*** League of Legends ***

The rate at which you get IP makes buying the more expensive heroes very appealing. I want some of the 3,000 - 6,300 IP heroes but it will take ages to farm that much IP so I'm really tempted to just buy them.

It's sooooooooo much better playing LoL arranged team over vent / teamspeak. Random teams can be so depressing!
I'm on a 3/4 game winning streak playing random games when i get the chance. Trying to get to level 20 asap, i'm strugling in our team games because im so far behind in levels. Should hit level 10 tonight, will buy some cheapish runes then to tide me over till 20.

Sticking with playing as Sivir for now, as its the only support champ i can keep my kills/deaths ratio even or better lol. I'll prob swich back to tanking when i get to 20, takes a lot of runes/mastaries for tanking to work well.

Hopefully i'll be able to play at the same time as the rest of you tonight, been a busy week for me, so finding it hard to get online on a night time.
Tanking can be great fun when you pull it off well. Nothing like having the entire enemy team try and kill you and failing, especially when that allows your team to ace them. :)
Tanking can be great fun when you pull it off well. Nothing like having the entire enemy team try and kill you and failing, especially when that allows your team to ace them. :)

Have great fun tanking with blitz on us server :), just when they think they have me my mana sheild pops up and they have another 1-2k hp to burn through while im super speeding away lol. Need decent runes/mastaries for this to work tho :(

Need to save my IP up for level 3 runes, so cant buy any tank atm either, and all the weekly tanks are crap atm :(. Need blitz or taric to tempt me back to the dark side!
£4 and he would be yours :) I must try Gangplank - got him a few days ago and have yet to try him. What is he viewed as i.e where should the items be loaded to - ability/damage or defence?
Taric is amazingly good at taking damage since he has excellent armour and healing. Malphite is decent too since he can slow their attack speeds and stop the dps from backing off.

Gankplank is best played stacking crit. Items like executioners calling, Infinity edge, phantom dancer. His melee isn't great but if you build him right you can take off most of their health with your first parrrley so all you then need to do is apply a few stacks of poison from your melee and finish them off with another parrley. His ultimate can be frustrating to use. Sometimes it'll kill the entire team and other times it won't do anything.
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Taric is great for pushing towers too :) just stick his ult on and you can push towers solo without losing too much hp (just give yourself the odd heal too). Have a good win/lose ratio with taric from weekly champs on us server lol.

Not played Gankplank sicne they changed parrley from magic to phisical dmg so im of no help lol, ill try a few practice games with him later see what i come up with.

Not paying 4quid again for blitz, already did it once. I'll just wait and buy him with IP when the time is right, and i can take advantage of him.

Sivir is fine to play for now, just stick with team buff items and dont even need to worry about kills. Funny using Sivir's ult along with rally and killing a tower when your level 6 within the time it takes to kill 1 minion group lol. That middle champ always regrets going to buy items for a min :) Upto 2:1 win ratio with Sivir now, fighting low levels solo queing is too easy lol. Good quick exp.
It makes it easier to play him really since you're more capable of investing in penetration without nerfing your melee too much. Parrrley does a higher percentage of your melee damage as well so it can do some big damage.

I do love Blitz. It's so awesome when you manage to grab their main dps out of the group just before a team fight.
I do love Blitz. It's so awesome when you manage to grab their main dps out of the group just before a team fight.

My fave is getting 2-3 people and hiding behind a treeline while they pushing. You can grab someone over the tree's then kill the within seconds lol. By the time the rest of there team get over to help you have already killed them and have the numbers advantage. Hard to do this with most pug's tho, they dont seem to react very often when i set this up...
It's awesome when you can pull that off.

I try not to tank in PUGs for that exact reason. Makes it hard to initiate fights when you have no confidence what so ever that your team will follow you in and not just leave you to die (and then call you a noob of course).
Big fan of Taric, probably my fave champ so far.

Back from holiday yesterday but out tonight - should be on for some games over the weekend :)
May be of interest to some here. I actually purchased a hard copy of this via the jungle for a tenner. It comes with 20 champs unlocked and you get £9 of riot points too which was a bargain really.

I love playing Blitz too altho not so hot with him if I`m honest. My main is Warwick who I love playing.

