Errr... just to let you guys know... Teemo is OP in URF.
Ooooo i 4got that the URF thing was last nyt will defo b giving this a go xD HAHA
Errr... just to let you guys know... Teemo is OP in URF.
Graves/Lucian are good ADCs to use, they are both very strong in the meta, play similarly and aren't overly difficult. That way you don't get comfortable on someone like Ezreal and come unstuck if he gets banned, if Lucian/Graves get banned pick the other.
Avoid Draven/Kalista/Vayne until you're much much better at the role, they take a silly amount of ADC knowlege and mechanical skill to use effectively.
Just been DC'd in the middle of a game and now cannot connect to the server, anyone else??
It's popularity is crazy, the last time it was active the community requested it be a perma game mode and once again have been ignored.
Don't get why people like URF. Its awful, skill-less and just stupid.
Because it's this new thing called fun. I think a lot of people who play League forget that it's a game. To be played for fun.