*** League of Legends ***

Well I'm level 12 with like +5 attack from my runes and +6 from masteries, and been playing against level 30s who presumably have everything they need.

Strange to encoutner level 30s at your level range considering you are only level 12 unless they are duoing with someone in the same level range as you are.

Wait till you get to level 30 and you are playing other established level 30s.

You may feel you are doing well at your current level but its a little more harder at the higher levels with people using full tier 3 runes.
Also till level 20 it seems to be a free for all on the lanes with not much thought given to lane strategy. Level 30 that all changes - yes you can fight the standard lane strategy but you need to be very clear what you are doing it for to pull it off :)
Strange to encoutner level 30s at your level range considering you are only level 12 unless they are duoing with someone in the same level range as you are.

Wait till you get to level 30 and you are playing other established level 30s.

You may feel you are doing well at your current level but its a little more harder at the higher levels with people using full tier 3 runes.

No nearly everybody I've been against has been 30. I check them out in the post game screen and pretty much every time it's 4/5 are 30. I can only imagine it getting easier as I level up because everybody I face has a massive statistical advantage over me. The amount of guys I've taken down to like 1% HP as they run under and past their turret in the early game is frusterating when you know it's their runes that saved them.
Certainly shouldn't be happening, in the past it could but they put some amendments to take into account player level. If you are joining custom games or duoing with a friend then it will work differently. Show us a screenie if possible
I will next time I'm on, I do play with 4 level 30s which would surely be why as I stated before. I don't have a huge problem with it putting me vs. 30s, I just don't like the rune system as it gives people flat out advantages when they are matched with lower levels.
I will next time I'm on, I do play with 4 level 30s which would surely be why as I stated before. I don't have a huge problem with it putting me vs. 30s, I just don't like the rune system as it gives people flat out advantages when they are matched with lower levels.

The don't play with your level 30 friends then or hurry up and level to 30 so you too can have a full set of runes and masteries:)

That's why you are playing other level 30s its because you're friends are raising the bar when you join blind/draft pick queues.
Yi is a lot of fun right now. going to see how long my good fortune runs with him. His jungle clear is so fast at the moment 9 min dragon and 18 min barons if you do it with the top laner

OFc this wouldn't work at higher ELO becuase wards but for me in bronze its possible as many of them still feel supports should do the warding.

Also found not taking flash has improved my map awareness and jungle control no end.

Also finding my timers are getting better. Would love to know if any higher ELO junglers have some tips on pathing see if I can optimise my route and farm a bit more.
I got demoted to Gold 4 after two days of inactivity when I signed in last night. I had 18LP the previous day so planned to start doing ranked again when I got home, but was kind of miffed that it seemingly happened so soon.. Anyone else had this? (I'm not questioning getting demoted through inactivity with 0LP, but that I thought your LP decayed and THEN you get demoted.)
soudns wrong to me are you sure? has someone been losing on your account with you not looking?it warns you after a while (30 days) then starts decaying then after a few days at 0lp you will get demoted down.
Never felt so deserving to get promoted than i did the other day, was playing aatrox top and from the start our midlaner was AFK, we all won our lanes (excluding mid ofc) but as it transitioned to the team fight/objective stage we started to lose hard, but we all remained calm and stuck together to push turrets, we had an amumu jungle and nami support and with myself and the others we could combo almost perfectly that they never had a chance whilst our vayne wrecked everything and we won, felt absolutely amazing :)
Never felt so deserving to get promoted than i did the other day, was playing aatrox top and from the start our midlaner was AFK, we all won our lanes (excluding mid ofc) but as it transitioned to the team fight/objective stage we started to lose hard, but we all remained calm and stuck together to push turrets, we had an amumu jungle and nami support and with myself and the others we could combo almost perfectly that they never had a chance whilst our vayne wrecked everything and we won, felt absolutely amazing :)

Gz i think a lot of this game is also about mind set,

Your midlaner was afk most people would just give up almost instantly, and just go through the motions in game till 20mins and surrender.

But if you can all remain calm and keep focused you can still win.

My freind will go into champ select and pretty declare they've lost before all his team has picked, and he wonders why he's stuck around silver 2.

He's gone from silver 2 to 3 about 4 times now in 2 weeks. He just can't get to silver 1 and i believe it cos he doesn't concentrate all the time he gives up to easy !
soudns wrong to me are you sure? has someone been losing on your account with you not looking?it warns you after a while (30 days) then starts decaying then after a few days at 0lp you will get demoted down.

Definitely. My last ranked game as of yesterday afternoon was on the 16th March, which should be 29 days ago (counting back from yesterday). I knew I hadn't played in a while (mainly due to my two duo partners not being around), but when I saw I had become inactive on Sunday I aimed to a ranked game when I got home from work yesterday (I was busy Sunday). But unless Riot have made the system more harsh, I shouldn't have been demoted at the same time as losing my 18LP.

In Gold you lose 25LP for each period of decay, so the only thing I can think of is that I got demoted because I didn't have a 7LP buffer?
Yi is a lot of fun right now. going to see how long my good fortune runs with him. His jungle clear is so fast at the moment 9 min dragon and 18 min barons if you do it with the top laner

OFc this wouldn't work at higher ELO because wards but for me in bronze its possible as many of them still feel supports should do the warding.

Also found not taking flash has improved my map awareness and jungle control no end.

Also finding my timers are getting better. Would love to know if any higher ELO junglers have some tips on pathing see if I can optimize my route and farm a bit more.

TBH there is no optimal Jungle route as the route varies from game to game depending on what you are doing and what lanes you are assisting/ganking. Always clear a camp whenever you are close to it. If you gank a lane and you force a flash or dont get a kill, as long as you have some health left go back into the jungle and clear a camp before you port to nexus.

As a jungler you just need to make sure you don't fall too far behind on farm and that you are clearing buff camps when they spawn and counter jungling when an opportunity occurs. Also keeping track of your buff spawn times as well as Dragon and enemy buff camps if possible.
yeah I've been noticing in this current patch I'm heavily out farming my team came up against my first real challenge in bronze 1 today though. The enemy team warded and ****ed my **** right up. That just prevented me from carrying though the team I had was still asleep I think. Walking blind intro brushes over and over oh well Did what I could despite the excellent map control by the other team and the dismal ward placements from my own.

Still you can't win them all.
yeah I've been noticing in this current patch I'm heavily out farming my team came up against my first real challenge in bronze 1 today though. The enemy team warded and ****ed my **** right up. That just prevented me from carrying though the team I had was still asleep I think. Walking blind intro brushes over and over oh well Did what I could despite the excellent map control by the other team and the dismal ward placements from my own.

Still you can't win them all.

That's the way it goes sometimes.

Are you yourself buying green/pink wards? if not you should be.

Don't be reliant on the trinket ward, its ok but too short. Everyback to nexus you should buy a ward and at least get one pink down on the map. there are some great places for a pink ward and as long as the pink lasts longer than 4 minutes its worth the money. Also if you get an opportunity, ward near enemy buffs and dropping a wad in the enemies wolf camp can help your midlaner.

Vision wins games even more so in bronze.
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