Renekton > Khazix top lane
Really? I ate a Renekton alive in top lane, it's Garen and Pantheon that tear me to pieces. Had a mirror match with a lv30 Kha'zix t'other day and went 2-2 with him, both of his kills were from ganks too which felt nice.
How much of a difference does runes/masteries make? I'm finding a lot of people hard to melt even early game and I'm wondering if it's down to everybody I'm facing being 30 as the people I play with are 30 bronze/silver.
Before platinum, every matchup is mostly determined by skill. Even after plat you can still win bad matchups by being better than your opponent (e.g I beat Draven's and Cait's as Vayne all the time). So when someone says Renek beats Kha, don't worry about it. It doesn't apply to you.
Really? I ate a Renekton alive in top lane, it's Garen and Pantheon that tear me to pieces. Had a mirror match with a lv30 Kha'zix t'other day and went 2-2 with him, both of his kills were from ganks too which felt nice.
How much of a difference does runes/masteries make? I'm finding a lot of people hard to melt even early game and I'm wondering if it's down to everybody I'm facing being 30 as the people I play with are 30 bronze/silver.
No, they wont see you TP onto the ward in a bush.
Now get homeguards and TP onto a ward in a bush for even more fun
Ya Really.
Ren, Trundle an Shyv by far the best top laners in the current Meta.
Regarding runes and masteries, yup it does make a big difference the way you have specced your masteries and what rrunes you are using.
Every little percentage/bonus helps and can mean the difference between life or death in your lane.
Who are you playing that you are struggling to beat your opponent early game? TBH its not about melting your opponent in the early game, its about getting your farm up and outfarming, not to mention trading when you need to and not feeding them or the jungler.