*** League of Legends ***

Day late mate.
It's a lot of fun though, freaking hilarious.

Last night in a rapid fire game I was 0-20 as Lulu with no inhibitor, feeding and trolling for fun. In the last 10 minutes of the game that changed to 10-23, and won the game with a single push from our Nexus to theirs. I laughed myself to sleep after that one.
Renekton > Khazix top lane

Really? I ate a Renekton alive in top lane, it's Garen and Pantheon that tear me to pieces. Had a mirror match with a lv30 Kha'zix t'other day and went 2-2 with him, both of his kills were from ganks too which felt nice.

How much of a difference does runes/masteries make? I'm finding a lot of people hard to melt even early game and I'm wondering if it's down to everybody I'm facing being 30 as the people I play with are 30 bronze/silver.
Hecarim is severely OP in URF mode, which I'm very happy about :D

Once you've got 2 stacks of rampage up for his Q, the cooldown is just ridiculous. You can have his W up pretty much constantly I believe, if not constantly. Low CD on his E and Ulti means nobody is going to escape. The passive bonus move speed gives him a nice boost to damage. Combine all that with homeguard, ghost and teleport means he can roam the map chasing people down like nobody else.
Really? I ate a Renekton alive in top lane, it's Garen and Pantheon that tear me to pieces. Had a mirror match with a lv30 Kha'zix t'other day and went 2-2 with him, both of his kills were from ganks too which felt nice.

How much of a difference does runes/masteries make? I'm finding a lot of people hard to melt even early game and I'm wondering if it's down to everybody I'm facing being 30 as the people I play with are 30 bronze/silver.

Before platinum, every matchup is mostly determined by skill. Even after plat you can still win bad matchups by being better than your opponent (e.g I beat Draven's and Cait's as Vayne all the time). So when someone says Renek beats Kha, don't worry about it. It doesn't apply to you.
Before platinum, every matchup is mostly determined by skill. Even after plat you can still win bad matchups by being better than your opponent (e.g I beat Draven's and Cait's as Vayne all the time). So when someone says Renek beats Kha, don't worry about it. It doesn't apply to you.

Yeah most peoples spacing is awful, Kha'zix is one of the nastiest pokers when he evolves his claws, because even basics will hit over 3+ minions, and if you're not close to a minion and he pokes with that Q then GG time to recall.

I think people underestimate Kha'zix ability to harass, they think that some poorly aimed spin dive thingies from Renekton is worth missing and eating a Q for.

I did facecheck the bush closer to my tower against a nasty Garen though, I don't even think Kha'zix can burst somebody that hard. :eek:
Really? I ate a Renekton alive in top lane, it's Garen and Pantheon that tear me to pieces. Had a mirror match with a lv30 Kha'zix t'other day and went 2-2 with him, both of his kills were from ganks too which felt nice.

How much of a difference does runes/masteries make? I'm finding a lot of people hard to melt even early game and I'm wondering if it's down to everybody I'm facing being 30 as the people I play with are 30 bronze/silver.

Ya Really.

Ren, Trundle an Shyv by far the best top laners in the current Meta.

Regarding runes and masteries, yup it does make a big difference the way you have specced your masteries and what rrunes you are using.

Every little percentage/bonus helps and can mean the difference between life or death in your lane.

Who are you playing that you are struggling to beat your opponent early game? TBH its not about melting your opponent in the early game, its about getting your farm up and outfarming, not to mention trading when you need to and not feeding them or the jungler.
Actually you can see a ward when someone tp's onto it. You used to not be able to see it, but they changed it because it was kinda broken.
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Ya Really.

Ren, Trundle an Shyv by far the best top laners in the current Meta.

Regarding runes and masteries, yup it does make a big difference the way you have specced your masteries and what rrunes you are using.

Every little percentage/bonus helps and can mean the difference between life or death in your lane.

Who are you playing that you are struggling to beat your opponent early game? TBH its not about melting your opponent in the early game, its about getting your farm up and outfarming, not to mention trading when you need to and not feeding them or the jungler.

Well I'm level 12 with like +5 attack from my runes and +6 from masteries, and been playing against level 30s who presumably have everything they need.
Only cost me like 500 for the lot and I'm back to 6k now anyway, but yeah even isolated my Q doesn't seem to do much at all to most people I go top lane against and they hit me for a ton so a lot of my games recently have been me forever alone.jpg at my turret while they get a ton of farm. :( :p

Warwick just slapped me around like a little girl, but he never killed me thankfully.
Love playing ziggs in the new game mode. Bomb spam is great.

Sona is pretty easy to play too but gets boring quick spamming QWQWQWQWQ.

In other news anyone going to All Stars? I picked up tickets for every day :D
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