*** League of Legends ***

There are tons of people that get carried through elos though, I've never been in bronze but I can imagine there are a few people in there that are better than silvers, maybe even some golds. Truth be told though nobody below D5 knows the game, at best they are in an elo based on how mechanically good they are with x amount of champs.

Anyone fancy a game?

Yeah i agree with that.

I'll be on later after gym but think i might be rank 5ing, if not i'll be up for some.

IGN: T5 Wunsen
Ok so finally got into my account. I have 20k ip and 100 riot points. What new champs should I buy?

Gnar. He is a great toplaner, decent midlaner, works in the jungle but is hard to coordinate ganks around his rage bar and he's a very kill heavy support that zones most duo botlanes and easily 1v2s them in mega form. Try him with Kalista, it's broken AF.

You say that like you're trolling but a team actually pulled out the Devil Rat yesterday in the EU Challenger Series and won them the game....
The enemy team was pushing the nexus with 4, Teemo dropped a mushroom and stealthed between the 2 nexus towers and got a triple kill with the help of his Olaf. I think th ehighlight is on the LoL reddit if you wanna check it out.

God help solo queue after that, Teemos everywhere....
Of course, every champ can be played well.

But we all know the majority of people who go Teemo are absolutely trash with him.

The amount of people I see who don't even drop mushrooms, use attack speed builds, come out of stealth at retarded times amazes me.
We played teemo bot lane, I played leona. They had draven and blitz. Won our lane, but that could have been poor skill on the blitz and draven
Of course, every champ can be played well.

But we all know the majority of people who go Teemo are absolutely trash with him.

The amount of people I see who don't even drop mushrooms, use attack speed builds, come out of stealth at retarded times amazes me.

Get ready for the bad teemo players when the new legendary skin hits live! Fun times ahead!

I for one can't wait to try the new skin as support! Although I don't think my adc will :)
Bronze 5-Plat 1 is the same elo, just play anything you want if you're not diamond.

If you want to go up in rank you have to carry yourself top or mid been the easiest to carry from. Less then 30 games I got plat 5 with a mixed bag of lissandra Draven ahri Leblanc and sion. To say that plat is the same as bronze silver or gold is a bit silly. For example my friend is silver 3 I can just rofl stomp through his games people just have no clue what they are doing. At least in plat they can play a handful of champs.

As for your love for udyr if your playing jungle and become that strong you need your team to defend while you split push a lane. Who can 1 v 1 you on there team probably no one so they either send one person who you kill and continue the push. Or they send more letting your team push someplace else. Don't get me wrong theirs some games you can't carry but at lower Elo 90% win rate is not difficult if your a higher player
Gotta love it when you have that one guy on your team that thinks he can 1 vs 5 and throws the game for your even tho you have baron and 5 drakes xD

Gotta love low elo xD ( not that im high elo... But still lol)
Just started playing this recently, gotta say that I'm really enjoying it, having a lot of fun maining Vel'Koz and WTF lasering people in the face :P. Wish I started playing this game earlier now.
Just started playing this recently, gotta say that I'm really enjoying it, having a lot of fun maining Vel'Koz and WTF lasering people in the face :P. Wish I started playing this game earlier now.

Yeah velkoz Ult is soo much fun :P, i play him mainly as a support but not often, i pref annie thresh morgana leo just go velkoz if im bored :D haha
Yeah, hitting a full combo and watching them melt then reading all the "OMG Vel'koz's ult is soo op" messages in chat is always good for a giggle.

Having a lot of fun with Amumu Jungle, Morgana Support & Ashe/Cait ADC. Slowly getting to grips with the different roles, trying to expand my champion and role pool before I start going for ranked.
As for your love for udyr if your playing jungle and become that strong you need your team to defend while you split push a lane. Who can 1 v 1 you on there team probably no one so they either send one person who you kill and continue the push. Or they send more letting your team push someplace else. Don't get me wrong theirs some games you can't carry but at lower Elo 90% win rate is not difficult if your a higher player

You don't think I split push? I can rack up 10+ kills a game as the Dyr from 1v1 and 1v2 kills while split pushing. You're just assuming that the other 4 people on my team have a brain and take advantage of the pressure I apply. I've honestly not had a single game this year where my team will do something useful when I'm being ganked by the entire enemy team. You'd think they'd auto push a lane, sneak a baron/dragon, even something as basic as warding/dewarding the jungles, but no, they'll usually run to the lane I'm in and die 4v5 and completely waste the opportunity and throw the game.

Solo carrying a team that are essentially as useful as a wave of minions is impossible and it's all I've been getting for months now. Gonna take a big break because sitting in the jungle while their jungler is 0/0/0 yet the enemy top/mid/adc are 5 kills 100CS at the 10 minute mark is about as fun as having aids. I know Udyr isn't the best champion in the current League of Mobility/CC meta, but other jungle champs are boring. I also play top and whenever I do, I'll be on their inhib turret by 15 minutes with 2-3 full items, yet mid and bot will be at our inhib towers, with a 5-40 bloody team score.
Got promoted to gold 2 the other day won 7 out of 8 games I think it was, still main role is top... I hate that lane, so many ratty random things you go against but I'd say the biggest thing I've done now to improve is not go on massive tilt when falling behind. My friend is normally first pick so normally picks up the champ I get so I end up getting countered... Apart from in my placement match when we first picked Fizz and someone picked Gragas to go against me top...


I know I'm only gold and it's not exactly hard to get to but it amazes me some of the people I play with or against and how on Earth they got gold.
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I know I'm only gold and it's not exactly hard to get to but it amazes me some of the people I play with or against and how on Earth they got gold.

I know that feeling im only silver but ive player with plat and gold and i agree some of them u think how? Lol but can work the other way haha ive seen some bronze that are amazing ( mainly smurfs ) but either way does make you wonder teehee xD
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