Legal aid should not fund asylum legal action.

Wiki defines it, I do not see a specific colour, because there is no colour.

Immigration is the international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.

Those people have hijacked another word and linked it with race.

So just because you managed to get in before the door was shut nobody else is allowed in?

Seems fair.
Last sentence particularly relevant

Very stable?

Are you high?

Is kashmir stable?

Is Pakistan stable?

Was the mass forced immigration where millions were killed stable?

Was the forced famine due to British taking all the food stable?

Again very tinted spectacles being worn here.

Those problems are there own doing not the British.
You can't continue to blame another countries for problems after a long period big time.

They had sufficient time to resolve them and havent.

Those countries need to accept they are the cause and only they can have a solution. If they can't they they need to be invaded again.

The British had gone through the same when they were invaded. You don't see them crying and blaming the Romans etc do you.

If those countries have problems they have not resolved then it is their own making.
We get it you don't like Muslims.

Let's just hope that you never need to use the NHS half the folk working there are foreigners and non whites.

Well no you said it was brits committing 40% of something or other.

This source clearly contradicts this view.

Would you care to apologise now and retract your position that immigration does not increase violent/sex crimes ?

I'll include heroine @janesyb in that statement so that we can all put this ugly matter behind us and move forward and look for workable solutions
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So just because you managed to get in before the door was shut nobody else is allowed in?

Seems fair.
There has to be a limit, are you suggesting that there should be no limits for anything? If you have suggested no limits for everything then you mostly would be dead along with the rest of us.
Those problems are there own doing not the British.
You can't continue to blame another countries for problems after a long period big time.

They had sufficient time to resolve them and havent.

Those countries need to accept they are the cause and only they can have a solution. If they can't they they need to be invaded again.

The British had gone through the same when they were invaded. You don't see them crying and blaming the Romans etc do you.

If those countries have problems they have not resolved then it is their own making.

Own doing?

So the forced migration was their own doing?

I take it the mass killings of unarmed men, women and children was their own doing as well?

Really you need to get a clue. If anything after your comments I hope this country has more immigrants coming every day.

Britain messed it up and on purpose divide and conquer. All they were interested in was how much they could steal.

Maybe try and learn the history before making crap up.
Well no you said it was brits committing 40% of something or other.

This source clearly contradicts this view.

Would you care to apologise now and retract your position that immigration does not increase violent/sex crimes ?

No I said with the word being used foreigners in your facts. That means anybody non German.

Therefore it could be British for all we know as it was so vague.

I didn't say that they were 100% definitely British, just that your facts were crap
No I said with the word being used foreigners in your facts. That means anybody non German.

Therefore it could be British for all we know as it was so vague.

I didn't say that they were 100% definitely British, just that your facts were crap

Well there you have it. Unfortunately you cannot debate with people like this.

I present additional facts that completely invalidate your position and you ignore them.

Game over dude...
There has to be a limit, are you suggesting that there should be no limits for anything? If you have suggested no limits for everything then you mostly would be dead along with the rest of us.

No I wouldn't. If anything I'd be richer for it.

There is plenty of land in this country not being used. Fields and fields of land.

The population of Scotland is only 5 million yet it has 100 times the land mass of London as an example.

Again it's completely ignorant thinking.

I say let them all in bar the bad ones.
There is no workable solution, you want ethnic cleansing which is commonly frowned upon.

Wow steady on there miss, where have I ever said that?

I think you and sonny Jim need some cooling off time courtesy of the mods.

I have never attacked you or him directly yet you are both slandering me for presenting facts.
We get it you don't like Muslims.

Let's just hope that you never need to use the NHS half the folk working there are foreigners and non whites.

11% not half, 5% are from the EU 6% are not

Which is abit less than proportion of population of 14%

You seem quite angry and hate him for being native ?
No I wouldn't. If anything I'd be richer for it.

There is plenty of land in this country not being used. Fields and fields of land.

The population of Scotland is only 5 million yet it has 100 times the land mass of London as an example.

Again it's completely ignorant thinking.

I say let them all in bar the bad ones.
Their own countries have more land and better land.

The more people that come here the more damage to our land.
I really don't think you understand the negative impact this has on everyone.

But there will be a time when you will realise that what you have suggested will have a negative impact on your life.
Their own countries have more land and better land.

The more people that come here the more damage to our land.
I really don't think you understand the negative impact this has on everyone.

But there will be a time when you will realise that what you have suggested will have a negative impact on your life.

Also no one comes to England determined to get to Aberdeen... they all want London...
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