Anybody seen whats been happening in Dover over the last few months?
A comment no mention of race = not racist
Boats full of military aged men being escorted from France to the UK by the French navy. This soon stopped when it was brought to light and now they are not even being escored by the French navy....
This is a fact, most of the people on the boats are young males and some ships have been escorted by the french navy over the line, so how is this racist?
They are coming in at a rate of 500+ a day...…
This is wrong but hardly racist, works out to be in the 20's per day on average (over 5000 now for the yeat) for the year the but numbers have gone up significantly year on year
Oh and when they get here they are being put up in expensive hotels at the tax payers expense while they wait for a house, lmao, cant make this up.
This is also an fact, They are being put up in hotels with spending money, a few billion over the next few years has been set aside
Yes I'm angry, our forefathers fought and died to protect the English way of life, to ensure their kids and grandkids have a future, now its all been sold out from under them and is being given away to people who hate the west and want us dead.
This is where I think you are getting confused here, this is Xenophobia (which is still bad when unwarranted), He/she/xi fears people who hate him coming over, he/she/xi has'nt mention anything where they are racially superior
Im native English, I cant get council housing as fast as these 3rd world immigrants.
Getting council housing even when your on the streets is pretty impossible unless have depends and even then its still pretty hard. The 3rd world immigrant part, well this does happen, in my local area a detention centre where asylum seekers was closed, where did those people go ? Council/s put them up in private housing/council properties. So at best he's being xenophobic again from elements of facts/
Random comment, as you kinda proved if you raised any concerns, you get called a ist or a phobe / white supremacist/ cis white male privilege etc. We live in a crazy world where Aliens and Predator is seen as racist these days