I have fond memories of this game. It's surprising how much of a tolerance for soul-crushing grinding one developed from it.
I used to do chores round my dads house, cut grass, clean the fish pond etc so I could afford the £7 a month to put on my Splash Plastic card haha!
New files look amazing, raid groups etc. This gone b' good.
One thing I love, because it was such a small community I still get people in every MMO asking if I was the same one from back in the Mir days, kind of nice.
I remember when wizards could tame, what were those big Lions that spat plasma balls?
Who remembers 1stmage ?
does anyone have any server files for this ?
ive got 1.4 but wanted the newwer ones 1.9+
look for a site called lomcn, there are new files in production at the moment, slight graphics updates etc. thedeath and a load of people are working on them, really looks amazing what they've done.