Lean and Green - modular dual PC scratch build

Very nice project. Coming along great. Would love to see the final thing!
Thanks Wilk, you should do if I keep progressing like this. ;)

Looking pretty good!
Thanks almostgfx :)

More HTPC parts I did today.

The motherboard tray doesn't screw in place, it's held in place by a bottom, middle & upper layer & slides in/out for sweet easy maintenance, big part of the functional side of the theme, a dream for easy maintenance, something I really do like in a build. =)





Few more parts for screw less fixing of parts, 2 of 4 layers for HTPC internal sides, optical holding piece, extra piece for holding the hdd cage in place, another level for the HTPC & a few small bits to form the front of the HTPC.

Parts pile grows further.

More tomorrow. :D
Fan grills was 5-1 for the original grill with extra ring so I'll do those.

Felt too tired to create yesterday.

Since changing some parts from wood to aluminium I'm not sure if I have enough so might need to get some alu ordered, the wood side detail pieces are meant to be 5mm thick, I have no large enough 5mm plate so might do a double layer of 3mm adding an extra pattern that compliments the main one, we seen how it gave a nice effect doubling up the 3mm panels so it makes good sense to do that in this part if I have enough material anyway.

The s****s of the 10mm plate are more than enough for the feet though, measured them. :D Hmmm s****s aka left overs lol. :confused::D

I could start building things up already now to boost some extra life into the log but I won't :p I don't want the form to get old like stealthlow did, plus I want to focus on 1 aspect at a time so it suddenly rises up when it's all ready to for a big ass wow moment. ;):D

So I think today I'll do the rest of the 3mm stuff & if I'm still feeling energetic make a start on the feet which I have no idea how long they will take me, 10mm takes a while to cut well.
Back to the land of chunk for the feet.

Templates printed on sticker paper & applied to some of the spare 10mm plate.

And it begins & to be honest I find this easier than those crazy 3mm side panels, they really did feel like they were taking forever to get through.


Had to take a picture of this odd creature. :D

Fine cuts.

Done 1 of 5, I started pretty late in the day & it already hit 17:30 by the time I did this 1 piece so thought I'll do the rest on a long day tomorrow with an early rise, at least I know the curve cuts are doable with the standard band saw blades & just the notches need taking out with the finer blades for easier turn cuts.

Tested a piece of the 10mm alu slotted into the notch & it's a perfect tight fit. :)

40% complete feet. :) More exciting cutting lol but it is good progress so I'll shut up. :)









I'll try to finish these tomorrow, not much more to do & will have the first bit of filing to do on the front pieces of the feet. :)
I love those case feet! Another very interesting build, looks fantastic dude

Thanks mate :) & about the picture on bit-tech I knew, thanks for the concern though. ;)

Progressed a very good bit for the feet, all I need to do now is 5 drill hoes going about 7mm into the plates ends but then I need 6mm aluminium rod, I could buy some or I could sand down the 1/4 inch rod I have, cut a few pieces & JB Weld them in place & these feet will be rock solid but I'll save the JB Weld for after anodising. ;)

Also then need to do some well placed holes for mounting the front plates & then mounting holes for attaching to the bottom panel.

Did these 2 yesterday.


Completed the other 2 today so that's the set, next stage for these 4 pieces is a big filing session to get the angles how I want them.

Last 2 side legs.

Drill helper in action.

Finishing the holes to desired depth.

More cutting.

More sanding.

Ta daaa, interlocked. :D







Parts pile grows again. :)

I'll try to complete the feet tomorrow if I can, thanks for looking. :)
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Decided to start doing more actual WIP pictures but don't want thousands of pictures to upload over the course of the log so I'm starting to bunch them together either in 2s or 4s so it shows a more complete progression & showing full pictures for finished pieces or near finished, I'll put a / in-between descriptions of each picture cluster. :D

It's cool in the cellar but not like 0c or below like it was in the garage when it got colder which made me leave my camera in the house so I can keep it aside on every session now without worrying about it causing damage, even my mp3 player used to crash when over in the garage because of the cold, it's probably about 10c in the cellar virtually all year round, really nice temperature to mod in.

