What about running Prime95 on large FFT's? have you done any proper stress testing?
I'm just experimenting now and I'm at almost 62C on the socket temp just by running 4.4ghz at 1.39V, 4.6ghz seems to need considerably more voltage to be stable (~1.45V) and at that the socket temperature goes through the stratosphere, it just seems to be completely unmanageable.
Okay, I've just tried a fan blowing on the back of the motherboard socket while writing this and the CPU temp goes down 2C straight away, it's not a lot but at least I know it's not directly on the CPU and hence my waterblock is okay, but still if socket temp is linked to throttling how can I pump another 0.06V and 200mhz through the chip without the socket getting hotter?
How are people are getting these amazing temps at high clocks/voltages? are you guys just not testing with Prime95?
edit: I also tried fan blowing on VRM's and temps didn't noticeably change. my core temps are sub-50C under Prime btw for reference.