*** League of Legends ***

Fnatic are looking very strong. The plays they were making in there first few games were utterly dominating.

Gambit are more likely to play interesting games though, I also loved the reaction from Gambit when Warwick got banned. Followed by Darien giving a workshop on how to be the most irritating toplane Shyvana possible. It really showed a complete mastery of the champion, being in the enemy teams jungle almost as much as the lane, stealing camps and buffs, pressuring the midlaner, keeping Mundo down the entire game. It was such a contrast to Wickd on Shyvana the next game who instead took camps from his own jungle and generally kept to himself and didn't really pressure out Mundo.

Roccat seem to be making a strong showing in that regard too. Pulling out a Pantheon Malphite combo and crushing with style was great to see. Curse were really interesting to watch with the most aggressive Pantheon ever combined with the most fed Akali ever.
MMR wise im gold 1 atm, in all honesty if i end up in silver i won't really care, atleast i'll have more of a challenge getting to platinum.
i'm screwed lol,

thrown 3 games in a row yesterday back to bronze i go xD

naturally had a bad one myself too no ones perfect but playing with a support who spent more time flaming than supporting meant it was never going to end well.

Not sure but it feels like the community has actually gotten worse in ranked. I preferred sucking in season 1 to the **** you get now.

Off the bat complaints about bans when 3 bans isn't enough to cover the massive imbalance in the game atm. You can't ban everyone and if you don't ban someone your team declares it a loss immediately Sigh.

going to go back to supporting I think as I just can't pressure all lanes from jungle and i'm fed up with the flame when you can only help one retard at a time.

Vent over.

TLDR I'm not playing ranked till the idiots have found a place in life.
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yeah that's what i'm worried about i'm in silver 2 with more wins than losses but after this stint and how bad everyone else seems to have faired i'm expecting bronze
i'm screwed lol,

thrown 3 games in a row yesterday back to bronze i go xD

naturally had a bad one myself too no ones perfect but playing with a support who spent more time flaming than supporting meant it was never going to end well.

Not sure but it feels like the community has actually gotten worse in ranked. I preferred sucking in season 1 to the **** you get now.

Off the bat complaints about bans when 3 bans isn't enough to cover the massive imbalance in the game atm. You can't ban everyone and if you don't ban someone your team declares it a loss immediately Sigh.

going to go back to supporting I think as I just can't pressure all lanes from jungle and i'm fed up with the flame when you can only help one retard at a time.

Vent over.

TLDR I'm not playing ranked till the idiots have found a place in life.

Games in pre-season 4 were quite joyful in general, lots of happy people and no fighting over what roles to play (thanks to the gold and ward changes).
Seems to be back to its worst now the season proper has started though.
Been trying to get into the mood to do my placement matches so decided to do a few practice games. Played 3 and won 3 so went pretty well, first time playing in about 3 months so was a bit nervous as I haven't really kept up to date with all the patch changes.

Will probably try out a few more champs tonight to see how they feel still and then dive into placements. Finished Plat 4 last season so will no doubt end up placed in Bronze or something dafter judging by the reddit posts recently.
Games in pre-season 4 were quite joyful in general, lots of happy people and no fighting over what roles to play (thanks to the gold and ward changes).
Seems to be back to its worst now the season proper has started though.

Yes it's the stress the placements put on people that create the negative vibe same with promos.

People aren't chilled enough.

I don't mind losing but when i work my ass off to carry the team I like to win sometimes not see us make bad decision after bad decision game after game.

but it's ok I'll take it on the chin just think I'm going to play normals till the summer split get back into the new meta and approach ranked when the frantic noobs are settled into a rhythm of failure and complacency.
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I dunno, When I (or someone else) carries the team -hard- to victory I dont get much enjoyment from the game :/ same with if we get steamrolled.

Win or lose, its the really close ones (with no flaming, hopefully) that I enjoy the most. They only seem to happen once in 100's of games though.

Regarding the current meta - Mid was always my worst lane by a mile but im dominating with Morgana at the moment because she's so effective against all the current popular mid champions.
Yasuo can't knock you up with Spellshield on, likewise if he does and manages to get an ult off you just stand still at his feet and Q-R-W-Hourglass (he cant windwall your Q if you cast from the point blank range you land at following his ult :D) and finish up after.

Ziggs? Spellshield > his poke (w/ chalice and / or blue to solve mana) and you can push just as hard as he can tbh - maybe a bit worse but just tank the lane out of turret range and wipe it out in a single W cast.

Riven cant kill you at low levels (when its easiest for her to do so) if shes stuck under her turret.
etc. Fun times.
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yes I'm not sayign I carry hard but When I feel overall I've given my all and complimented my team as best as i can, only to have it trashed by a run of dumb decisions (often involving baron) LOL

Like A top laner going to farm just as a fight breaks out or a decision to facecheck a brush alone. You know the stuff that you can't as a jungler prevent. You farm up nicely to only end up having to use your ulti to sacrifice yourself over and over.

the last one I'm most bitter about because we climbed back into that game so well i went 6 - 5 - 17 and then like our irrelia went full retard,

Anyway like i said chin up going to let teh dust settle I got out of bronze before I'll do it again. who knows I might get a run of good fortune and not end up there. :)
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If anyone is finding solo que incredibly stressful and what not, form a team, trust me, this is were the fun in LoL is, sure being high in solo que is good for bragging rights but its nowere near as good as ranked 5s, the stuff you learn there is invaluable, team work is OP, before the reset i was gold 1, sure i would like platinum to be like " hey im in the top 5% of EUW " but i'd much rather have earned a platinum team. In solo que someone makes a mistake you are okay with it the first time, if its repeated it becomes annoying, you can't influence their gameplay whatsover by telling them they are doing something wrong, where as in a team with people you have built a friendship with you can give eachother constructive critism to help them improve, same goes for yourself, you may think you did nothing wrong and blame it on someone in solo que but it could be you are the one causing the issue, this isn't aimed at anyone, just wanted to give some advice on how to improve your LoL gameplay and get more enjoyment out of it :)
at the moment i'm 3-3 in my promos


hopefully gonna get the last 4 done tonight i think.

Made me laugh my freinds duo'd and won 8-2 but still only got bronze 3, they dnt understand its not about the wins its about mmr, was so funny hearing there voices drop when the rank popped up lol
Won 7 lost 3 ended up in silver V - was silver II last season so not all that bad hut was hoping for higher

Made me laugh my freinds duo'd and won 8-2 but still only got bronze 3, they dnt understand its not about the wins its about mmr, was so funny hearing there voices drop when the rank popped up lol

Placements are broken. My friend who went 7-3 and dropped from plat 3 to silver? another went 7-3 and went silver 3 to gold 5. #makesnosense
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