*** League of Legends ***

I'm diamond atm. And please understand I wasn't speaking in absolutes. I don't always miss the 1st creep - it depends on how slow the jungler is. I often help him enough and get there in time to get the xp for the 1st creep that dies.

However, I'm not lying when I said I've lost and won lanes due to missing that 1st creep. Level 2 advantage is massive, that's a fact. And again, level 2 abuse doesn't happen every time you miss the 1st creep. But it does happen. I've done it and had it done to me literally hundreds of times. It's a pretty simple process. Oh, we hit level 2 before them? Me and the support just walk at them. That's all you need to do. They can't stay because they can't win a fight level 2 vs level 1. They have to back off. Best case scenario (and what happens most frequently, don't get me wrong) is the level 1 guys hang out just in xp range and hit level 2 then continue laning. Worst cast they get completely zoned and/or take too much damage and can't lane anymore, effectively losing the lane. This happens more than you think.

I see where you are coming from. And I understand the importance of it. However not helping the jungler really puts him back resulting in him not being able to gank a lane and forcing him back to base to get full health resulting in wasting time and allowing the enemy jungler to gain an advantage if not an assist on a gank.

I guess its a what came first chicken or the egg situation.

me personally I prefer that the ADC help along with the support whilst Mid and top guard Blue jungle entrances.

Interesting read though from an ADC perspective. Will share with my team mates when I get home and see what they think. Never really thought at the ADC missing one minion was that much of a big deal.

Thanks for the explanation, learning something every day in LoL
I'm not saying the AD shouldn't help the jungler. I think the timing of the buffs should be adjusted so the AD can help and not miss a creep. If the buff spawned 2 seconds earlier this wouldn't be a problem.
I'm not saying the AD shouldn't help the jungler. I think the timing of the buffs should be adjusted so the AD can help and not miss a creep. If the buff spawned 2 seconds earlier this wouldn't be a problem.

Agree, however not certain how this changes in Season 4 wit the changes on the PBE. Thought I read somewhere that there will be no benefit if the adc/bot lane helps a jungler as getting back to the lane will cost him too many creeps.
I'm not saying the AD shouldn't help the jungler. I think the timing of the buffs should be adjusted so the AD can help and not miss a creep. If the buff spawned 2 seconds earlier this wouldn't be a problem.

The first 2 minutes of the game are full of choices that can make or break a game. Jungle invades, starting camps and asking for leashes are all very important and can tip a game, or at the very least the early game.
Top and mid can have the same issue if they help blue jungler start blue (purple jungler start red), mid even more so if the jungler needs a heavy leash, I've seen mids get to lane to be half a level behind.

The choices made as a team can put individuals at disadvantages, but hopefully the advantages given to other team members will tip the balance.
I'd not like to take those options out of the game or you will get a generic botom lane camp start in every game, blue team would be inclined to pick a energy/rage jungler and purple a mana dependent jungler.
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Made gold 2 today. Was hoping to get to platinum by the season end but looks like that hope is fading fast. Still, gold was my original goal so I'm happy regardless :)

Definitely looking forward to the season 4 changes though! Should spice things up a lot.
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The first 2 minutes of the game are full of choices that can make or break a game. Jungle invades, starting camps and asking for leashes are all very important and can tip a game, or at the very least the early game.
Top and mid can have the same issue if they help blue jungler start blue (purple jungler start red), mid even more so if the jungler needs a heavy leash, I've seen mids get to lane to be half a level behind.

The choices made as a team can put individuals at disadvantages, but hopefully the advantages given to other team members will tip the balance.
I'd not like to take those options out of the game or you will get a generic botom lane camp start in every game, blue team would be inclined to pick a energy/rage jungler and purple a mana dependent jungler.

yes and no

Team is the issue here in the LCS the team advantage is the goal in the world of SoloQ the lane disadvantage combined with assumption of failure = nothing but flame for most people.

Simply put in bronze and silver it is your fault you lose your lane no matter what. they need to do things to encourage team work or not punish people whose hands are forced into team work by just the misfortune of which side they fall on the map
Gave up on Gold last night. Leaving the account at S2 and just playing normals and ARAM's until next week.

Too many toxic players and trolls who are there from G5 purely to just mess around.
i feel your pain i too have given up I still feel i have come along way from season 2 at 800 elo :o

going to make the early dive for gold again next time rather than wait so long.
Thats the plan :). There is just no point at the moment. A friend of mine in Plat 1 has struggled for weeks with people for Diamond 5 messing around in games. He has struggled to get more than 2 wins before losing streaks.

Going to do promo's on another account this week. Hopefully can get another one to Silver as a mini-objective.
I've come to terms with the fact im not going to hit platinum, but i must say im extrmelly proud of myself from going from bronze 4 halfway through the season to gold 1, next season going to start early and get as far as i can.

Btw, xin mid or top is op.
Simply put in bronze and silver it is your fault you lose your lane no matter what.


A lot of new people to ranked who play in Bronze and Silver should read and remember this and not look to blame your jungler.

You lost the lane due to your lack of skills rather than not getting a gank.

As a jungler, If Bot lane has given away two early kills to the enemy ADC, I'll likely not bother going to gank that lane. Chances are that the enemy ADC will now be ahead in Gold and items and going down for a gank in early levels potentially means dying very quickly to a fed ADC with a B.F. Sword.
Last night was disgusting for playing, played 5 ranked games lost all of them. 3 of them we had a silver 1 player on our team who I swear to god all of them were just trolling and feeding.

In one game we had our riven vs rene she just constantly bought pots fed 5 kills and then buys 2 doran blades and swords - no armour and then feeds another 10 (yes 10) kills to him before 13 minutes......massive gg.

what a joke this game is becoming.

Interested to see what blizz announce regarding their Moba at blizzcon

Not really.....
Can someone explain what happens at the end of the season and when it is.

Do the leauges get reset and so you need to qualify again from scratch or is it based on your position at the end of season 3?

Also, is there any good material to read up on the proposed changes for season 4. I've read roughly about changes to supports and the jungle camps but want to read in more detail.

Last night was disgusting for playing, played 5 ranked games lost all of them. 3 of them we had a silver 1 player on our team who I swear to god all of them were just trolling and feeding.

In one game we had our riven vs rene she just constantly bought pots fed 5 kills and then buys 2 doran blades and swords - no armour and then feeds another 10 (yes 10) kills to him before 13 minutes......massive gg.

what a joke this game is becoming.

Not really.....

Had a pretty decent run last night, played 7 won 5 lost 2.
Can someone explain what happens at the end of the season and when it is.

Do the leauges get reset and so you need to qualify again from scratch or is it based on your position at the end of season 3?

Also, is there any good material to read up on the proposed changes for season 4. I've read roughly about changes to supports and the jungle camps but want to read in more detail.


Not much about the pre-season yet except what riot have released. PBE is a test environment so you can't take it all for granted

in regards to season end

yes next season you have your placement matches. but they will take into consideration your hidden mmr for example if you were 1350-1450 elo in silver 1 and you won all your placement games you are likely to find yourself in gold or at the very least silver 1

If you were bronze 4 you will probably find yourself in bronze 1

If you lose them all you will find yourself a bit lower than you finished

the people in for the biggest shock and who will cry the most are the idiots in silver 5 and gold 5 who will find out there real hidden mmr was way below their league and when they don't win all there games they will end up in the league below which will no doubt be a relief for many people.
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