Mid is where I'd camp as Kha unless your bot has some nice CC. I'd not waste my time with top and I'd only bother counterjungling their buffs.
You're a very strong duelist as Kha, 1v1 in the jungle you're likely to be isolated to you'll get massive damage on your Q.
Kha farms decently but not exceptionally, you're gonna need kills to be effective so buy a pink, pick a side and camp mid, ping the target, have your mid engage or bait then do your jump combo on their mid, it'll either get their flash or their life. Now rinse and repeat especially if you got their flash which is a 5 minute cooldown.
As Kha you're bringing nothing but your damage, get your jungle item, rush your LW and then you should be able to drop their toplane as well. Only pick Kha if your team has initiation and CC else pick someone like Vi or elise.
In transitioning to the teamfights do not be the first one in, you're way too squishy, pick your moment to melt their MVP and try either jump reset out or stealth out.
Kha needs a lot of gold to bew sure to keep your farm up and tax the lanes whenever you sucessfully gank or your laner dies etc
You're a very strong duelist as Kha, 1v1 in the jungle you're likely to be isolated to you'll get massive damage on your Q.
Kha farms decently but not exceptionally, you're gonna need kills to be effective so buy a pink, pick a side and camp mid, ping the target, have your mid engage or bait then do your jump combo on their mid, it'll either get their flash or their life. Now rinse and repeat especially if you got their flash which is a 5 minute cooldown.
As Kha you're bringing nothing but your damage, get your jungle item, rush your LW and then you should be able to drop their toplane as well. Only pick Kha if your team has initiation and CC else pick someone like Vi or elise.
In transitioning to the teamfights do not be the first one in, you're way too squishy, pick your moment to melt their MVP and try either jump reset out or stealth out.
Kha needs a lot of gold to bew sure to keep your farm up and tax the lanes whenever you sucessfully gank or your laner dies etc