Lenovo x121e netbook



19 Nov 2011
I am extremely interested too... I was looking at the intel320 (sata2) series as I know they AES FDE support works well, but I have decided to wait as the new intel 520 (sata3) series is going to drop any week now... and will support AES FDE.

I think you should try with your Samsung 830 and report back :)
Before I start I'll point out I know nothing about FDE until reading up about it over the last few days, and trying to piece together information from Lenovo. The only experience I have of encryption is using truecrypt containers.

First, I ran the Lenovo SSD Firmware Update Utility. It recognized the drive, but said that there was no update required/available.

I removed the SSD and put it in a caddy. I then ran Gparted Live on an old non-Lenovo desktop, and plugged in the drive. As expected, it saw all the partitions.

I then put the SSD back in the x121e and set HDD user + master passwords. I restarted the x121e and after entering the password Grub booted up as normal. I put the SSD into the caddy again and tried it on the old desktop with Gparted as before. This time the scan for devices would not stop after finding only the desktop's drive.

So I took it to another non-Lenovo computer running Ubuntu and plugged it in - nothing seen in Disk Utility at all.

I then put the SSD back in the x121e, removed the passwords, put it back in the caddy and repeated. Both Gparted Live and Ubuntu's Disk Utility could see the drive as normal.

To my simple mind, this would appear to mean FDE works. But what I'm confused about is:
1. How it managed to encrypt the drive so quickly (setting the password took about a second to process);
2. How it did it without wiping the original data.
I'm sure this confusion is because I don't understand how FDE works properly, or indeed the disk has not been encrypted.
Opinions appreciated :)
24 Apr 2006
SE England
Looks like I'm either gonna go for one of these or the HP DM1. Is there anything else which is similar on the horizon?

There's a lack of people giving there thoughts about this laptop! Anyone else want to give their thoughts?
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21 Oct 2011
Bristol, UK
Dual booting Ubuntu 11.10 64bit and Windows 7:

You may (like me) think this should be a straightforward task... sadly it isn't! There are issues with UEFI that make this quite a headache. However, I have managed to get a dual boot working with relative ease on a fresh SSD.

Step 1. In the BIOS (used for ease of terminology) startup tab modify UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority to Legacy First. If you don't do that, Windows installer will see the drive but will politely tell you that you can't install on to it.
Step 2. Run Windows 7 installer, and let it do its thing on the empty SSD
Step 3. Google for "fixparts" utility and then run it. If you don't, ubuntu is about to see an empty SSD...
Step 4. Run Ubuntu 11.10 installer, and install it alongside Windows.
Step 5. Reboot, and you'll see no Grub... Windows will start up and you'll be scratching your head about what just happened. So boot into a live Ubuntu session so that you can reinstall grub. You need to find your linux partition (sudo fdisk -l). Lets say it is sda5. You'll need to mount it (sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt) and then reinstall Grub (sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda). Restart, and you should have a normal Grub screen. Happy days!
Step 6. Set the UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority back to how it was, if you want.

3G works, and to get the a/b/g/n adapter (Broadcom BCM43224) to work you need to blacklist bcma

Please tell me how you managed to blacklist bcma ??? Personal message me, I am using ubuntu 10.10 at the moment but if you are having no wifi problems when running on ubuntu 11.10 then please do reply.

ps: This notebook may looks flimsy but it is tough. I dropped it from my bed and not a single scratch. The hard drive stopped with the thinkpad airbag protection but resumed as soon as it was stationary !!!



19 Nov 2011
Please tell me how you managed to blacklist bcma ??? Personal message me, I am using ubuntu 10.10 at the moment but if you are having no wifi problems when running on ubuntu 11.10 then please do reply.
I had no wifi issues (with no comment on range and data speed - it was only used for normal surfing in relatively close proximity to the router) after I blacklisted bcma. I'm currently reinstalling and doing away with ubuntu until they sort out the power management, but here is what I did:
Open up a terminal
Type sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
After entering your password you should see a document (if a blank document opens up, you've not typed the above in correctly).
Just add a line which says blacklist bcma
Save the document.
Report back if it works.
Remember I have the a/b/g/n card
21 Oct 2011
Bristol, UK
I had no wifi issues (with no comment on range and data speed - it was only used for normal surfing in relatively close proximity to the router) after I blacklisted bcma. I'm currently reinstalling and doing away with ubuntu until they sort out the power management, but here is what I did:
Open up a terminal
Type sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
After entering your password you should see a document (if a blank document opens up, you've not typed the above in correctly).
Just add a line which says blacklist bcma
Save the document.
Report back if it works.
Remember I have the a/b/g/n card

I have an a/b/g/n card from Broadcom as well. Let me try that I somewhat sure that I have tried the blacklist bcma. Will double check it and give it a try again if I haven't already done it.
21 Oct 2011
Bristol, UK
This is the relevant part of mine:

Hmmm, nothing seems to have changed.

