I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with the client for this game. As of Sunday the chat hadn't been working for about a week, and you couldn't see who was in your arranged team until you got into champion select. So the server went dead at about 8pm and came back a couple of hours later with both of these things working fine except now people were getting disconnected upon trying to load the game and it was refusing to let them join at all. This led to one game which was a 3v5 (I was in the 3) until 1 of our team managed to connect when we were all around level 9. The result was an inevitable defeat. The second game I got disconnected and couldn't join so now I have another leaver mark because of server issues.
I love this game, but boy does the client suck! Is the US version this bad too or is it just GOA messing it up?
I know what you mean, have just joined a game where only 2 of my team were able to get into the game. The other three must have all had connection issues as one managed to connect long enough to say his connection was terrible. I`m positive they will get it all fixed eventually but what I dont understand is how it can work one week and then the next its full of bugs.
I used to play soley on the US servers and the same issues were present albeit with a little added lag. On a good day I ping 14 (in-game) on the Euro servers whilst it was typically 90-160 on the US ones.