

  • Base movement speed increased to 315 from 310
  • Malefic Visions range increased to 650 from 600
  • Malefic Visions cooldown reduced to 15/13/11/9/7 from 16/14/12/10/8
  • Nether Grasp range increased to 650 from 575

  • Fixed a typo in Siphoning Strike's tooltip that indicated the spell did magic damage when in fact it does physical damage.

  • Fixed a bug with Swipe that would cause it to occasionally not include Ability Power in the damage
  • Takedown is no longer dodgeable and now resets Nidalee's auto attack timer on cast

  • Consume cooldown reduced to 18/16/14/12/10 from 30/26/22/18/14
  • Consume heal reduced to 125/180/235/290/345 from 125/200/275/350/425

  • Undertow slow percent increased to 24/28/32/36/40 from 16/22/28/34/40

  • Overload now has a new passive component: 2/4/6/8/10% cooldown reduction
  • Rune Prison duration increased to 1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4 from 0.8/1.2/1.6/2/2.4
  • Rune Prison now deals damage over 2/3/4/5/6 ticks (evenly split by the duration) instead of every 0.4 seconds
  • Spell Flux Magic Resistance reduction changed to 12/15/18/21/24 from 15/15/15/15/15.
  • Desperate Power cooldown increased to 50 from 40

  • Astral Blessing cooldown increased to 10 at all ranks from 9
  • Heal amount reduced to 80/130/180/230/280 from 80/135/190/245/300
  • Wish cooldown increased to 120/110/100 from 100/90/80

  • Imbue heal reduced to 100/145/190/235/280 from 100/150/200/250/300

  • Fixed a bug with Toxic Shot where it was not applying the poison damage immediately upon hit

  • Crimson Pact (passive) tooltip now displays stat bonuses
  • Sanguine Pool cooldown increased to 26/23/20/17/14 from 25/22/19/16/13
  • Tides of Blood health cost reduced to 30/45/60/75/90 from 40/55/70/85/100
  • Tides of Blood is now blocked by spell shield.

  • Bilgewater Cutlass
    • Stats increased to +35 Attack Damage, +15% Lifesteal from +25 Attack Damage, +12% lifesteal
    • The active component's cast range has been increased to 400 from 300
    • Fixed a bug where the active effect would go through spell shields
    • Fixed a bug where the active effect stacked with Hextech Gunblade's active
  • Hextech Gunblade
    • Stats increased to +60 Attack Damage, +75 Ability Power, +15% Lifesteal, +13% Spell Vamp from +45 Attack Damage, +55 Ability Power, +15% Lifesteal, +12% Spell Vamp
    • Fixed a bug where the active effect stacked with Bilgewater Cutlass' active
  • Wriggle's Lantern
    • Removed Long Sword from the recipe
    • Decreased the combine cost to 75 from 150 gold
    • Decreased the attack damage to 23 from 35
  • Fixed a bug in which Haunting Guise was displaying the wrong stat bonuses.

Summoner's Rift
  • Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor would stop attacking a target immeadiately after the target stopped attacking Baron Nashor
  • Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor was not regenerating health at the proper rate

  • Smart Cast now defaults to Shift and Self Cast now defaults to Alt. These can be changed in the keybinding menu.
  • Death Recap now operates under a priority system in order to show which abilities are contributing most to the kill
  • Fixed several server crashes
  • Fixed a bug where kills or assists were not granting experience if the Champion was too far away from the target
  • Fixed a bug with the Tutorial where disabling the sound would break the progression
  • Fixed a bug where Champions that killed a target would continue playing channeling animations after the target was dead
  • Fixed a bug where the item stack number wouldn't swap properly when items were rearranged in the inventory
  • Fixed a bug where entering a game with sounds disabled would cause all sounds to be disabled for the rest of the game, regardless of if sounds were enabled later on

  • Alien Heimerdinger now has Alien turrets
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Release notes here


Rune Pages now available for purchase in the Store!

* Individual Rune Page
* Bundle of 7 Rune Pages

Summoners who are level 20 and above can now participate in full Arranged Team Ranked Games.
Summoners must be still Level 30 to participate in Solo Ranked Games.

So we can have our premade ranked games again - i'm guessing they saw a huge drop off of premade games when they changed the cap and also they are giving more rune pages but as a chargeable. Fine imho. Hopefully they're sort our masteries as these are more critical imho
Oh, and I meant to ask - so far my favourite hero by far has been Ashe - I really like the combination of range with ambush style tactics with the stun ulti and slowing. Are there any other heroes along these lines that I might enjoy unlocking?
Oh, and I meant to ask - so far my favourite hero by far has been Ashe - I really like the combination of range with ambush style tactics with the stun ulti and slowing. Are there any other heroes along these lines that I might enjoy unlocking?

The thing is, you dont really want to go unlocking all the same sorts of chars because it makes you completely useless when you realise your team is locked in with out, say, a tank.

My first unlock was Ashe, had allot of fun with long range stun arrows and stun arrows into fog, then Sivir who is an excellent, excellent farmer, pusher and early game harasser, then i was fed up of nobody going tank so unlocked Amumu, who is by far and away now my favourite hero when playing a sunfire cape AoE damage build. I laugh myself silly watching him waddle into battle, bursting into tears with 2 sunfire capes and 4k health then waddling beside running enemies. Ah bliss.
Well that rune page thing will certainly rake them in a bit more cash. Now if they could get to work on the mastery system that would be far and away better imo.

Also yay for ranked games again. Although that does mean we are going to have to be slightly more serious when it comes to team composition ;)
Well that rune page thing will certainly rake them in a bit more cash. Now if they could get to work on the mastery system that would be far and away better imo.

Also yay for ranked games again. Although that does mean we are going to have to be slightly more serious when it comes to team composition ;)

I thought they were going to totally rework the mastery system along with some of the effects the runes have (as some of them have no use, such as the extra physical damage runes as they only add about +5damage total)

As for ranked games...:rolleyes:
Well that rune page thing will certainly rake them in a bit more cash. Now if they could get to work on the mastery system that would be far and away better imo.

Also yay for ranked games again. Although that does mean we are going to have to be slightly more serious when it comes to team composition ;)

Yep - good call on there part re runes, they've added a feature that people don't gain an advantage from so buyers discretion :)

re team composition, I think we keep to our original way. Play a normal game, if that goes well then hit ranked. I find some days I am so shocking I should just go to bed after the first game rather than put myself through the inevitable pain that occurs :)
The masteries system doesnt really need any work currently though as you can always redo your masteries to anything during the selection screen, runes you were very limited on though.

Havint spend a while helping a friend get to 30 and is currently 29 we finally get the ability to get him back in the ranked games again. At least it'll be funny having some lower ranked people for a few games as he comes in on ~1200. Still need some normal games to practice rammus....
The masteries system doesnt really need any work currently though as you can always redo your masteries to anything during the selection screen, runes you were very limited on though.

Sounds good but if you wait to see what your team goes for that can give you very little time to choose the masteries which ends up with a frantic clicking to achieve before the time ticks away. In ranked games you have more time but can still hit the same problem.

Would be one of my number one wishes - alongside replays and spectator mode.
Hi All

Re the runes and glyphs etc

Im level 7 now.What runes and glyphs should i get.I can only get the lesser glyphs.Do they make much difference.By the way i currently play as Ashe at the moment.Thanks for any tips.Is there any good guides of what weapons to buy and armor etc from the get go as i often get confused and probably dont make the best choices.

solomid have a number of guides for all the heroes, get some tier 1 runes for now but skip tier 2 and save for 3.
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