*** League of Legends ***

Just make sure you read a highly rated guide, as there are many terrible ones on LeagueCraft.

Riot should really make an in depth video tutorial/manual to educate players on basic and standard strategy in the game.

Things such as: how to last hit properly, how to manage a lane, how to use wards and why it's so damn important, how to pick a balanced team, how to initiate a fight, who to target first in a team fight, the importance of dragon/baron/lizard/golem, the importance of having a jungler and which lanes to go to (standard practice is solo carry top, solo ranged carry mid, two support(ish) bottom and one jungler).

I'd say about 1/10 games I play have someone else who knows how to use wards and perhaps 1/50 people I see in game actually buy/use wards when I ask them to.
Just make sure you read a highly rated guide, as there are many terrible ones on LeagueCraft.

Riot should really make an in depth video tutorial/manual to educate players on basic and standard strategy in the game.

Things such as: how to last hit properly, how to manage a lane, how to use wards and why it's so damn important, how to pick a balanced team, how to initiate a fight, who to target first in a team fight, the importance of dragon/baron/lizard/golem, the importance of having a jungler and which lanes to go to (standard practice is solo carry top, solo ranged carry mid, two support(ish) bottom and one jungler).

I'd say about 1/10 games I play have someone else who knows how to use wards and perhaps 1/50 people I see in game actually buy/use wards when I ask them to.

On the first page of this mega thread their is a whole load of tutorial videos which I believe had Riot's backing. Not sure why they didn't develop them further - but worth the viewing.

Does anyone know if there is a Day9 equivalent for LoL?
Dont think there is. When Phreak used to stream he occasionaly described best tactics and why some plays were bad but basically just played. Recordings of old streams are available in his livestream channel though.

The official champion spotlight vids on youtube can give some basic strats for how to play a champion effectively.

CounterLogic Gaming's livestream channel has vid's sorted by character, they're meant to be decent players. No real commentary, although could be useful if people need to watch higher elo play of a certain champion I guess.
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On the first page of this mega thread their is a whole load of tutorial videos which I believe had Riot's backing. Not sure why they didn't develop them further - but worth the viewing.

I'm aware of those, it's not me I worry about. I actively sought out information on the game and examples of good play in order to improve myself right from the beginning.

I worry about the vast majority of LoL players who have absolutely no clue what they are doing. They are the ones that need a blatant, in-game, right when you start tutorial/guide which deals with those things.

I am constantly matched with people who have played more than three times as many games as I have and they don't have the first clue about the game.

They can't pick a balanced team, they don't buy or understand wards, they never look at the map, they always target whoever runs at them first (invariably always a tanky class) and they have no idea how to play whatever champ it is that they are playing.

Ranking counts for nothing in this game, because most of your results are decided by matchmaking (whether you got more idiots than your opponents), champion selection (whether your idiots picked stronger champions than your opponents) and whether you/your opponent has a jungler or not.

It's really very frustrating to play when 80% of all the games you play your team either has incredibly stupid people on it, or your opponents team does.

I don't like losing like that and I don't like winning that way either.

Oh and if you play a five man premade with friends who aren't terrible, you end up being matched with a voice comm using tryhard premade who pick five top tier champions and treat the game like the CPL final.

You basically either have to run around like a mindless moron not caring about anything, being totally selfish and hoping the other team suck more than yours does (like most LoL players behave) or you have to push yourself into a group of tryhards on voice comms playing top tier champions in order to pretend you're a pro (like many other LoL players behave).

Where is the middle ground? Normal folk who have brains, can think for themselves and play well, learn from their mistakes and have fun whilst playing a well organised/quality game.

I view myself as still having a lot to learn and having only played for two months I think that's a fair assessment. However, I find myself being better than almost everyone I play with, regardless of how many more games they've played.

If I am better than so many already, yet still have a lot to learn, then what are these people doing with their time? Do they have any self motivating desire to learn and improve? Are they really just randomly running around aimlessly..

/rant :D
I'm aware of those, it's not me I worry about. I actively sought out information on the game and examples of good play in order to improve myself right from the beginning.


If I am better than so many already, yet still have a lot to learn, then what are these people doing with their time? Do they have any self motivating desire to learn and improve? Are they really just randomly running around aimlessly..

/rant :D

I think you should just get a 5 team premade and play a few games with them. After a while you will be matched up against teams of roughly the same standard. At least that seems to be the best option available......
avec, i can understand your rant, but its true of any game. I think its more obvious in a game like LoL because over time you start to see how a champion 'should' be played. Then somebody who perhaps isn't so familiar with that champ comes along and isn't so good, they are a disappointment. Similarly, different heroes have vastly different play styles and switching between them can be challenging for any player.

