*** League of Legends ***

Don't know why i bother with ranked. Just lost 2 of my 3 promotion series because first game, someone dc'd at the start and so the support decided to go rambo (aka feed) 'because the game is lost' rather than wait for him to reconnect. we would easily have won if he hadn't fed. 2nd one our jungle got ****ed that the rest of us invaded at lvl 1 even though he said no (we had blitz, and he is the minority..) and we put pressure on but didn't get a kill, so he just farmed jungle all game while flaming. again, would have been an easy win otherwise as all lanes went even or won but late game we didnt stand a chance with under levelled fiddle.

****ing pointless and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
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I had a really enjoyable game last night against a balanced opposition.

Normal game, I played Gragas mid.
I helped blue and came to mid a level behind the Teemo.
He pushed lane and held me back, from cs, and zoned me out.
I hit level 6 and with our Jungler got a long fought for first blood.
I started to snowball, after that and even managed to steal Baron from otherside with a well placed 'Ultimate.

In game chat was civil and good natured from both teams, and even when we we had early deaths, it was good to see that our CS was higher then opposition, no-one whined. Just picked themselves up, focused and played well.
It all came down to Teamwork, which made the game so satisfying, both sides at end of match left happy.

I wish every game was like that, win or lose.
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I love it when that happens. I have had some truly awesome games where everyone works together perfectly, no rage when people make mistakes and we end up winning even though it might be by the skin of our teeth.

Unfortunately, that's 1 in 50 games.
Finally made it to my goal of Gold 5 after 3 failed attempts at promotion :D I feel like that experience has taken a couple of years off my lifespan though :p
TSM Bjergsen, another high profile switch.

Edward didn't quite work out though, this one should be better.
TSM Bjergsen, another high profile switch.

Edward didn't quite work out though, this one should be better.

The whole of curse was under performing before edward arrived and sadly he couldn't help as much as they wanted. shame cos it was starting to come together towards the end.

Regi hasn't been that great at all during the LCS, the rest of TSM has been pretty good imo, so hopefully with bjergsen in the mid and regi as a coach they'll really kick on and play decent.

Thats if they can take to the S4 changes cos they are pretty big.
Be interesting to see what TSM do without Regi, but he was definitely their weakest player during the LCS and I can see it as an improvement. They need a new aggressive mid lane and I think Bjergsen is possibly the right man for the job.
I think he's got to prove himself as a shot caller however.

The rest of the team is pretty solid, Wildturtle has settled in well with Xpecial and I think his skill as an adc is pretty apparent.

As for S4, I've been reading up and jeez there are some big changes, not too sure yet what I like the look of and what I dont yet, as a support player and a jungler both of my main roles are pretty much being torn apart and changed.

I don't know what direction riot are taking this game to be honest, the idea of watching a pro LCS matchup with things like tower range indicators does not quite sit right, feel a bit like the game is getting a set of training wheels. I still find it a daily time sink however and will continue to unless they really manage to screw something up.
5/2 in promo now, 1 good game, one thrown away

currently in the queue for another, our adc picked sona because she really hurts. When we disagreed they said "open your minds". I think this one is a loss too.

Edit: it didn't go well, mostly due to a mid lissandra who went 1/19, fun times 6 loss 2 win now
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I don't know what direction riot are taking this game to be honest, the idea of watching a pro LCS matchup with things like tower range indicators does not quite sit right, feel a bit like the game is getting a set of training wheels. I still find it a daily time sink however and will continue to unless they really manage to screw something up.

The tower range indicators are on live now, they are only available in custom games right now, maybe vs bots as well and they can be turned off in the menu.
Got my fourth Vayne penta earlier. Wish I recorded it as it was basically a 3v5 because our J4 died almost instantly (lol) and then I had a superfed Singed and my Thresh peeling like absolute bosses for me. Was awesome. Haven't had a penta for a while so am quite happy.
Played against some DG guys the other night btw, it was awfully therapeutic. They were still the NO SWEARINGI remember them being.

what was there names? ill make sure to have a word with them.

If you can find out the names it would be helpfull as there is a lot of other clans with the clan tag DG, im not sure who it could be as a lot of the clan is playing other games now so there is only a few of us who play.
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Started playing a game at midnight last night, thought it would only last about 30mins.
1 hour 15 mins later and we finally won, most intense game ever. they dominated so early and id had enough everyone was flaming each other it was just pretty much the definition of elo hell. literally for 10 mins everyone was saying everything under the sun imaginable.
But for some random reason once we had got all the **** out in the open with each other we pulled together , stuck at it, farmed hard and were able to match them in a team fight and eventually won.

