SUB! those panels are unreal,Amazing work
Thanks GottiB
Ready for carrying on again
but now with all my tools ready for action in the cellar & plenty of storage, workshop still needs a lot more attention but it's totally usable again for the time being & with a lot more function.
Scraps area & a load more has been added from the garage since this photo of acrylic, bars, sheet alu & copper bars & sheet, will be a perfect selection, so much good stuff to pick through & will be great for some freestyle modding.
Work top area & all the tools on there can be placed inside the cupboard leaving a big blank work surface & it has mounting holes for a vice, grinder/polisher & bending brake which hasn't seen a lot of use from me to be honest because it's only any good for 1mm sheet really but it's there for whenever I need it.
Draws filled with many various types of drill bits, loads of types of nuts & bolts (I should buy a couple of small compartment storage boxes for them), adhesives, fillers, small hand tools, files & cutting bits.
Cupboard shelves with some hand manual/power tools, more files, clamps & sand paper from 60 to 2000 grit in closer gaps for each grit now with room for much more stuff.
My scraps need a good sorting through for what could be useful & unuseful & to sort them into same types & thicknesses nicely arranged for easy selection & all my modding bits need a hefty sort through also, have 1 huge box & about 7 smaller boxes of lighting, fans & all kinds of modding bits including retail case parts but with me now knowing how to make my own main important case pieces I have no need for them anymore so already know I can have a good clear out instead of becoming a massive hoarder.
Really starting to feel like a workshop & think modding will be much more fun as it should be from now.
Off/on topic
Because of me mucking up by showing the doubled up panel in it's best lighting & some approving of it lol I couldn't hold myself back from having a quick mess about in sketchup as well as checking out different orientations of the actual panels.
A big part of what makes it look good doubled up in reality is the inside cuts catch reflections & cast shadows under the right light with them being 3mm thick, if I doubled these up they would mess the planned design which would be a problem so natural choice to me is stay with the design & either use 1.5mm sheets or 3 1mm sheets, but with the lack of depth might not look as good, also I got the feeling wood wouldn't fit in with it all so if I did go that route I'd make it all out of aluminium, colours used in this example are titanium, grey & black, kinda looks good to me but I would love to throw some nice colour into the project, this is like a black & white movie so if I did go this way I'd have to put a good colour scheme together & think the perfect colour scheme would come in the form of paints, not anodising.
But having said that I could smooth off the ends so instead of having a frame around them they simply smooth & blend off to the edges as a rounded bevel edge, certainly a crazy amount of work though doing 2 more of these panels & would add more weight to the top half.
As for colouring I think paint would be the best way because I can pick from an infinite range of colours & do some blending to form a real nice colour scheme, the range of colours on offer at the anodisers is very limited & know I could really broaden the range of colours if I DIY the anodising, would be a really sweet skill to gain also, would make me completely self sufficient at all my creating.
1 Thing I like about not using the wood is I'll be dealing with materials I know won't be prone to splitting/chipping/warping, never made panels from slithers of wood before but I am up for giving it a shot, this alternative look is not a sure thing yet, I just explored the option a little.
I particularly like the look of it from a looking up at it angle, looks chunky & pretty badass.
Intended look comparison.
And back to the project, on the last episode.
I aim to get this panel done today & know it's very doable with taking out all the tiny cut outs first, they might not take the longest to do but they require more concentration to do.