*** League of Legends ***

Ahh i can't believe how bad some people are.

Now i know i'm not the best by far but seriously some people just dnt grasp anything at all.

Think i might start playing jungle again just so i can have more of an effect on a games and lanes cos right now i can't stop people feeding or doing dumb stuff.

I'm now Bronze 5 if anybody wants to duo a few games then let me know lol
It's just a cycle, used in competitive a lot? Okay nerf, oh look galio is strong lets use him in competitive, gets used a lot, better nerf him and buff previous champ we just nerfed, oh look zilean is strong, nerf, buff other champ, rinse and repeat.
Think I'm going back to normals again. Ranked is just full of the same idiots I hated in Season 3.
Every game its just flame ,flame, flame. Teamwork be damned, objectives? why? it gets in the way of my KDA boosting!
The community is worse then FIFA, its shocking and will never change.
wtb pre-season back :( much less flamers then.

I know I can ignore them, but finding the little ignore button is getting tedious when its 2-4 people every single game heh
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Think I'm going back to normals again. Ranked is just full of the same idiots I hated in Season 3.
Every game its just flame ,flame, flame. Teamwork be damned, objectives? why? it gets in the way of my KDA boosting!
The community is worse then FIFA, its shocking and will never change.
wtb pre-season back :( much less flamers then.

I know I can ignore them, but finding the little ignore button is getting tedious when its 2-4 people every single game heh

The game is always going to be full of idiots.

Its just part of the game you have to accept and get on with especially if you are wanting to play ranked games.

I have friends too that can't deal with it. They get so angry at some of the plays that others make or the flamming.

I just ignore it, yeah it winds me up too sometimes I just mute and get on and focus on my own game. Even if the team loses, as long as I haven't fed then I've had a good game and I'm happy with that. The key to success in LoL is keeping chilled and enjoying the game.
I enjoy normals with irl friends a lot more than ranked tbh. Probably because there's less stress, and the majority of the player we play against are terrible. Still going to get Diamond this season though.

did some Duoq with my friend last night,

Enjoying Udyr that is all I can say :)

Sitting at 3 wins 5 losses but still expecting my MMR to be silver as my games have contained mainly silvers

but we shall see If I can win these final 2 games Everything should be OK :)

As for the LCS still lovign the NA more as a spectator game Just watching CRS Vs XDG :)
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I went 5-5 and placed Silver 3, which is where I was end of last season. I only played like 50 ranked games last season and half of that was getting back to mid-Silver from having decayed to Bronze 1. I did notice, and am unsure if it's a new feature or I'm just blind, but it says I'll get promoted to Silver 1 (skipping Silver 2) if I win my placements after reaching 100 LP, so I guess my MMR was high enough to at least remain where I was despite going even during my placements. My mate who I was duo'd all 10 games with got placed Gold 4 from being Gold 5 last season.
It was a feature last season aswell mate, i had a friend who skipped from silver 5 to 3 to 1 same in gold and plat, it happened all the way to diamond 3!
The Season 3, and normal match making (premades) is soo **** bad, I only login to play 1 botgame for the ipbonus amd then close it.

Don't even care about slipping in the elo rankings anymore, its gone to crap.. and so many just do premade to try win its pathetic.

Solo Q should be for solo q, Riot to ***** lazy to put in some better auto match settings like only being matched with other solo q players both in ranked and normals.
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