and at the end everyone on both teams were honouring each other for a good game! Who would have thought... lol
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Started playing a game at midnight last night, thought it would only last about 30mins.
1 hour 15 mins later and we finally won, most intense game ever. they dominated so early and id had enough everyone was flaming each other it was just pretty much the definition of elo hell. literally for 10 mins everyone was saying everything under the sun imaginable.
But for some random reason once we had got all the **** out in the open with each other we pulled together , stuck at it, farmed hard and were able to match them in a team fight and eventually won.

and at the end everyone on both teams were honouring each other for a good game! Who would have thought... lol

Surprised at that usually these days it would have been abuse then surrender vote.
it isn't, i've lost and won countless lanes from level 2 advantage caused by creeps. i've also skimped on helping the jungler many times and watched his hp go very low. keep in mind i play ad carry literally every game.

yes, you can get to the lane before the 1st creep dies. that happens maybe 60-70% of the time? but when you have a jungler that has a slow clear and needs your help to stay alive, and will usually react with "no help no ganks bot gg", sometimes you miss the creep.

and yes, it makes a big difference. missing 1 creep = the enemy lane levels up faster than you. period. as soon as they ding level 2, they literally right click on you. that's it. you can't respond because you can't possibly with a fight level 1 vs level 2. it happens all the time. the only time this doesn't happen is it the enemy bot lane are lower level, like gold or something because they either don't understand level 2 advantage or they don't want to risk the lane going aggressive even though it's a guaranteed win if they play it correctly.

the jungler always starts bot lane side, no matter what. the help from bot lane is too valuable. starting blue buff on blue side is a disadvantage. i mean, it's not the end of the world and some people choose to be at a disadvantage by starting blue and it's not terrible, but optimally you'll start red on blue side.

depends on the champions involved.

Sorry H2F Scott I totally disagree with you here. You make it sound like just because you missed a creep due to you helping your jungler its cost you your lane as the enemy has reached level 2 before you. If that happens why not just play cautiously until you've caught up?

You not helping a Jungler at red/or blue as ADC will basically mean that the jungler has to solo the buff on his own meaning hes going to spank his pots before he gets his second buff and will likely mean he cant gank top or a mid due to him being too low health. Not sure what division you are in but I watch a lot of Diamond games. Never once have I seen an ADC refuse or lose a lane just to missing that first creep kill.

As a jungler I too would refuse to gank your lane if you didn't help. If you want to be selfish it can work both ways. besides if you get a gank on top lane and top lane gets the kill hes likely to win that lane due to that gank.

Always help the jungler it works out for you in the long run.
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Sorry H2F Scott I totally disagree with you here. You make it sound like just because you missed a creep due to you helping your jungler its cost you your lane as the enemy has reached level 2 before you. If that happens why not just play cautiously until you've caught up?

You not helping a Jungler at red/or blue as ADC will basically mean that the jungler has to solo the buff on his own meaning hes going to spank his pots before he gets his second buff and will likely mean he cant gank top or a mid due to him being too low health. Not sure what division you are in but I watch a lot of Diamond games. Never once have I seen an ADC refuse or lose a lane just to missing that first creep kill.

As a jungler I too would refuse to gank your lane if you didn't help. If you want to be selfish it can work both ways. besides if you get a gank on top lane and top lane gets the kill hes likely to win that lane due to that gank.

Always help the jungler it works out for you in the long run.

I'm diamond atm. And please understand I wasn't speaking in absolutes. I don't always miss the 1st creep - it depends on how slow the jungler is. I often help him enough and get there in time to get the xp for the 1st creep that dies.

However, I'm not lying when I said I've lost and won lanes due to missing that 1st creep. Level 2 advantage is massive, that's a fact. And again, level 2 abuse doesn't happen every time you miss the 1st creep. But it does happen. I've done it and had it done to me literally hundreds of times. It's a pretty simple process. Oh, we hit level 2 before them? Me and the support just walk at them. That's all you need to do. They can't stay because they can't win a fight level 2 vs level 1. They have to back off. Best case scenario (and what happens most frequently, don't get me wrong) is the level 1 guys hang out just in xp range and hit level 2 then continue laning. Worst cast they get completely zoned and/or take too much damage and can't lane anymore, effectively losing the lane. This happens more than you think.
Any tips on lee sin? Just started as him as I've been playing master yi for the last 2 weeks so needed a change. Any info on items and combos etc?

There's lots ot practise on Lee.

Most importantly if you haven't practised it: ward jumping. Go into a custom game and just ward jump. A lot. Over walls, etc. Get used to the muscle memory of ward -> W as fast as you can.
Q - R - Q
Q - Q - ward behind - W to ward - R them backwards

Remember his passive - use a spell, auto attack twice then use another one. It works for the 2nd proc of the spell too. i.e press W, auto twice, press w again, auto twice, etc.
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