Back to hand tools woo hooo :D which let me use my full force, I missed it so much really, it exhausts the body which is a way I'm far more used to, whereas the scroll sawing exhausts the mind mostly with having to go at it's pace instead of my own so that tires me more than this, this just calls for regular recovery breaks & more showers because it makes me sweat a lot & it's cool in the cellar, usually need a fleece on. :)

Here they are just after carefully scoring them with scalpel & ruler so I have perfect lines that won't come unstuck while they get filed. / Templates removed showing the lines. / Harsh file, medium file & soft file. / It begins.

Busy / busy / busy lol / done 1 edge. :D

I was having difficulty clamping the small pieces on the workbench so decided to cut up to the peg holes in it so I could get them further in, the peg holes are supposed to act as a type of clamp but I never use them because they are rubbish, so no loss & all gain. :D / It worked excellent, I had to place a bit of same height scrap so I could catch the angles right.

Busy / I find throwing my leg over helps to prevent back ache & lets me throw more force into it.

Done the filing stage of 1 of these pieces, I started late & it was getting very late so called it a day, up next for these is a quick drum sanding session which will make them very nice. :)

A few pictures of the result.



And I have thought of how I can fix these to the legs without making it an impossible assembly which could be tomorrow if I start early enough. ;)

Next update should be less wordy too, just had some things to mention with changing the style of the log a little. :D
Amazing, sorry for not commenting on this as often as I would like but I'm just sitting back enjoying the build. Keep up the good work!!
Amazing, sorry for not commenting on this as often as I would like but I'm just sitting back enjoying the build. Keep up the good work!!

Thanks red :) enjoy the show mate. :cool:

Taking a little longer than anticipated to do the feet, what a surprise. :)

Filing / Weren't the same as each other which I expected with them being complex-ish & only doing a partial template. / Clamped them both together & filed them to be the same or at least very similar. :)

Pretty nice I think after a few swipes of the drum sander on 240 grit.


Tried doing the small pieces the same way by clamping them but they are too small to do that so I first tried to grind them down on the disc sander, didn't seem a great idea so fixed up a massive vice which was wasting away in the back yard so I could file properly, I used a little of the grinded angle as a guide for what angle I needed to file at & then finished off on the disc sander, these small pieces were far more work than the bigger triangle pieces but all parts are now ready to fix together.


I then got my drum sander on the go in the drill press to make all visible edges a bit nicer, they still need more finishing but they are quite nice now, the smaller pieces mount upside down to how they are in the pictures.




I'll try to complete the feet tomorrow, careful bit of drilling, cut a few rods & it should be a pretty simple process, would have done it in this session but I was feeling wasted so called it a day. :D

Sound card came today. :)

Found another place which had the extra drum sanders in stock, a rocking horse specialist shop :) so I cancelled with the one I been waiting about 2 months for & bought from the new place, should have them soon hopefully.
Nice to see the hand tools out, makes a change from all that scroll saw work. Looking very nice, will be interesting to see how you fit those feet together, basic fixings or do you have some cunning plan?
Keep up the good work:)
Nice to see the hand tools out, makes a change from all that scroll saw work. Looking very nice, will be interesting to see how you fit those feet together, basic fixings or do you have some cunning plan?
Keep up the good work:)
Thanks Wazz, :) using a mix of slotting pieces & aluminium rods used in the same way as dowels are in wood work I'm trying to use as few screws as possible in this build & any I do won't be seen or I'll at least aim for that. :cool:

At a stage where I need to be extremely careful so I don't screw up the effort to cut the pieces so I made a new drill guide to support 6.5mm bits now because that's the needed size for the 1/4 inch aluminium rod so have a load of 6.5mm & 2.5mm guides for rods & tapping holes, also the square bar I use for this is 3/8 inch thick so 0.5mm too small so I made it up with about 5 layers of masking tape on both sides. :D

However drilling deep with a power drill is still too unpredictable with a 10mm thick guide, I'd guess maybe a 30mm guide is needed for deep straight drilling, I'll make one for further deep drilling later in the project but this went ok just about & got my rod pieces plugged in.

