I'm diamond atm. And please understand I wasn't speaking in absolutes. I don't always miss the 1st creep - it depends on how slow the jungler is. I often help him enough and get there in time to get the xp for the 1st creep that dies.
However, I'm not lying when I said I've lost and won lanes due to missing that 1st creep. Level 2 advantage is massive, that's a fact. And again, level 2 abuse doesn't happen every time you miss the 1st creep. But it does happen. I've done it and had it done to me literally hundreds of times. It's a pretty simple process. Oh, we hit level 2 before them? Me and the support just walk at them. That's all you need to do. They can't stay because they can't win a fight level 2 vs level 1. They have to back off. Best case scenario (and what happens most frequently, don't get me wrong) is the level 1 guys hang out just in xp range and hit level 2 then continue laning. Worst cast they get completely zoned and/or take too much damage and can't lane anymore, effectively losing the lane. This happens more than you think.
I see where you are coming from. And I understand the importance of it. However not helping the jungler really puts him back resulting in him not being able to gank a lane and forcing him back to base to get full health resulting in wasting time and allowing the enemy jungler to gain an advantage if not an assist on a gank.
I guess its a what came first chicken or the egg situation.
me personally I prefer that the ADC help along with the support whilst Mid and top guard Blue jungle entrances.
Interesting read though from an ADC perspective. Will share with my team mates when I get home and see what they think. Never really thought at the ADC missing one minion was that much of a big deal.
Thanks for the explanation, learning something every day in LoL