*** League of Legends ***

Sona will be 3150 for those that didn't already know.

Not sure if I will buy her, got other characters on my list of wants and quite a few runes still to buy (Magic Pen Reds and Dodge Yellows).
Release Notes v1.0.0.101

New Skins in the Store

  • Muse Sona
  • Pentakill Sona
  • Pentakill Mordekaiser
  • King Tryndamere
  • Queen Ashe
PVP.net v1.19.14

  • Users who are Level 30 will now be blocked from buying XP boosts from the Store, as they cannot earn further XP
  • Improved the matchmaking algorithm to match more effectively
  • Added a ticker to PVP.net to provide helpful information regarding the current server status
  • Fixed a bug where users could get non-functioning ban buttons for a Practice Game they were not the owner of
  • Fixed a bug where users were not properly notified if they searched for an invalid Summoner Name
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong map images would display in Practice Game lobbies
  • Fixed a bug where renaming Rune Pages would not show up properly in Champion Selection
  • Fixed a bug with the Rune Combiner tooltips
  • Fixed a bug with viewing other users' Rune Books
  • Fixed a bug where Bots could not be removed if a Practice Game changed ownership
  • Fixed a bug where users in chat rooms were not showing up in the Invite Screen
  • Fixed a bug where the Chat Room button was slightly misaligned
League of Legends v1.0.0.101
Sona, the Maven of the Strings

  • Hymn of Valor: Sona plays the Hymn of Valor, granting nearby allied champions bonus Damage and Ability Power. Additionally, casting this ability sends out bolts of sound, dealing magic damage to the nearest two enemy champions or monsters.
  • **** of Perseverance: Sona plays the **** of Perseverance, granting nearby allied champions bonus Armor and Magic Resist. Additionally, casting this ability sends out healing melodies, healing Sona and a nearby wounded ally.
  • Song of Celerity: Sona plays the Song of Celerity, granting nearby allied champions bonus Movement Speed. Additionally, casting this ability energizes nearby allies with a burst of speed.
  • Crescendo (Ultimate): Sona plays her ultimate chord, forcing enemy champions to dance, taking magic damage over time.
  • Power Chord (passive): After casting 3 spells, Sona's next attack deals bonus magic damage. Additionally, Sona's Auras persist for 3 seconds after deactivating and set off a 2 second global cooldown.

  • Power Fist now resets the auto-attack timer

  • Terrify will now grant assists

  • Courage damage reduction reduced to 30% from 35%
  • Perseverance is no longer removed by combat dehancing effects such as Warwick's Blood Scent
  • Fixed various bugs that caused Garen's Demacian Justice to fizzle sometimes

  • Explosive Cask now interacts properly with spell shields like Banshee's Veil

  • Counterstrike now has a buff that shows the duration of the effect

  • Death Defied (passive) has been remade to fix some of the bugs and usability issues
  • Death Defied now also grants 20% death timer reduction to compensate for the 8 seconds Karthus is active after dying

  • Lightning Rush is no longer castable while disabled

  • Netherblade mana cost reduced to 25 from 30/40/50/60/70
  • Riftwalk no longer shows cast particles over fog of war
  • Riftwalk now leaves a buff showing the duration of the increased cost and damage of subsequent casts

  • Shunpo no longer ignores enemy spell shields like Banshee's Veil
  • Killer Instinct no longer reduces true damage when used with Shunpo

  • Fixed a bug where Caustic Spittle was giving multiplicative attack speed rather than base

  • Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled

  • Fixed a bug where Jack in the Box fearing enemies didn't grant an assist

  • Fling now deals damage at the start of the spell rather than when the target hits the ground

  • Radiance now has a brief cooldown when activated with the goal of preventing quick cancellation after initiation

  • The first attack after breaking stealth will now benefit from the bonus attack speed of Ambush
  • Ambush will now provide its attack speed bonus if you break stealth by casting a spell

  • Fixed a bug where Transfusion was not restoring enough health from Spell Vamp (not how much the spell heals normally)
  • Fixed a bug where Transfusion's tooltip showed it restoring less health than it did
  • Crimson Pact (passive) no longer heals Vladimir when his Ability Power increases

