*** League of Legends ***

So a couple of days ago i played in and lost 3 games in a row with the fine OcUK folk on mumbles and i have been thinking to myself since then, why? The first 2 games 1 opposition champion became over fed (1st - Shen, 2nd - Kennen) and the third was more balanced but we couldn't hold it.

I believe we lost because we lacked Strategy. Despite being able to communicate through voip we were still a disparate group of individuals albeit fighting towards the same goal but with no plan. It constantly felt like we were on the back-foot, anticipating the attack of our opponent instead of launching the offensive ourselves. Yes folks, in the ballroom dance of warfare, we were the girl, and they were leading.

So to the point of this post:

I don't know if there are already any sites out there pooling advanced strategic data but can we perhaps try to gather some ideas and things to try on here to increase our success rate? I'm not talking champion specific guides but rather teamplay and map control.

For instance, is there any benefit in all 5 champions (+- champion specific abilities) taking teleport so as to be able to say, push bottom with 3 or 4, while 1 keeps the creep wave top healthy, wait for a defensive response then 1 or 2 fall back to defend while 2 or 3 port top and push it down?

Dude.... Tals and the others have pretty much hit the nail on the head. The mumble group is about having a laugh. No matter whether I win or lose I always have a good time playing with all the lads, which tbh is the important thing for me.

It is impossible for us to have actual arranged teams, etc. due to the nature of our group. If we were going to start taking it seriously some people wouldn't be able to play/get left out. Teams would have to be formed and it would turn into something I'm pretty sure none of us would enjoy.
Thought I'd let you guys know that the Alienware Arena LoL IP Boost event is back. I believe they are giving away the 12k or so keys they had left over from the last one which brought their site down.


Just have to make an account and claim the key, one key per IP.

At the time of writing I believe there are about 8,000 keys left (I can't see as it displays zero if you've already received one).
Dude.... Tals and the others have pretty much hit the nail on the head. The mumble group is about having a laugh. No matter whether I win or lose I always have a good time playing with all the lads, which tbh is the important thing for me.

Heys i would never take away the laugh! I'm not suggesting we take it ubah serious. I think its a good opportunity for some of the more experienced players to share their wisdom with the lesser. Every army has a general, or more culturally relevant, every football team has a captain.
Lately i have been playing allot of Ashe, and its helped my mini-map/map awareness skills no end. Things such as fighting in one lane, then camera over to another and putting in a well placed predictive arrow to assist a kill. Because she is ranged you can do this without putting yourself in too much danger. Knowing what's going on in other lanes is a trainable skill and essential for strategic assistance.

So, what would people say are other heroes that they have found good for learning particular skills? For instance, in niether dota nor this have I ever mastered flash ie escaping using impassable terrain. Who is the best, probably burst, champion to have a go with this?
I am having fun with the Barbarian, very strong melee and lethal at end stages of the game. Most of my masteries (current level is 10) is in the Attack, so between the barbarian and that funny little chap in a flying bucket, they own the game.
Unfortunately blitz is rated fairly near the bottom on the hero lists. If you're making him in to a tank (from the armour build?) then tbh players have no actual reason to attack you. You do no damage and once youve done your ulti you dont have any other major threats, good for initiating though. Problem is, as with other heroes problems, the job they do can be done better by someone else. For example here, the best initiator around currently is amumu.

oh really? why is he 6300 to buy?
bliz pulls the enemy towards him, rather than him towards the enemy....this is a major difference.
Pulling nme carry away from teamfight is useful aswell. Quite enjoyed the few games I played with Blitz during his turn in the free week, very fun disrupting teamfights and generally getting in the way.
Lately i have been playing allot of Ashe, and its helped my mini-map/map awareness skills no end. Things such as fighting in one lane, then camera over to another and putting in a well placed predictive arrow to assist a kill. Because she is ranged you can do this without putting yourself in too much danger. Knowing what's going on in other lanes is a trainable skill and essential for strategic assistance.

So, what would people say are other heroes that they have found good for learning particular skills? For instance, in niether dota nor this have I ever mastered flash ie escaping using impassable terrain. Who is the best, probably burst, champion to have a go with this?

If you really want to train your flash instincts start playing some of the assasin characters as they all tend to have a built in flash. Akali's one is a bit weird and doesn't translate to any other champ so I'd personally advise to try Kassadin or Shaco (Kass is free right now and probably the best choice anyway).

For map awareness, Ashe is going to help you no end. If you really want to brain**** yourself though you should start playing shen :D
oh really? why is he 6300 to buy?
bliz pulls the enemy towards him, rather than him towards the enemy....this is a major difference.

Amumu does a better job by miles. As already said Blitzcrank has a single use and thats to pick off a team one by one by pulling them away so the rest of the team and kill a SINGLE player off. Any good team playing vs Blitz will know this and use a minion as a shield or dodge/stay out of range.

Amumu has a single target stun (good for chasing and when laning) and most importantly TEAM STUN! = 2or3 Champs dead with not damage in return taken. In a wel placed team fight. Ican't count the times as a dps champ I've got 3or4 kills in a team fight down to a well played Amumu (Mc Knight for one)

The main point when picking a champ is you need to have at least 2 useful skills or you can normally find a champion who does the job better :)
oh really? why is he 6300 to buy?
bliz pulls the enemy towards him, rather than him towards the enemy....this is a major difference.

Just because theyre expensive doesnt make them good (there are a number of high cost bad heroes), Ashe is one of the better heroes in the game and she's 450.

The massive cooldown on grab doesnt help his case, the ease of dodging the grab also. There are at least 3 better tanking heroes i can think of most of which cheaper than blitz.
Still haven't found any of you guys online yet so feel free to add me :)
Played a few games last night as vladmir and I'm really liking him, couple of 500hp +ability rods on him and it's all good. Ranged seems to have an advantag generally too
Sorry I haven't been online for a while to those that added me, I've been away for the last 4-5 days, will hopefully be back by the end of the week. :)
If you haven't got on mumble then the best way is

OCUK Chat Channel In Game
click the speech bubble icon
click the doorway icon
type ocuk
click the + icon
click the cog icon , tick autojoin on startup

It's a chat channel that you can always connect to regardless of whether you are friended or not. We tend to play between 6.00pm to midnight but the peak is around 9.00-midnight. 15 people were on last night.
If you haven't got on mumble then the best way is

OCUK Chat Channel In Game

It's a chat channel that you can always connect to regardless of whether you are friended or not. We tend to play between 6.00pm to midnight but the peak is around 9.00-midnight. 15 people were on last night.

Will deffo do that next time I'm on (hopefully tonight).

Gutted Miss Fortune is no longer free to play was enjoying her massively and actually had my best game playing her just before midnight :cool: Went back to Tristana earlier and I was shocking :o
i might have asked this before but is there any websites or guides to this game for a newcomer, trying to get into it!

Complete list of guides

Another good source

There was another one but I don't remember it off hand but those two sources will provide you with everything you could possibly need :)

Also searching youtube for 'Legue of Legends Commentary' will provide a good watching and give you a good grasp on the mechanics.
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