Decided to start doing more actual WIP pictures but don't want thousands of pictures to upload over the course of the log so I'm starting to bunch them together either in 2s or 4s so it shows a more complete progression & showing full pictures for finished pieces or near finished, I'll put a / in-between descriptions of each picture cluster.
It's cool in the cellar but not like 0c or below like it was in the garage when it got colder which made me leave my camera in the house so I can keep it aside on every session now without worrying about it causing damage, even my mp3 player used to crash when over in the garage because of the cold, it's probably about 10c in the cellar virtually all year round, really nice temperature to mod in.
Back to hand tools woo hooo

which let me use my full force, I missed it so much really, it exhausts the body which is a way I'm far more used to, whereas the scroll sawing exhausts the mind mostly with having to go at it's pace instead of my own so that tires me more than this, this just calls for regular recovery breaks & more showers because it makes me sweat a lot & it's cool in the cellar, usually need a fleece on.
Here they are just after carefully scoring them with scalpel & ruler so I have perfect lines that won't come unstuck while they get filed. / Templates removed showing the lines. / Harsh file, medium file & soft file. / It begins.
Busy / busy / busy lol / done 1 edge.
I was having difficulty clamping the small pieces on the workbench so decided to cut up to the peg holes in it so I could get them further in, the peg holes are supposed to act as a type of clamp but I never use them because they are rubbish, so no loss & all gain.

/ It worked excellent, I had to place a bit of same height scrap so I could catch the angles right.
Busy / I find throwing my leg over helps to prevent back ache & lets me throw more force into it.
Done the filing stage of 1 of these pieces, I started late & it was getting very late so called it a day, up next for these is a quick drum sanding session which will make them very nice.
A few pictures of the result.
And I have thought of how I can fix these to the legs without making it an impossible assembly which could be tomorrow if I start early enough.
Next update should be less wordy too, just had some things to mention with changing the style of the log a little.