Well I'm level 12 with like +5 attack from my runes and +6 from masteries, and been playing against level 30s who presumably have everything they need.
Strange to encoutner level 30s at your level range considering you are only level 12 unless they are duoing with someone in the same level range as you are.
Wait till you get to level 30 and you are playing other established level 30s.
You may feel you are doing well at your current level but its a little more harder at the higher levels with people using full tier 3 runes.
I will next time I'm on, I do play with 4 level 30s which would surely be why as I stated before. I don't have a huge problem with it putting me vs. 30s, I just don't like the rune system as it gives people flat out advantages when they are matched with lower levels.
URF is gone. Back to having no desire to play.
Never felt so deserving to get promoted than i did the other day, was playing aatrox top and from the start our midlaner was AFK, we all won our lanes (excluding mid ofc) but as it transitioned to the team fight/objective stage we started to lose hard, but we all remained calm and stuck together to push turrets, we had an amumu jungle and nami support and with myself and the others we could combo almost perfectly that they never had a chance whilst our vayne wrecked everything and we won, felt absolutely amazing
soudns wrong to me are you sure? has someone been losing on your account with you not looking?it warns you after a while (30 days) then starts decaying then after a few days at 0lp you will get demoted down.
Yi is a lot of fun right now. going to see how long my good fortune runs with him. His jungle clear is so fast at the moment 9 min dragon and 18 min barons if you do it with the top laner
OFc this wouldn't work at higher ELO because wards but for me in bronze its possible as many of them still feel supports should do the warding.
Also found not taking flash has improved my map awareness and jungle control no end.
Also finding my timers are getting better. Would love to know if any higher ELO junglers have some tips on pathing see if I can optimize my route and farm a bit more.
yeah I've been noticing in this current patch I'm heavily out farming my team came up against my first real challenge in bronze 1 today though. The enemy team warded and ****ed my **** right up. That just prevented me from carrying though the team I had was still asleep I think. Walking blind intro brushes over and over oh well Did what I could despite the excellent map control by the other team and the dismal ward placements from my own.
Still you can't win them all.