*** League of Legends ***

I had a couple of games on the US servers, wasn't too bad, but was very obvious that a lot of EU guys had the same idea, very tough game for level one haha.

Oh and what's a smurf account?
Just a new account an experienced player uses to play on. Generally called smurfing, not really sure why it's called that to be honest.

I only mentioned it because when playing on EU you sometimes see low summoner level players aggressively giving advice or moaning that someone is playing perfectly.
Bought katrina and its fair to say im rubbish :p i mean im pritty good with jax master yi and play the best with twitch!

anyone have any tips? do i build her AP or DPS?

Is it just me or has this become a completely unbalanced mess lately?

Maybe it's always been that way and I've just somehow noticed it now. The amount of drastic changes in the patch notes every time is starting to extract the urine and they seem unable to actually do any balancing - it seems to be one extreme or the other with characters becoming either OP or useless.

I'd be amused if their solution to it all was upping the amount of bans on the draft!
Is it just me or has this become a completely unbalanced mess lately?

For a while I'd say, they dont seem to test the changes to champs/items till they put them in game. Plus every 2 weeks (or so) they add an extra champ which just added to the complexity of balancing the game even further!

They do seem to leave a couple of champs alone though Warwick/Mundo to name a few, funny that those are the two champs I play mainly as they seem the best overall balanced :)
For a while I'd say, they dont seem to test the changes to champs/items till they put them in game. Plus every 2 weeks (or so) they add an extra champ which just added to the complexity of balancing the game even further!

They do seem to leave a couple of champs alone though Warwick/Mundo to name a few, funny that those are the two champs I play mainly as they seem the best overall balanced :)

Ashe is pretty much left to his own devices as well :)
Are there any differences from having the retail version of this game??I saw the retail version in the shop for £5 but it didnt say if it had any extra skins or bonus riot points or anything.Was just wondering :)
Are there any differences from having the retail version of this game??I saw the retail version in the shop for £5 but it didnt say if it had any extra skins or bonus riot points or anything.Was just wondering :)

You lucky ******, you should have purchased it :) What the £5 gives you is unlock for 20 fixed champs + 1800 rp+ some runes. In the pack is the unlock code you use which sorts this out in your account. If the 20 champs have been unlocked then you don't get any more but you always get that 1800rp which for £5 is sweet :)

I keep checking in game but the packs are quite rare now - shame as imho the rp is too expensive direct from riot. At £5 for 1800 I have no problem grabbing it :)
You lucky ******, you should have purchased it :) What the £5 gives you is unlock for 20 fixed champs + 1800 rp+ some runes. In the pack is the unlock code you use which sorts this out in your account. If the 20 champs have been unlocked then you don't get any more but you always get that 1800rp which for £5 is sweet :)

I keep checking in game but the packs are quite rare now - shame as imho the rp is too expensive direct from riot. At £5 for 1800 I have no problem grabbing it :)

It was in a game and it was 3 for £10 but i didnt know otherwise id have got them but it doesnt say anything on the pack about the bonuses :(
It was in a game and it was 3 for £10 but i didnt know otherwise id have got them but it doesnt say anything on the pack about the bonuses :(

:( Worth going back to see - if they were there recently likely they will still be there as these packs were last released over a year ago when Goa was the publisher
I've played LoL since beta so I've always had an US account, got it to level 30 and bought quite a few Riot Points too. Recently made a EU account due to US server going down and having laggy matches. Thing is I wanna purely play on EU now as my ping is much lower and as a result I'm playing better. Shame there's no way I can transfer over all those RP...
I've played LoL since beta so I've always had an US account, got it to level 30 and bought quite a few Riot Points too. Recently made a EU account due to US server going down and having laggy matches. Thing is I wanna purely play on EU now as my ping is much lower and as a result I'm playing better. Shame there's no way I can transfer over all those RP...

Having both accounts doesn't hurt tbh. I have a US (16) and an EU (30) account. Generally use the EU but we do have some american friends on mumble so when it's quiet I hit the US servers
For a while I'd say, they dont seem to test the changes to champs/items till they put them in game. Plus every 2 weeks (or so) they add an extra champ which just added to the complexity of balancing the game even further!

They do seem to leave a couple of champs alone though Warwick/Mundo to name a few, funny that those are the two champs I play mainly as they seem the best overall balanced :)

Mundo is one that is getting my goat currently actually. Educate me if there is something I'm missing but he basically needs Force, Spirit and Warmogs and he's on his way. Now that's alright because some of that gear is expensive but what really annoys me is that once you have that along with the ulti you are seriously tanky (you've built MR for enemy AP and your insane regen and HP takes care of enemy AD) but you're ALSO getting very decent free damage out of the deal also.

It's the same with Rammus who is apparently getting nerfed next patch although I'd say he needs a lot more gear than Mundo but it's the fact that you can be a great tank and be pumping out the dps that really gets me, it's like having a tank that can also carry and that seems wrong to me.

When you look at something like Shen I see a more balanced tank in that he really doesn't have much damage output, you need a heck of a lot more gear also to be a viable tank with him too and it can be difficult to farm on him. There's basically no reason to play Shen over Rammus because you might as well have tank AND damage.

I think they've basically screwed up by wanting every character to be doing damage in this game and not balancing the rest giving some characters the best of both worlds. A recent change was the one to Olaf (one of my favorite characters) whereby he doesn't get so much free damage from health anymore - this makes it a harder decision for the player to decide how much damage vs how much survivability they want instead of just doing survivability and getting moon on a stick for free (damage, life steal and attack speed).

TL : DR Building survivability should affect damage output, it shouldn't be possible for characters to build one or the other with impunity and just receive the other for free.
Shen is amazing. It's not about pure damage output for Shen, it's about the fact he can harass with his Q + passive combo, pop W and take zero damage in return harassment. Over time, this will win you a lane against most other champions, which makes him a formidable solo top.

The tanks don't really produce much damage, when you see the output of a well farmed carry, their damage doesn't compare.

I wouldn't say Mundo is a tank either, he's more of a tanky DPS champion. He's not a huge deal if you itemise against him, with at least one Ignite also being preferable.
That's the problem, how do you itemise against something with 4000hp, regens extremely fast and basically negates a Madreds because all he has to buy is MR to be viable. Fair enough though that Ignite and the item active (I think it's executioners blade) helps but to be fair the DPS shouldn't be itemising against the tank anyway.

The problem with these "DPS tanks" is that once you've gone through hell and high water trying to take out the enemy carry you've just had decent DPS on you few a few seconds then you have to face off against them with half health once the others are dead.

Of course Shen isn't about pure damage output, nor should he be because he is a tank, but he should damn well be able to tank BETTER than Rammus or Mundo since his damage output isn't as high. At any rate the early game isn't so much my beef, yes Shen's lane harassment is nice, but so is Mundo's cleaver. Late game Shen's damage becomes almost insignificant and Mundo's doesn't, he has a reasonable ADOT, can hit reasonably hard and the cleaver scales with enemy HP unlike Shen's dagger.
mundo is not even close to being a tank, hes a tanky dps champ. shen destroys mundo in every tanking department, hes there to protect your carry. mundo is good for dps, soaking damage and chasing.

mundo has to be countered... there should be one champ in the lineup who can get madreds and he should get it. ignite should also be saved for him.
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