*** League of Legends ***

How does the placement game matchmaking work? Just got stomped in 2 placements and most the enemy team were diamond++ in s3 .. whilst i managed the highs of silver 1, woo.
There's a very obvious counter play to Renek though, get help to shut him down early and even if he farms like mad his late game threat is nothing compared to a long list of other champs.

Riven on the other hand :p

AD kennen completely destroys riven and renekton.
How does the placement game matchmaking work? Just got stomped in 2 placements and most the enemy team were diamond++ in s3 .. whilst i managed the highs of silver 1, woo.

its based on the secret MMR. You obviously had high enough MMR for it to put you in a game with diamond to see how you would fair.

Had you won, your MMR would have gone up a lot and your next game would also have been against the same bracket of people.
It's always a bad idea to play your placements the day the ladder resets. The chances of matching against people of much higher skill than you is higher because fewer people have played their placements. If you wait a few weeks for everyone to get placed, you're more likely match people who are actually at your reset MMR.
I risked starting my placement matches, 2-0 so far. 13 kills 3 deaths 28 assists Jungle Vi. Got some work to be getting on with today so might play until I lose. Went 8-2 last year and would love something similar.

Should put me about Bronze 3 :P
its based on the secret MMR. You obviously had high enough MMR for it to put you in a game with diamond to see how you would fair.

Had you won, your MMR would have gone up a lot and your next game would also have been against the same bracket of people.

I'm leaning more towards them trolling their MMR away in s4 preseason - mine wasn't that high lol
4-2 with 3-0 on Elise. Aiming for 7-3. 1st loss was easily winnable and was probably my fault, panicked and smite too early on Baron and Taric's shatter stole it lol. Second loss was completely unwinnable, 1-20 on kills at 20 mins and had to lane with a silver Cait which was incredibly painful (no offense).
The system is chaos at the minute, specced my plat mate in one of his placements and diamonproxx was on the enemy team.

I'm holding off until February to do my placements!
its does seem pretty sot go on reddit and see, a lot of people moaning on there with people being put on really odd places but hey nevermind.

so far me and my freind have duo'd bot lane for our 3 games we are currently 1-2 which sucks

Sometimes you can't help your team when they run around alond trying to 1 v 5

Went 7-3 and got demoted :p Will try to push for plat this season, well that's the plan anyway!

Good luck all in your placements :D
Anyone been watching LCS?
TSM's new mid lane is a bit special - he's made all his opponents look like silver solo Q players with his LeBlanc play - expect to see it perma banned soon.
Yeah I've been watching a bit - Bjergson is a beast!

Who is everyone rooting for? :P.

Rooting for TSM in the NA LCS (because Turtle is such a character) although my head says C9 will win again.

Dont really watch the EU LCS, but knowing the back story to Alliance it was hilarious to see them get stomped so hard in Superweek.

Expect SKTT1 to win OGN again too - the Best of 3/5 format pretty much seals it - they regularly have a bad game which in a format like the LCS might spell trouble, but they rarely have a bad couple of games.
Alliance EU and EG NA. Invested too much emotionally in the group of players in the past to not carry on following them.

Slight soft spot for Roccat though as they look to have interesting games!
Whilst Bjergsen is an absolute beast in NA he wasn't that great in EU, the amount amazing mid laners in EU is ridiculous.

I'm rooting for Gambit in eu, supported them as a team for over two years now, don't care so much for NA lcs but if i had to pick i'd like TSM to win.
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