*** League of Legends ***

Currently diamond 4 and going for diamond 1 next season. Shouldn't be too hard if I get Vayne every game. :p

Practising Jinx a lot in normals as well so hopefully I can get her to a similar level to my Vayne so I have other things to rank up with.

Out of curiosity, how easy is it to get the role you want? In blind pick its hit n miss because usually people call fast but draft/ranked is all about the pick order, so surely more often than not you wouldn't get ADC as its a popular role?
Out of curiosity, how easy is it to get the role you want? In blind pick its hit n miss because usually people call fast but draft/ranked is all about the pick order, so surely more often than not you wouldn't get ADC as its a popular role?

I get it 90% of the time. AD is the 2nd least popular role next to support. Although that's been changing recently and there's more ADs popping up since it's the easiest role to win with in ranked.

If you're actually nice about it there's a higher chance of getting it if you call for a role.
Out of curiosity, how easy is it to get the role you want?

In ranked its usually pretty easy but it depends on the role and your champ select position, if you demand mid every game you can't expect to get it if you are last pick for instance. This is the problem with people who can't play a few roles well, or fixate on the more popular roles (Mid/Top) and ignore the others. General rule of thumb is being able to play 3-4 roles at your level including support.

I generally main jungle and get it the majority of the time I ask for it but am usually happy to do anything but ADC because I find it incredibly boring.
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I'm on a 30 min cooldown due to trying to start 2 games with people who can't make decisions in the champ select.

1st game, 2 junglers both locked in, both "I jungle or I troll" so I leave.

2nd game I am last pick, ask for jungle, no one says otherwise, 4th pick decides he wants jungle so I am mid or top depending on where first pick teemo wants to go. He won't respond to me asking am I mid or top? Nearly running out of time, 2 secs remaining 4th picks says I'll mid you have jungle and then time runs out. I'm not going to chose a champ without knowing where to go so what else am I meant to do?
Its try hard night tonight. Everyone trying to get as high as possible before the soft reset... Im happy where I am could be higher but meh I reached Silver from Bronze 5 , so next season I just need to figure out what I need to do to get to Gold.
I'm on a 30 min cooldown due to trying to start 2 games with people who can't make decisions in the champ select.

1st game, 2 junglers both locked in, both "I jungle or I troll" so I leave.

2nd game I am last pick, ask for jungle, no one says otherwise, 4th pick decides he wants jungle so I am mid or top depending on where first pick teemo wants to go. He won't respond to me asking am I mid or top? Nearly running out of time, 2 secs remaining 4th picks says I'll mid you have jungle and then time runs out. I'm not going to chose a champ without knowing where to go so what else am I meant to do?

Pick riven, go mid, profit :p
sigh, last pick adc. I ask leona to help vs a twitch and a wave of minions. She says "I'm not a baby sitter"..... as a support you kind of are a baby sitter. She wouldn't listen and just hid in the bushes all game.

How do people not understand this?

EDIT to add, they were second pick as support
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So I haven't been trying hard and not played many ranked games this season, but I got Bronze III lol. I wanna try and get into Silver next season. I can't seem to find any proper answers about this, but when can I start with Season 4? Is it worth playing ranked games at the moment?
So I haven't been trying hard and not played many ranked games this season, but I got Bronze III lol. I wanna try and get into Silver next season. I can't seem to find any proper answers about this, but when can I start with Season 4? Is it worth playing ranked games at the moment?

Incoming copy/pasta -

Preseason Ranked FAQ
S3 has concluded and we are now transitioning into preseason!

Here's Magus with more info:

"With Season 3 competitive play officially a wrap, you might be wondering why your ranked stats haven’t been reset. We'll be rolling out a soft ranked reset at the start of the 2014 season andnot the beginning of the preseason. With so much change being introduced in the preseason, we wanted to provide a competitive environment for players to adjust. While ranked games won’t have a huge impact on ranked placement during the 2014 season, they’ll still affect your skill level and where you begin ranked placement from, so keep playing hard! The League system itself will go through some changes over the course of the preseason as well, expect to hear more on that front sooner rather than later.
Read the FAQ for more on ranked play during the preseason!"
Here's the FAQ:

"If I get to a new tier during preseason, do I get the end of season rewards?"
Sorry! The deadline for the end of season rewards was 11/11/2013. The preseason is for competitive practice while getting a small head start on the 2014 season. Good luck next year!

Why play ranked at all in the preseason?
Let's be clear: these games still matter. The reset at the beginning of next season isn't a hard reset. You'll be reset to a position relative to your current skill so that the first few weeks of ranked play isn't Diamond players crushing less-skilled players. Since your skill and standing will still be on the move during preseason, these games will have an impact on where you start for your placement matches next season.

Why don't you just reset at the start of preseason?
We're introducing quite a bit of change this preseason, both in terms of gameplay and the League system. Data on these changes could be skewed by a similarly timed reset. Plus it gives you a chance to adjust to the changes in a competitive climate without having a massive impact on your ranked placement next year.

How about a double reset at preseason and season start?
There actually isn't a clear advantage to shocking the system twice in such a short time frame. We think it's better to create a clear adjustment period for both players and the design team. That way, we kick off next season with players on equal footing in terms of opportunities to practice.

What happens if I don't play ranked at all during the preseason? Will I decay and end up seeding lower at the start of the 2014 season?
No! If you choose to avoid ranked during this time (remember, everyone else is adapting to the changes alongside you), we get that. To accommodate, inactivity decay for ranked will be turned off shortly after the start of the preseason. The only caveat is that we'll be keeping inactivity decay on for Challenger tier."
So, unless I've misunderstood, it's still worth playing ranked games now because it will affect my preseason when that starts? Like say I keep winning at the moment, does that mean during preseason, I'll have more difficult opponents to play against?
So, unless I've misunderstood, it's still worth playing ranked games now because it will affect my preseason when that starts? Like say I keep winning at the moment, does that mean during preseason, I'll have more difficult opponents to play against?

Basically yes.

Say you finished the season in Silver 3, but during the pre-season you start getting better and are start getting matched up against gold ranked players. When the season starts you will play your placement matches against those players and start the season around that level if you continue to keep up the win/loss ratio.
Remember though if you continue to play bad during the off season it will lower your MMR and chances of placing higher in S4.

E.g. If I was silver 1 and played badly in my off season. But won all my placement games after the reset, I may not get any higher than silver 5 or 4

I think that's how it works anyway :/
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