With 'iwconfig' in the terminal I get "no wireless extensions" reply !!!

I have to warn you that I am using ubuntu 10.10 and not 11.10 ;)

Will give it another go.

ps: Looks like I will install Ubuntu 11.10 then to ensure that I have wifi :|
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18 Oct 2002
Exeter, Devon / Brum Uni
To my simple mind, this would appear to mean FDE works. But what I'm confused about is:
1. How it managed to encrypt the drive so quickly (setting the password took about a second to process);
2. How it did it without wiping the original data.
I'm sure this confusion is because I don't understand how FDE works properly, or indeed the disk has not been encrypted.

Simples! the data is always encrypted on the flash with a bulk key, password or no password.
When you add a password, you encrypt the bulk key using this password, decryption of the bulk key and therefore the whole of the flash then requires a password.
When you take it off you decrypt the key, and it restores to a normal state.

Its so quick as you're only really changing a few bytes of flash.

Looks like I'm either gonna go for one of these or the HP DM1. Is there anything else which is similar on the horizon?

There's a lack of people giving there thoughts about this laptop! Anyone else want to give their thoughts?

Plenty of thoughts, just spread out as people have bought them. In short, most are happy with the laptop for the price. Key niggles are the trackpad, the 7mm hard drive. Some find the screen size too small



19 Nov 2011
Simples! the data is always encrypted on the flash with a bulk key, password or no password.
When you add a password, you encrypt the bulk key using this password, decryption of the bulk key and therefore the whole of the flash then requires a password.
When you take it off you decrypt the key, and it restores to a normal state.

Its so quick as you're only really changing a few bytes of flash.
Thanks for clearing that up :)
17 Nov 2011
Looks like I'm either gonna go for one of these or the HP DM1. Is there anything else which is similar on the horizon?

There's a lack of people giving there thoughts about this laptop! Anyone else want to give their thoughts?
Depends if your going for AMD the spec is not that much different. But the DM1 does not have the option of the i3. I was actually going to buy the DM1 before I realised I wanted a better processor. My friend has a DM1 and I have the i3 version of x121.
If comparing them that way we both agree mine is nicer. Both have horrible trackpads but the typing is so much nicer on my machine. The other benefit is the cheapest price is on Lenovos own website and you get to help spec the machine, so you get more choices like wifi card, RAM, battery etc. I would say if your going down the AMD processor then either would do.

I have forgotten but what version of windows does the DM1 come with? I saw some 32 bit versions but if possible go for 64 bit. I know for example the DM1-4027 on PC world website is only 32 bit which restricts the RAM the laptop can use to 4GB. Add anymore and it wont use it. Whereas the Lenovo is sold with 64bit home premium or 64 bit professional which is up to 8GB.
30 Nov 2011
1. How it managed to encrypt the drive so quickly (setting the password took about a second to process);
  • Very simply put the data on the NAND is already encrypted with AES.
  • The unique encryption key used to decrypt this data was generated when you purchased the drive and is stored on the drive too.
  • The ATA password you are setting is being hashed and stored on the drive also.
  • When you provide the text password at boot, this is being hashed on the fly and compared to the hash on the drive, if its the same the encryption key is unlocked for the drive to use. Hence why you need a BIOS that supports this stuff.
2. How it did it without wiping the original data.
Changing or resetting the password is very quick becuase its not actually doing anything to your data, just preventing or allowing access to the encryption key. So when you set the password on the x121e and then move the drive to a non "ATA Password" aware BIOS is will not be useable as the drive cannot access the key to "unlock" its data.

I don't know about Samsung, but intel provide software tools for changing the AES encryption key, this would "erase" all your data instantly as the new key would not be able to decrypt the old data... this could also be a handy thing to do on a new drive to ensure only you ever know the AES key.

