*** League of Legends ***

lol bronze 1 into first game of bronze and an argument about who plays where breaks out....


when this happens i just say i'll play anywhere but dnt blame me if i suck lol

I'm gonna start to try and jungle more now so i can influence the game a bit more cos if i go in lane normally my lane does okay but the others fail lol

If i get to promos and win them in Bronze V, i'll jump to Bronze III, wahey lol
Finally plucked up the resolve to do my placements and went 6-4, not the best start but got placed in Gold 1 so just need to get through there and back to plat. After that I'll probably just play the minimum amount of ranked games I need to so it doesn't decay me down.
so far its 1-4 for me in the promos :(

Not to fussed though as I haven't played much over the past 6months and had fun the last time learning to carry out of bronze to silver 2(which is the only way unless you are lucky with teams)

Must admit though the game community seems worst than ever, so many people are actually mentally unstable on LOL!! I just cant resist saying "its only a game" when they rage, it really sets them off.
In the end i went 3wins-7 losses and got placed in silver V! Thought for sure I was in bronze again. Every single game i played after the first 5 there was a leave within 5mins in either my team or the other team which sucks never got a full game.
Man I'm so happy with my placement matches :)

Went 9-1 and have ended up in Silver 1.

Last season I ended in Silver 3.

Most of the games I was Udyr Jungle and I played 2-3 games as support as Leona and Thresh.

Pretty chuffed tbh.
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It really is weird how the system judges were you should be placed, for example:

I was gold 1 at the end of the season, my mate was gold 4.

I went 5W/5L in placements, he went 4W/6L.

I got placed in silver 2, he got placed in silver 3.

Im genuinely happy that i got placed in silver, its something to work toward again after been stuck between 20 - 40 points in gold 1, should be relatively easy to get back there though, getting 27-30 points per win, not sure on how much i lose yet.
So far I'm at 5W/1L in placements so heres hoping. Taking its time as I don't have a great deal of spare time these days.
I went 4-6 in palcements, mainly due to the server issues. Went from S4, to B4 :/

now having to find the motivation to grind out bronze. hard going.
It really is weird how the system judges were you should be placed, for example:

I was gold 1 at the end of the season, my mate was gold 4.

I went 5W/5L in placements, he went 4W/6L.

I got placed in silver 2, he got placed in silver 3.

Im genuinely happy that i got placed in silver, its something to work toward again after been stuck between 20 - 40 points in gold 1, should be relatively easy to get back there though, getting 27-30 points per win, not sure on how much i lose yet.

Ended S3 in Gold 5. Went 7-3 in my placements and got put in Gold 4 but then skipped straight to Gold 2 when I got promoted. Only thing I can think of that affected it is that I didn't play ranked in the pre-season so my MMR was still OK. Riot seem to believe the odd placement results are because people tanked their MMR pre-season.
Ended S3 in Gold 5. Went 7-3 in my placements and got put in Gold 4 but then skipped straight to Gold 2 when I got promoted. Only thing I can think of that affected it is that I didn't play ranked in the pre-season so my MMR was still OK. Riot seem to believe the odd placement results are because people tanked their MMR pre-season.

Ahh nice, I'm unsure of how many rankeds i played in the pre season so can't give my view on it.

I'm pretty certain ill skip divisions once i get into gold again because my MMR is a lot higher.

Gonna do some rankeds tonight, only need a couple wins and im up for promotion.
It really is weird how the system judges were you should be placed, for example:

I was gold 1 at the end of the season, my mate was gold 4.

I went 5W/5L in placements, he went 4W/6L.

I got placed in silver 2, he got placed in silver 3.

Im genuinely happy that i got placed in silver, its something to work toward again after been stuck between 20 - 40 points in gold 1, should be relatively easy to get back there though, getting 27-30 points per win, not sure on how much i lose yet.

Whats wierd is that you can play VS anyone. there are plats in bronze sure they will climb in 30 matches back to gold 1 but why make them. Most of my losses were to silver players so i got punished quite badly for them. I don't mind just gonna take a little bit longer to make it to gold this time xD
Whats wierd is that you can play VS anyone. there are plats in bronze sure they will climb in 30 matches back to gold 1 but why make them. Most of my losses were to silver players so i got punished quite badly for them. I don't mind just gonna take a little bit longer to make it to gold this time xD

Anyone can do it mate, just focus on improving yourself. I went from Bronze 4to gold 1, it just takes time, as soon as i hit 30 i dived into ranked thinking i was a boss, boy was a i wrong, focus on improving your cs, map awareness and general things like not walking into a bush that likely has an ambush waiting, gain vision of the enemy jungler by warding the camps, that way you can determine where he is going and where he will go next, heck you can even go kill him if he's low, eventually you'll see results :)

1 win from promos!
It says on the leagues page that if I win promos I'll go from plat 5-3, will be delighted if i do

Where does it say that? Never noticed before :o
Anyone can do it mate, just focus on improving yourself. I went from Bronze 4to gold 1, it just takes time, as soon as i hit 30 i dived into ranked thinking i was a boss, boy was a i wrong, focus on improving your cs, map awareness and general things like not walking into a bush that likely has an ambush waiting, gain vision of the enemy jungler by warding the camps, that way you can determine where he is going and where he will go next, heck you can even go kill him if he's low, eventually you'll see results :)

Where does it say that? Never noticed before :o

Go on the leagues tab and look on the right.
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