*** League of Legends ***

Had a horrible time, went 3-7 and ended up in Bronze 2 from Silver 2 Season 3. Couple of poor games and down to Bronze 3. Currently in my promos for Silver now though.

Hoping to finish in Gold this season.
Was quite disappointed in my promos. Went from 6/1 to 6/4.

More than once, every person in the game was silver last season except me os was hoping I might have been put up there but with the bad form at the end I’m placed where I was before into Bz1.

I’m destined never to hit silver.

Think this season though I’m going to make sure I find some duo partners and see how that works out.
So I'm finally considering starting to get into ranked. Took a recent break from lol (path of exile, how you taunt me with your ways, great fun )

My main go to champs:
Miss fortune

I think these are varied and broad enough in roles to cover most eventualties.
I tended to jungle with Graham's or pantheon in s3.

Should I look at another champ or is this enough to start off with?
So I'm finally considering starting to get into ranked. Took a recent break from lol (path of exile, how you taunt me with your ways, great fun )

My main go to champs:
Miss fortune

I think these are varied and broad enough in roles to cover most eventualties.
I tended to jungle with Graham's or pantheon in s3.

Should I look at another champ or is this enough to start off with?

Vi is the strongest and easiest champion on the game currently. You should definitely consider picking her up IMO before she gets nerfed. She is banned a large portion of the time at ~Diamond 5 MMR, no idea about lower ELO though.

Gragas is really strong if you can get going on him. Kayle is currently the most broken mid champ. 0 skillshots and a 2.5 sec invulnerability at max rank can turn teamfights (just build Nashor's, Lich Bane, Dcap, Void, and then last 2 items are usually situational).

Janna isn't a great support imo at the minute if you want to be able to carry. She's generally used in a lot safer lanes whereby you want to do nothing but farm and poke. Consider picking up Thresh, Annie and Leona for support.

Miss Fortune also isn't great, but she can be ok with specific teams. Jinx and Lucian are the best Marksmen at the minute.

Make sure to stick to a couple of champs and focus on mastering at most 2 different roles. You'll learn champions and the game a lot quicker this way.

Pantheon jungle is also ok, but he has pretty slow clear time and kind of a niche pick, but he can definitely work. I'd strongly suggest picking up Vi, Kha'Zix and Elise though for jungle.

Anymore questions, fire away.
Vi is the strongest and easiest champion on the game currently. You should definitely consider picking her up IMO before she gets nerfed. She is banned a large portion of the time at ~Diamond 5 MMR, no idea about lower ELO though.

Gragas is really strong if you can get going on him. Kayle is currently the most broken mid champ. 0 skillshots and a 2.5 sec invulnerability at max rank can turn teamfights (just build Nashor's, Lich Bane, Dcap, Void, and then last 2 items are usually situational).

Janna isn't a great support imo at the minute if you want to be able to carry. She's generally used in a lot safer lanes whereby you want to do nothing but farm and poke. Consider picking up Thresh, Annie and Leona for support.

Miss Fortune also isn't great, but she can be ok with specific teams. Jinx and Lucian are the best Marksmen at the minute.

Make sure to stick to a couple of champs and focus on mastering at most 2 different roles. You'll learn champions and the game a lot quicker this way.

Pantheon jungle is also ok, but he has pretty slow clear time and kind of a niche pick, but he can definitely work. I'd strongly suggest picking up Vi, Kha'Zix and Elise though for jungle.

Anymore questions, fire away.


I'm guessing my above champs are probably fine for soloq, but I'm guessing have issues at higher tiers. ( relatively speaking)

I carry well with Gragas in soloq , then again that doesn't tend to be a great indication. I agree he does need initial care, but scales well in my experience.

I can see that my champs probably are on the 'lower tier' of skill ability.
I think your right in implication that I will need more depth tiered champs for ranked. ( if I'm making any sense ;)

I had my eye on Thresh for a while, I found him to be great support.
Thresh is an absolute beast if you want to carry in solo que, definetly the best and most versatile support in the game, i suggest you learn him :)
I feel that Thresh is better for solo Q because you're less reliant on your AD. You have some range and your auto attacks do more damage which is great for harassment. Lantern makes it so much easier for people to gank your lane and it's also great for bailing out your team-mates when they get caught. He's also great against Leona because you can flay her out of zenith :p
I understand where you are coming from, early game thresh is painful but hit level 3 and leona has a dive/stun, a shield and another stun. Just have to be patient which is the bit I am working on :-)
Anyone been following the LCS?

Really Liking TSM they are a pleasure to watch

Getting Bjergsen in was huge for them, they really work well as a team.

I really like that Megazero is now a sub for them, in my eyes he is definetly the best top laner in NA, even dyrus has said this as he usually gets crushed by him in solo que.
Getting Bjergsen in was huge for them, they really work well as a team.

I really like that Megazero is now a sub for them, in my eyes he is definetly the best top laner in NA, even dyrus has said this as he usually gets crushed by him in solo que.

Solo queue is a lot different than playing in a competitive environment though. He never really did extraordinarily well whilst he was in MRN in the spring split last year, but that was a long time ago.
Solo queue is a lot different than playing in a competitive environment though. He never really did extraordinarily well whilst he was in MRN in the spring split last year, but that was a long time ago.

You think? I thought he was always a joy to watch, one of my favourite players in NA.
Something really frustrating, I almost exclusively play Lux and a few weeks ago I started to try this apparently OP Kha'Zix in the jungle.....and wow I dominated like 5 games in a row in normals with him.

Took him ranked and have gone 1-5....It's so much fun to play but I'm just sooo terrible at it. Top is always too tanky to gank. I don't understand the logistics of ganking bot it never seems to work and usually results in a double kill for them, and mid seems to be the only somewhat possible place to go. I don't know how to counter jungle as yet. Basically, how to jungle? If it weren't for playing Zix I'd be back in Silver III by now.
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