This doco from intel explains things quite well too

So Cas... you have a Samsung 830 right?? Guess it does support AES after all :)
30 Nov 2011
Anyone manage to get access to the bluetooth module in ubuntu 11.10 with the 1.14 firmware? I havent spent more than 10mins on it yet, but I see the problem:

daniel@racerx:~$ rfkill list
1: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: yes
	Hard blocked: yes
2: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
daniel@racerx:~$ rfkill unblock bluetooth
daniel@racerx:~$ rfkill list
1: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: yes
2: phy0: Wireless LAN
	Soft blocked: no
	Hard blocked: no
16 Jan 2004
Looks like I'm either gonna go for one of these or the HP DM1. Is there anything else which is similar on the horizon?

There's a lack of people giving there thoughts about this laptop! Anyone else want to give their thoughts?

I haven't really had a chance to use mine yet but will let you know how I get on when I have a chance to play a bit.
30 Nov 2011
So my x121e arrived yesterday. So far I have complied a fairly basic Ubuntu/Linux compatibility thread covering hardware and power consumption stats:


It needs quite a bit more info from others so all Linux users please feel free to contribute! I must say though that this laptop is about the best supported Linux device (aside from enterprise server gear) that I have ever worked with.
24 Apr 2006
SE England
Depends if your going for AMD the spec is not that much different. But the DM1 does not have the option of the i3. I was actually going to buy the DM1 before I realised I wanted a better processor. My friend has a DM1 and I have the i3 version of x121.
If comparing them that way we both agree mine is nicer. Both have horrible trackpads but the typing is so much nicer on my machine. The other benefit is the cheapest price is on Lenovos own website and you get to help spec the machine, so you get more choices like wifi card, RAM, battery etc. I would say if your going down the AMD processor then either would do.

I have forgotten but what version of windows does the DM1 come with? I saw some 32 bit versions but if possible go for 64 bit. I know for example the DM1-4027 on PC world website is only 32 bit which restricts the RAM the laptop can use to 4GB. Add anymore and it wont use it. Whereas the Lenovo is sold with 64bit home premium or 64 bit professional which is up to 8GB.

How are you finding the battery life on the x121e? Typically, how many hours do you get with half screen brightness while web browsing?

I see that the DM1 can be under volted thus increasing it's already superior battery life. Anyone know if the Intel i3 ULV can be under volted?

Minecraft FPS?

17 Nov 2011
How are you finding the battery life on the x121e? Typically, how many hours do you get with half screen brightness while web browsing?

I see that the DM1 can be under volted thus increasing it's already superior battery life. Anyone know if the Intel i3 ULV can be under volted?

Minecraft FPS?


I have it plugged in when possible and usually do more than webbrowse so I am not the right person to ask. But if you google this model there is many independant reviews which mention the battery. Most say are impressed with it. I have the 6 cell battery and I got well over 5 hours on it and I did not completely drain it. But I am not sure how much more I would have got as I plugged it in afterwards. Most get much lower than they advertise I know advertisement wise the DM1 and the X121e are the 8.5 and 8.4 hours respectively but you simply do not get what they claim on either model.


15 Nov 2008
Received a red i3 with 2gb RAM yesterday.

Nippy despite the 2gb RAM.
The red is gorgeous.
Aside from a tendency for me to hit caps-lock instead of 'A' I really like the keyboard.

There is some fan noise, but TPfancontrol can really rein it in, or at least make it a bit more granular.

The screen is terrible. Probably the worst I've used. The vertical viewing angles are so bad that the image at the top and bottom of the screen is dodgy even when I'm looking directly at it. It's literally headache inducing. I wasn't expecting it to come close to the Dell IPS I normally use, but even the screen on my NC10 and my wife's £200 Toshiba blow it out of the water. I've tried using the calibration tools, but the problem with the viewing angles remains.

I can tell it's a workhorse. Starts up quickly and everything I've run on it works very well. Unfortunately, the screen is so poor that I can't imagine working on it for more than half an hour at a time. I bought this for my wife to revise her novel on, but I seriously doubt she'll want to use it without an external screen.

Of course not all panels are created equal, so it's entirely possible I just have a bad screen. It isn't exactly broken, though, so I don't think I can return it.
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7 Feb 2004
Probably not the correct forum for this but I've just had my x121e delivered today for a Christmas present for someone.
Seen as a lot of people have upgraded their RAM to 8GB, would anyone be interested selling me their leftover 2GB, I think 4GB total would be fine.
8 Jun 2006
Probably not the correct forum for this but I've just had my x121e delivered today for a Christmas present for someone.
Seen as a lot of people have upgraded their RAM to 8GB, would anyone be interested selling me their leftover 2GB, I think 4GB total would be fine.

Bang this in "Wanted" Members Market I'm sure someone will have some
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