Because the consumer needs AMD to compete with Intel at every level (While offering consistent performance, something that you can't get with AMD due to the more core approach), there needs to be viable choice where you're literally not seeing anything between the two (Like AMD/Nvidia)
Congratulating AMD on having acceptable top of the line CPU's isn't helping, berating them into actually creating something that can stand up to top of the line Intel CPU's is needed.
I don't want to have to continuously buy one brand to get the best performance, why would anyone want that?
Even in the tablet market AMD are letting Intel get ahead with their Clovertrail stuff (Which has started to finally appear) and Nvidia (With their rather mediocre Tegra stuff) and ARM (Who are dominating)
And when people start pretending the difference is only "10%" then it just gets ridiculous. You can't give a blanket statement on games performance (With one set up the difference in one game could be minimal, but then if you packed an FX8350 with 3 7970's in the same game with a 3570k with 3 7970s again, the difference would be quite high, but you're using AMD's flagship CPU, there is no better AMD CPU, ergo no choice)
If AMD created a consistently performing 250 quid chip, I'd sure as hell want to buy it, I'd much rather support the underdog.
But AMD have already publicly said they're pretty much pulling punches these days (So we're just going to get rather mediocre gains in CPU performance from both sides now). I mean Intel still won't have a mainstream hexcore with Haswell (Disappointing), if we had consistent performance, we probably would have Intel producing a mainstream hexcore.
Or, a third party joins in the X86 land.
Congratulating AMD on having acceptable top of the line CPU's isn't helping, berating them into actually creating something that can stand up to top of the line Intel CPU's is needed.
AMD have done a good job fixing Bulldozer, and it is comparable to the 2600K / 3770K's in applications. Ignoring that and instead continuing with the same rhetoric; "Berating" because they can't keep with Intel on 3x xFire 7970's is frankly ridicules, for that sort of setup you wouldn't have a 3570K, you would have an i7 39##K, you know that as well as i do.
Berating them for not performing in a market they are not priced for is what will cause them to step out of that i5 level market.
AMD with 26 pence to their name cannot compete with Intel and their £26bn.
As it happens the FX-8350 actually does compete rather well against its rival the 3570K, refusing to acknowledge that and instead opt for the usual AMD bashing will not make them miraculously match Intel in every aspect a few weeks from now.
What it will do is keep up the very false impression that AMD are seventh rate junk... so no one buys their products.
Doing that under the guise of "forcing them to compete with Intel" is no excuse.
Sometimes i wonder if what people really want is to see AMD crash and burn.
Like most people what i have is one 7870 overclocked to 7950 BE performance levels, others have a GTX 660/TI, GTX 670, GTX 680, 7950, 7970. most people don't have 2 let along 3 of such GPU's.
In that the FX-8350 is every bit as good for me in gaming as the i5 3570K, in productivity applications its faster, whats more it costs less money.
A win all round.
And as far as i'm concerned AMD 'DO ABSOLUTELY' deserve some recognition for that.
Now how about we let them sell a few of them so they can make some money at last
and use that to challenge Intel instead of constant bad press which they in this case do not deserve and may well kill them off completely.
Is that what you want?