*** League of Legends ***

Just finished my foray into ranked for the first time, came out of the 10 games and placed into silver 3, I know there is a lot fun poked at people in bronze/silver, but happy with that.
I feel its a good stepping stone to better things, all things considered I only got to play my main role twice, had to fill the other 8 games I'm happy so far.

Things I realised;

Jungle/Mid AP Carry/Support are my "better" roles.

I suck ADC and need a lot more practice. I expect a lot of bad games & frustration as I try to close that gap in my champion/role pool, im so inconsistent with Cait/Ashe, any recommendations for ADC's?
Pick 1 AD and stick to it. Jinx/Graves/Cait/Lucian/Ezreal. Vayne if you want to invest 500 games before you start getting good. Once you become very good at 1 AD, you become good at them all. Except for Draven. If you play multiple ADs you will stay average at them all for a very very long time.

People who are bad at AD usually don't right click enough. It's all about character control and right clicking means you're moving more, so you're in a better position to dodge and close gaps and position by being in motion already. The most important thing to work on is right clicking and moving around more, that's the biggest thing to understand if you want to learn AD. Also don't fall into the trap of playing multiple characters. Stick to 1 or 2 and get good at them, very important.
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Graves/Lucian are good ADCs to use, they are both very strong in the meta, play similarly and aren't overly difficult. That way you don't get comfortable on someone like Ezreal and come unstuck if he gets banned, if Lucian/Graves get banned pick the other.

Avoid Draven/Kalista/Vayne until you're much much better at the role, they take a silly amount of ADC knowlege and mechanical skill to use effectively.
Graves/Lucian are good ADCs to use, they are both very strong in the meta, play similarly and aren't overly difficult. That way you don't get comfortable on someone like Ezreal and come unstuck if he gets banned, if Lucian/Graves get banned pick the other.

Avoid Draven/Kalista/Vayne until you're much much better at the role, they take a silly amount of ADC knowlege and mechanical skill to use effectively.

Lucian and Graves Both have a DASH therefore can dodge key spells like Morgana / Lux Binds Thresh / Blitz Hooks or alternatively use to go aggressive.

Key is as Scott said you need to be moving around you minions ensuring you get them last hits ( Very important all roles), u cant stand still AA'ing as make you an easy target :)

Cait and Ashe are both weak early but scale well with items,
cait you get an extra range which is good plus you can net away (like a dash)

ashe only has slows and Ulti Stun if you hit it :P

i went a bit laggy but im okay.. i guesss EUW?


Yeh EUW indeed. I've restarted multiple times, and everytime I log back in it asks me to reconnect, but the game has been going for nearly 20 mins without me and it was already about 30 mins+ in.

Looks like it is just me then, just refuses to let me back in to the game at all :(

Well eventually I get back into the client, the game has ended so I go to my match history..... game isn't there in my history :confused:

Thanks Cooki3 for replying, but it seems a bit of a mystery.
It's popularity is crazy, the last time it was active the community requested it be a perma game mode and once again have been ignored.

From my perspective it kills our group so some play it and others don't and those who don't may stop playing due to no team group . It would be interesting if this is just our group or generally. So with a new mode I'd expect a surge in popularity which slowly tails off to maybe lower than pre game mode. Can't stand the mode myself
URF is okay if your friends but i dnt enjoy the game mode just that with friends you can troll around in it and no1 will care xD.

URF requires little skill and it wont help you improve at the game i feel there other game modes have been great like Nemisis as it requirws you to play a champ you may have ever played or dont know of which helps you understand them if you ever lane agianst then you may even like playing the champ who knows.

ARAM i enjoy note then URF as you have to dodge CC engage disengage i play it when im short on time :).

But some of the team comps that you get given can be far inferior to the enemys which can be annoying .. However it makea u work that bit harder i guess....


Still prefer Normal Draft Pick and Ranked

Teambuilder is good but i dont like how you cant have bans which is something i like the option of having, but its great if you wanna practice on 1 champ over and over garunteed!!!!
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