Plugged & slotted all pieces together & was flipping perfect, I was really happy & still am. :D

This one I have to explain in words because it was difficult & I couldn't be bothered messing with the camera, it was pickling my head & was getting late & I was wasted once again. :D

Then had to mount the underside front bevel pieces, I sat & stewed on how I should do them for quite some time & then just decided to make them join the bottom stand panel, I first placed masking tape along the line for where they should mount, drew rough lines for where not to drill, then dotted 6 marks to drill on the bottom panel, then came the tricky part, aligning it right & clamping it so I could do starter holes to finish off on the drill press into the bevel pieces, I used 2 stacks of 10mm aluminium to support the bevels & spent ages getting them aligned & clamped properly, then finished off on the drill press, then used my quality new dorma 3 stage taps (awesome BTW), countersunk the panel & installed, was perfect. :)

The stands bottom panel just slides into place nicely.

On with the pictures of the base & man am I glad this went ok, could have easily been a wreck with 1 faint wrong move, it was pretty intense doing this today so have no doubt doing all the rest of the fixings will be similar. :D















So yeah only screws for the base are on the front small pieces, was a nice challenge but it's back to scroll sawing next time, these feet will get further finishing done on them but they are totally functional now which I'm happy with.
Amazing thread.

OP how many hours have you spent doing this so far?

From the look of the machines are you a carpenter?

Amazing thread.

OP how many hours have you spent doing this so far?

From the look of the machines are you a carpenter?


Thanks Tyron :) I don't keep track of the hours I put in but it's a lot, heck of a lot :D coming from no trade background in anything, I just got the bug for modding when there wasn't any good cases about at a nice price & then creating & realised I can keep getting better at it the more I do, the tools I've been adding as I have gone along when I can, started with just a drill, a rotary cutting tool aka dremel & rivet gun like most modders & been adding to them as I've gone along with the interest.
When are you going to make a business of it dude?

I could do regular & slightly advanced case modding for others because it's usually thin materials in retail cases so can do it at a good speedy pace, stuff like this though as a complete scratch build manually in 3mm to 10mm would cost a fair fortune with the amount of hours put in :eek: unless it wasn't so detailed & a bit more on the basic side. ;)

Even if this was being done by CNC by a 3rd party it would cost a lot but with it being purely in my free time it's a lot cheaper than a premium retail case. :cool:

I need to build other skills though for doing a more complete service so right now I'm all about the fabrication & cut work, not the finishing but powder coating is easy enough with the right setup but don't have that yet.
Started on the HDD cage for the HTPC & started the fan mount stand, all 5mm black acrylic, also cleaned up the workshop (needed it). :D


Might get them stuck together before I go bed, might. :D

Ordered the rest of the mini-ITX parts, Asus E45M1-I DELUXE on-board CPU/GPU & Kingston HyperX Blu 8GB & 4x 20w per channel fan controller & because I don't trust fan controllers after a couple of meltdowns a dedicated 92mm fan to cool it, fan controller is for the gaming rig. I'm Broke again. :(:D
I should have gone bed lol, finished sticking at 5AM. :eek:

HDD's slot in place on plates, 4 HDD 1 SSD. I first seen this method done by oliverw92 on his POLARity case mod, I liked how neat it was & said at the time I want to do that & now I am. :D




HDD cage almost done. :D

7AM HDD cage able to handle it.
Just done a loose fit test to see how it all looks together up to the stand... :cool::D But no sneaky peaky yet. :p:D
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