Does anybody know if you got a loss & leaver mark for queue dodging at champion select in ranked? My stats are currently showing as 5 wins, 1 loss, 1 leave, but i have only played 5 games and won them all :/ I wouldnt have queue dodged if i knew i would get a loss mark *shakes fist at McKnight*![]()
What's with people threading to report you all of a sudden. last game I played, had two people smack talking, so I may have got my team to target them constantly, this wound them up even more.
There are so many people playing the game now, complain when you gank them, surely this is part of the game though, being aware of where everybody is and making the odds go in your favour?
the whole game is full of idiots , feeders , leavers , whiners.
the devs barely ever ban anyone aswell theres a thread on the games forums about some guy who can still play ranked even though he has left hundreds of games.. and i reported a guy with video evidence of him telling me to get brain cancer and die and they arent even bothered just told me about the /ignore and /mute command .....
Premades are definitely the way to go imho
Do quints work properly .I just bought the movement speed quint +1.5% but i played as sivir and my movement was still 310![]()
Free rune page for everyone.
my mate has just bought the halloween movement speed quints and they are not working for him either... have you found out what the problem is yet?
ah ok, tell them to stfu or you will feed lol, some guy called me a cry baby earlier because i wanted him to leave middle on galio and come help me with rhyze because me and my team mate were both melee....
so i said cry about this and charged there base 4 times lol, we still won though and i ended 9/8 ^_^ was funny how quick he shut up
Feeding on purpose is a bannable tactic
On another note i've found /ignore enemy makes the game far more harmonious on the rare times we are playing against the preschool brigades