If you want things to change, you have to take an active stance in your roll as a player. It is very easy to stand by and watch a team fall apart simply because nobody is playing together. Do not flame lunacy, rather caress and subdue it with words of wisdom. Give orders, drop in helpful advice, explain why something was/is a bad idea, politely.

At champion selection, pick last, and pick good. Watch for the an AP/AD balance, tanks, carry, support etc. If your team has picked poorly and locked in, tell them why they have picked poorly or they will never learn.

Too many people are either completely silent, or angry flaming trolls
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But his post says he doesnt want to go up against people that actually play to win ;)

All i got from it was "i want to play doing whatever i want and then win because the other team isnt doing anything particular to attempt to win either... and then we can all have a jolly laugh and a beer afterwards"
I had a good game as Taric last night, I got to level 13 everyone else was level 7...how should I play with this character?

I wasnt dealing much damage, only got 3 champion kills the whole game...so should I buy items that increase damage? Or should I play to my strengths and buy health stuff?

But his post says he doesnt want to go up against people that actually play to win ;)

All i got from it was "i want to play doing whatever i want and then win because the other team isnt doing anything particular to attempt to win either... and then we can all have a jolly laugh and a beer afterwards"

No, I said I don't want to go up against tryhard premades who think they are badasses by beating disjointed and poorly formed solo/duo queue teams in normal mode actually.

You misread what I wrote if you got that from it.

I want every game to be competitive and of course both teams should be playing to win. But playing to win and being a tryhard premade are different things.

I always guide my teams in champion selection as well as in the game, I'm forever encouraging other players to buy wards and try to lead them towards victory. I'm more than happy to go up against people that play to win, but not with a team of morons who don't have a clue what they are doing after playing 1,000+ games. It's not like using wards, looking at the map, knowing how to lane, how to farm, what items to buy and what champions to pick to compliment your team are difficult skills to learn.

@Eames, Taric is not about getting kills, he's a support tank.

Ideally you will lane with someone who needs money, you will babysit them and let them have most of the last hits.

In team fights focus on protecting the weaker damage dealers on your team and put yourself into harms way instead of them. You can also initiate fights reasonably well with your stun (during fights the stun should be used on enemy carries to disrupt their damage output).

Taric is a great champion, he's not going to go on a killing spree, but he can certainly make sure someone else on your team can.
If you want this game to be truly competitive and you're solo/duoing then you have to hit the ranked queue. Doesn't mean you're be playing with or against good players but it does mean you won't be against premades.

In terms of your issues, from what I read you want to play hardcore but not have the hassle of hardcore - i.e set gaming nights/hours of boredom in working out strategies/gank spots etc. You also think you are good :) Maybe you are - that's really for your team mates to say - BunnyKillbot covered that very nicely.

For casual our setup is probably as good as you are going to get, we have no restriction on who joins us - other than raging is absolutely not tolerated! We have premade guys and if you play enough you get to know each others play styles and we all learn together. But that doesn't mean we are good and if you're looking for that then you really do need to find a clan with all the above issues - i've was in a hardcore MOH clan - good fun at the time but never again :)

I differ from you - if we come against a hardcore team it's useful to see what they do differently, we rarely get pwned but a number of times we may get defeated and then kick ourselves what we did wrong - but it's all learning and I love playing with the guys in our group. As has been said previously I probably play this more because of the group than the game :)
Infact, i wish to revise a previous sentiment of mine.

99.9% of games fail because too many people think that victory in LoL is about doing something amazing and becoming imba, when it is'nt. Like any combat situation, sport, or team game, it is about waiting for the enemy to make a mistake and exploiting to your advantage

Play by this, and you can only lose by pure chance alone.
i've just signed up... had a quick scan through the thread.. is this game like WOW or something? anyway...just getting the installer. my username is TaurenOcUK
I differ from you - if we come against a hardcore team it's useful to see what they do differently, we rarely get pwned but a number of times we may get defeated and then kick ourselves what we did wrong - but it's all learning and I love playing with the guys in our group. As has been said previously I probably play this more because of the group than the game :)

I don't think that's any different to my way of thinking.

I love to learn and seek out ways to improve my play, someone has to lose and you're always going to find someone who finds a way to beat you.

Close games are enjoyable, win or lose.
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