*** League of Legends ***

Mid is where I'd camp as Kha unless your bot has some nice CC. I'd not waste my time with top and I'd only bother counterjungling their buffs.
You're a very strong duelist as Kha, 1v1 in the jungle you're likely to be isolated to you'll get massive damage on your Q.

Kha farms decently but not exceptionally, you're gonna need kills to be effective so buy a pink, pick a side and camp mid, ping the target, have your mid engage or bait then do your jump combo on their mid, it'll either get their flash or their life. Now rinse and repeat especially if you got their flash which is a 5 minute cooldown.

As Kha you're bringing nothing but your damage, get your jungle item, rush your LW and then you should be able to drop their toplane as well. Only pick Kha if your team has initiation and CC else pick someone like Vi or elise.

In transitioning to the teamfights do not be the first one in, you're way too squishy, pick your moment to melt their MVP and try either jump reset out or stealth out.

Kha needs a lot of gold to bew sure to keep your farm up and tax the lanes whenever you sucessfully gank or your laner dies etc
Something really frustrating, I almost exclusively play Lux and a few weeks ago I started to try this apparently OP Kha'Zix in the jungle.....and wow I dominated like 5 games in a row in normals with him.

Took him ranked and have gone 1-5....It's so much fun to play but I'm just sooo terrible at it. Top is always too tanky to gank. I don't understand the logistics of ganking bot it never seems to work and usually results in a double kill for them, and mid seems to be the only somewhat possible place to go. I don't know how to counter jungle as yet. Basically, how to jungle? If it weren't for playing Zix I'd be back in Silver III by now.

Don't bother with counter jungling, just focus on clearing your jungle properly and getting the buffs.

Regarding top, there are two main things you should be doing. When your top guy is dominating, gank as often as possible because you have a better chance to get kills and you can cause a snowball effect for your mate. When your top guy is losing or it's a stalemate, try not to jump in and instead, put pressure on your enemy. Lurk around looking threatening, camp a bush and make sure it's known you are there to prevent the top enemy from snowballing.

When you gank bot, you have to rely on the AD and carry. If they know what they are doing, they will clear wards, trade with the enemy and give you an opportunity. Also, as jungler, make sure you're always equiped to remove wards as well.

Watch some Gold/Plat junglers play on Youtube, it won't be long before you get better.
Lawl that Udyr build OP.
Finally broke an 8 loss streak. Definitely got lucky, was sat at 0 points for 6 losses and didn't get demoted.

Is anyone on OcUK Dia1/Challenger btw?
Hello, id like to join in a play some games if that is possible.
My IGN and mumble name is Wilkie
I played most nights in a group from the RPS forums but a lot of them haven't played the game in a quite a while now. :)
I swear to god im cursed..
In my promos, we're winning a game massively and just because this zed is ****ed off with our eve he still wants to surrender at 20. After the vote goes 1/4, he proceeds to rq.
Hello, id like to join in a play some games if that is possible.
My IGN and mumble name is Wilkie
I played most nights in a group from the RPS forums but a lot of them haven't played the game in a quite a while now. :)

Welcome, we have a couple of rps people in our group, I used to use those forums and Torq played with the group as well. I'll ping you over the mumble password, if you go into ocuk chat in game and ask someone to authorise you when you log in.

Re the groups in mumble we have a couple of well established groups and you would be always welcome to join us when we are looking for a 5th. There are a load of people on here who want to group - or that's what they say :-) but never use mumble which would enable them to form a group :-)

Always good to have more using it.
I've actually started using hybrid armor pen/magic pen reds on lux mid. Does more damage from auto attacks overall especially with my passive. Great for laning phase
I was tempted by hybrid pen quints for some champs like Mundo, Warwick and Shyvanna, got so much IP building up atm.

Want the 2 for the price of one rune pages to come back :D
Think I've got about 11 rune pages setup now for various roles, though 90% of them do use the flat armour yellows and MR per level blues so it's mainly the reds and quints that change between them. Off the top of my head I think i have the following -

Flad AD reds, 2 x 2% lifesteal quints and 1 x flat AD quint - General ADC page
Hybrid pen reds and flat AP quints - Gragas/Elise jungle mainly
Attack speed reds and move speed quints - Not sure who i use this on to be honest
Attack speed reds and flat AD quints - Vi page
Flat AD reds and flat AD quints - General bruiser page
Flat armour reds and move speed quints - General tanky support page e.g. Leona
Armour pen reds and flat AD quints - Nocturne/Kha'zix mainly
Full MR page (reds, blues and yellows) and flat AP quints - Mid vs something like Leblanc
Full armour (reds, blues and yellows) and flat AP quints - Mid vs AD bruisers like Zed

Think there's a few more too but I'm at work and can't remember the rest! :)
I have seen the following a lot in the past 10 or so games:
Jinx - team with her always wins or at least always wins lane
Shyvana top - team with her always wins
LeBlanc - is she popular in LCS or something? People keep picking her and the team with her always loses. No one in silver knows how to play her.

I call for Shyvana ban every game, and every time she hasn't been, the opposing team has got her and won.
Jinx is a pain but I think the koreans have it right, she has no escapes and assassins are still very strong.

Shyvanna is a pain in the ass, it's hard to win lane against her unless you're playing someone non meta.

Teemo is my sleeper OP pick at the minute either, you team is winning and you create so much map pressure with the shrooms or your team is losing and you use them to draw out the game until they make a mistake or your team catches back up.

He's a great pick especially against the likes of shyvanna, mundo in top lane :D
I have seen the following a lot in the past 10 or so games:
Jinx - team with her always wins or at least always wins lane
Shyvana top - team with her always wins
LeBlanc - is she popular in LCS or something? People keep picking her and the team with her always loses. No one in silver knows how to play her.

I call for Shyvana ban every game, and every time she hasn't been, the opposing team has got her and won.

They're all very popular picks it seems at the minute, usually see 1 of them in most games.

Jinx - never really understood the whine about her. She has no escapes so pick a hard engae support like Leona/Annie etc and just crush her in lane. Definitely not ban worthy.

Shyvana - Horrible lane bully who can just abuse top lane all day by building tank with maybe a BOTRK and crushing faces. I do LOVE playing her though, so much fun to just press W and run at fools.

LeBlanc - So deadly when in the hands of someone with good mechanical skills. Once she gets a kill or 2 it can snowball horribly and there's no coming back once she can just pop team mates in a combo. I always ban her as it's either the enemy team rolling us over with her, or my own team failing horribly with her...
Really depends on the tier of play I guess.

Jinx, Cait or Lucien (at least 1, usually 2) feature in basically every game so far in the NA and EU LCS. When I've picked her up in an AI game during the free weeks she has been extremely good fun to play and if you start getting ahead with her she'll just destroy everyone because you will inevitably get a kill due to poor team coordination at lower levels and wreck the team. Plus with her ulti you can feel like a boss when you snipe someone cross map, regardless or how often you actually land them.

LeBlanc is frequently picked by some of the stronger snowballing mids in both NA and EU. From what the commentators have said she is extremely mechanically complex so its no surprise low tier players mess her up I guess. After all, you saw Bjergsan do it so why can't I?

Shyvana I guess you just get the generic 'I scale into late game extremely well' champion and you get to pretend you're Darien who so far has been the best player I've seen on Shyvana toplane.
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