Would love to get into some of your games but unfortunately I dont have a mic. I have a bluetooth earpiece somewhere but no idea where the usb charger thing for it is :-(
Re the mic, one of our other team doesn't have a mic - it's not the end of the world and if you can listen to the chatter that certainly aids in ganks and general awareness. So come and join us - if you stick in the comment in vent that you have no mic we won't wonder why you arn't talking to us :) Keyskills I can't remember if I have added you or not - what's your tag? Half the battle i sjust playing with people who want to have fun :) also if we got enough we could start doing our own 3v3 and 5v5 games

Good to have you back Barno - unlikely I will be on tomorrow night as we're having a family evening and Sunday will be dependant on who is around as I would love to try some Bloodline champions but if people are around then LoL will be my draw :)
Managed to get 9 deaths by level 8 ealrier (practice match) due to huge lage spikes. Think that was just my connection playing up tho lol.

Ill check what my lag's like now.. on vent too.
I always struggle on tank/dps etc, so I posted on the forums and had what I think is a great response


There's generally three broad categories of champions. Not all champions & playstyles fit nicely into them, but most of the time you will either play as one of these, a variation of one of these, or a combination of a couple of 'em. Please understand the examples below are very broad generalizations. For example, it's quite possible for Fiddlesticks and Annie to both be built with entirely different items, despite broadly falling into "ability power ranged casters".

Physical Damage (aka DPS)
Examples: Ashe, Yi, Tristana
Items: +Damage, +Attack Speed, +Critical Chance, +Lifesteal.

Why? These all combine in ways that multiple together (except Lifesteal). Concrete examples would be Infinity Edge (Damage, Critical Chance), Phantom Dancer (Attack Speed, Critical Chance) or Stark's Fervor (Attack Speed, Lifesteal). It's a terrible idea on any physical DPS champion to focus on only one of these and ignore the others. Ashe shouldn't focus solely on damage while ignore attack speed and critical chance.

Ability Power (AP)
Examples: Annie, Ryze, Anivia, Veigar, Fiddlesticks
Items: +Ability Power, +Magic Penetration

These are pretty straightforward. Some champions have abilities that do a lot more damage with increased ability power. Get more of it. Look under Magic -> Ability in the shop for things like Rod of Ages, Mejai's Soulstealer, Zhonya's Ring.

Examples: Alistair, Amumu, Rammus, Singed, Cho'gath
Items: +Health, +Armor, +Magic Resistance; sometimes +Health Regen as well.

Tanks just taking a beating. Usually they are initiators for team battles, and can stand in front of a tower taking hits while a physical DPS teammate takes it down. They pretty obviously want health and ways to reduce enemy damage. Example items include Warmogs, Sunfire Cape, Force of Nature, Banshee's Veil, Spirit Visage. A few other important items for certain tanks include Aura items, both buffing teammates and debuffing enemies, such as Frozen Heart, Aegies of the Legion, Soul Shroud, etc. Finally, tanks are usually the teammate who should buy Oracle's Elixir if your team needs to see invisible wherever they go.


Things are never so simple, of course. There's "mage tanks" like Singed, who usually have at least one Rod of Ages for both the AP and the health. Many champions can be built multiple ways, such as Sion or Teemo, who can feasibly play as physical DPS OR using Ability Power (and there are mighty debates as to which one is better, but certainly people play both ways). There's also so-called "support" champions like Soraca, Zilean, and Kayle who don't necessarily fit into the nice square pigeon holes, although often you can pretend they are AP or Tank and get away with it.

Nearly every champion has mitigating abilities that affect item purchasing. Tristana and Twitch possibly don't need as much attack speed as some other champions because they have abilities that increase their attack speed. Yi and Sion both have built in bonuses to damage, so maybe they should focus more on criticals and attack speed early on (although Yi also has attack speed bonuses!) Tryndamere's Bloodlust triggers on critical strikes, so critical chance items are hugely helpful for him. Singed gets extra health from +mana items, making those more useful to him than other champions. Poppy's passive makes straight up health items stronger. Tryndamere, Mundo, Katarina and Mordekaiser don't even have mana pools, so +mana is entirely useless. Nidalee easily spams abilities, making it simple to trigger Sheen, Trinity Force or Lich Bane.

The enemy can affect your choices as well. Many champions might want to decide between various attack speed items. If the enemy has multiple high-armor tanks, Last Whisper is a given. If they have many physical DPS champions, the dodge bonus from Phantom Dancer can be crucial.
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