  • Chronoshift duration reduced to 13 seconds from 15
  • Chronoshift cooldown increased to 180 seconds at all levels from 180/160/140 seconds
Summoner Spells

  • Ghost movement speed increase reduced to 27% from 32%
  • Haste utility mastery movement speed increase reduced to 6% from 8%

  • Sheen proc damage raised to 100% from 80%
  • Trinity Force proc damage raised to 150% from 130%
  • Manamune
    • Combine cost increased to 700. Total cost is now 2110.
    • Unique passive conversion percent dropped to 1.5% from 2%
    • Unique passive changed to: Each time you attack, you gain one maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Each time you use an ability, you gain four maximum mana (3 second cooldown.) Bonus caps at 1000.
  • Innervating Locket (remake)
    • Combine cost reduced to 450 from 850. New total cost is 2250.
    • +430 Health
    • +450 Mana
    • Unique Aura: Nearby allies gain 20 hp/5 and 9 mp/5.
    • Unique Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
    • Unique Passive: When you cast a spell, you regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown and no longer affects allies.
  • New Item: Kindlegem
    • Recipe consists of Ruby Crystal + 425 gold
    • +200 Health
    • UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
  • New Item: Shurelya's Reverie
    • Recipe consists of Kindlegem + Philosopher's Stone + 500 gold
    • +330 Health
    • +25 Health Regen per 5 sec
    • +12 Mana Regen per 5 sec
    • UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%
    • UNIQUE Active: Nearby champions gain 40% movement speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown)
  • Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage
  • Vision Wards and Sight Wards now show their remaining duration (in seconds) in their mana bar. Both teams can see the remaining duration.
  • Sunfire Cape no longer deals damage when held by a clone.
  • Boots of Mobility's effect is no longer removed by combat dehancers such as Warwick's Blood Scent

  • Fixed a bug where some knock up and knock away spells failed to interrupt enemy channeled spells
  • Fixed a bug where Summoner Teleport refreshed your W slot's cooldown when used
  • Fixed a bug where the aggro outline was not appearing
  • Disconnected players will now run home if their Blue Pill is interrupted
  • Disconnected players now gain 1000 Magic Resist after 1 minute of continuous disconnection
  • The Dragon on Twisted Treeline no longer grants his buff to dead allied champions
  • The Dragon buff on Twisted Treeline now has a proper cooldown timer
  • Decreased loading time by up to 30% depending on the hardware
  • Fixed several client crashes
So a couple of days ago i played in and lost 3 games in a row with the fine OcUK folk on mumbles and i have been thinking to myself since then, why? The first 2 games 1 opposition champion became over fed (1st - Shen, 2nd - Kennen) and the third was more balanced but we couldn't hold it.

I believe we lost because we lacked Strategy. Despite being able to communicate through voip we were still a disparate group of individuals albeit fighting towards the same goal but with no plan. It constantly felt like we were on the back-foot, anticipating the attack of our opponent instead of launching the offensive ourselves. Yes folks, in the ballroom dance of warfare, we were the girl, and they were leading.

So to the point of this post:

I don't know if there are already any sites out there pooling advanced strategic data but can we perhaps try to gather some ideas and things to try on here to increase our success rate? I'm not talking champion specific guides but rather teamplay and map control.

For instance, is there any benefit in all 5 champions (+- champion specific abilities) taking teleport so as to be able to say, push bottom with 3 or 4, while 1 keeps the creep wave top healthy, wait for a defensive response then 1 or 2 fall back to defend while 2 or 3 port top and push it down?
So a couple of days ago i played in and lost 3 games in a row with the fine OcUK folk on mumbles and i have been thinking to myself since then, why? The first 2 games 1 opposition champion became over fed (1st - Shen, 2nd - Kennen) and the third was more balanced but we couldn't hold it.

