*** League of Legends ***

I'm looking for some friends for this, I am new to LoL, but have played a lot of DOTA and HON, I'm a little bored of crushing the people I get paired with 16-1, 10-0, 20-3 e.t.c.

Steam - Cantu, Summoner - Utnac
I'm looking for some friends for this, I am new to LoL, but have played a lot of DOTA and HON, I'm a little bored of crushing the people I get paired with 16-1, 10-0, 20-3 e.t.c.

Steam - Cantu, Summoner - Utnac

Sent you the mumble details, just bear in mind we are a 'casual' group so if you are looking for a competitive clan this is not it. But if you want a good fun community of people - a lot of who are from these forums then that is what we are :)
Yet it then went down again :( Anyone here got any influence with Riot - Anim you're the only one I can think of who may have the ability to see if they are taking this seriously. So far it's ruined the last 3 gaming nights i've played and virtually nothing from Riot :(

I know a few people that know a lot of the devs, i shall see what i can find out.
I know a few people that know a lot of the devs, i shall see what i can find out.

Nice one, it could just be Christmas so lack of dev cover in the right places but currently it's mad. Hit 6.00pm and the game becomes unplayable on Eu :(
New patch sneak peek:

Loving the new Zhonya's items. The cap is going to make my Kassadin even more of a monster :D

Also looks like they are trying to open the door for more viable tanky-casters. Swain with Spirit Visage, Zhonya's hourglass & Banshees will be quite nice to test :) Or I might actually play Morgana as a proper support instead of melting faces with her!
The old z.ring had its active ability forgotten about enough in the game (unless facing karthus or something) so the cap is just even more powerful with very little downside ;)
The old z.ring had its active ability forgotten about enough in the game (unless facing karthus or something) so the cap is just even more powerful with very little downside ;)

From my experience in normal games I'll agree with you on that, most people don't like adapting builds to scenarios anyway so you probably won't see to many people using the Zhonyas hourglass!
the new offensive zhonyas is nuts... looks like the next few months will be dominated by nukers, just as well that i almost have enough for anivia :p. the defensive zhonyas looks interesting too though im kinda dreading ap/tanks having that active..

looking forward to the rebuff of garen, last patch completely ruined him.
i was looking forward to the new champ but after watching the newest video im not so sure

sounds like they stuck ashe , jax and that woman who throws spears/lays traps/runs fast in brush whos name i cant remember and stuck them in a washing machine and the colours ran
I don't see how she's anything like Jax? I can see the Nidalee comparison alright but it looks like she plays completely differently. For instance her traps snare instead of giving sight, meaning they aren't map control tools but rather an actual ability with some legs in a teamfight.

I also doubt she scales well, in comparison to other carries (although obviously I'd have to see her skills, ratios, etc). My guess is that she'll peak at 16ish and late game will be out-carried by the usual suspects. Can't wait to try her out though, might make a nice change from Trist.
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