I believe we lost because we lacked Strategy. Despite being able to communicate through voip we were still a disparate group of individuals albeit fighting towards the same goal but with no plan. It constantly felt like we were on the back-foot, anticipating the attack of our opponent instead of launching the offensive ourselves. Yes folks, in the ballroom dance of warfare, we were the girl, and they were leading.

So to the point of this post:

I don't know if there are already any sites out there pooling advanced strategic data but can we perhaps try to gather some ideas and things to try on here to increase our success rate? I'm not talking champion specific guides but rather teamplay and map control.

For instance, is there any benefit in all 5 champions (+- champion specific abilities) taking teleport so as to be able to say, push bottom with 3 or 4, while 1 keeps the creep wave top healthy, wait for a defensive response then 1 or 2 fall back to defend while 2 or 3 port top and push it down?

It's a good call but you have to understand to an extent that is how the group is made. Their are no entry requirements and on anyone day you cannot guarantee who will be on. At the same time you may find you play the next game and it's all working well - everyone is communicating and the game rocks.

Friday I was ready to Jack it in, bad vibes from the team/poor spirit/no strategy etc. Played on Sunday and it's a totally different game - good communication and we worked as a team.

if I find that magic formula i'll be selling it :)
the thing is i would rather try new chaps with you lot and loose and not get abused and just say "My Bad Pick Soz Team" all so every one has there ups and downs!!
i just enjoy the game with the people on mumble win or lose it is 99% fun game and lots of Ace wins even tho we should have lost!! lol
the thing is i would rather try new chaps with you lot and loose and not get abused and just say "My Bad Pick Soz Team" all so every one has there ups and downs!!
i just enjoy the game with the people on mumble win or lose it is 99% fun game and lots of Ace wins even tho we should have lost!! lol

:) Or go my way and pick from 1 :) But yes you put it more eloquently than I do. Some days it will suck and other days it will be awesome.
I really need to sort a game out with you fine fella's, got access to mumble but haven't played yet. My main char is Malzahar, got my item build pretty nailed too. My in game name is the same as my forum name if you want to add me.
You can play with a US account using euro client i think.

Also, learn someone that isnt malzahar :P most other casters simply do his job a lot better than he can. Pushing? Morgana. Team silence? Just have annie and stun them instead. Single targetting? Veigar kills them a lot quicker and doesnt stun himself in the process.
Im fairly sure Joop is winding you up. We were trying to change regions for ages earlier today.

I only managed to get on for 5 minutes today - Buy Sona, then servers went down :(
I just tried an armour build for blizkrank.....he absolutely rocked. He's defo got to be one of the best heroes in the game. Just have to save 6k to buy him now. :p
Unfortunately blitz is rated fairly near the bottom on the hero lists. If you're making him in to a tank (from the armour build?) then tbh players have no actual reason to attack you. You do no damage and once youve done your ulti you dont have any other major threats, good for initiating though. Problem is, as with other heroes problems, the job they do can be done better by someone else. For example here, the best initiator around currently is amumu.
Glad I've got the chance to play Miss Fortune, she's a right laugh! If she's worth nothing else to the team other than me loving her ultimate then that's perfectly alright with me :D

Was having a look at the runes last night and it's going to take me sometime to save up for a decent rune page! At level 10 right now with 3.6K IP after unlocking Tristana to use as a main, shame MF is a 6.3k IP character otherwise I'd definitely make the investment :(
We play for a bit of fun otherwise we would be playing ranked games everynight insted of unranked.

No pressure makes it a lot more fun, do I like losing hell no as anyone on Mumble will tell you, but I would rather lose with you guys then get whinged at as a random in a ranked game.
We play for a bit of fun otherwise we would be playing ranked games everynight insted of unranked.

No pressure makes it a lot more fun, do I like losing hell no as anyone on Mumble will tell you, but I would rather lose with you guys then get whinged at as a random in a ranked game.

In the same boat, I'm there to have fun, win or loose. The community as a whole doesn't seem too bad, not met too many people who spam noob in chat etc although there's always a few who are just plain gimps :p Actually for the first time today I was the one doing a bit of whinging, had Pantheon as my lane mate and he literally did squat apart from nick the only kill I was about to get lol :D
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