Letter from VirginMedia.... Outrageous ?

15 Jan 2004
I'll refer you to dictionary.com, brainbox. Nowhere does it mention masters degrees. And number 1 could quite happy accommodate the work those people do.


a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering: a mechanical engineer; a civil engineer.
a person who operates or is in charge of an engine.
Also called locomotive engineer. Railroads. a person who operates or is in charge of a locomotive.
a member of an army, navy, or air force specially trained in engineering work.
a skillful manager: a political engineer.

I suggest that next time you check your "facts" before making yourself look silly.

Exactly, so the Virgin guy wasn't an engineer.
5 Aug 2013
Yes crushed cables - I can vouch for it - Years ago when contractors were putting in cable they used to cut the BT cables so muggins here had to go find fault - once found and BT cable repaired I needed to replace duct so out came sledge hammer and whacked cable duct flat so BT one was nice and straight again so it could be rodded in future - So glad to hear that all back ache I endured 30 yrs ago had a good result.:D:D

14 Jun 2013
Exactly, so the Virgin guy wasn't an engineer.

Well it was a girl by all accounts, but don't let not being able to comprehend written English hamper you.

And of course not being able to read my assertion that number 1 is able to accommodate the skill set of this person (trained and skilled being relative terms of course) does lead me to believe that you might want to take some reading lessons before entering relatively basic debates such as this.
27 Aug 2005
You think thats bad how about this, i live in terraced houses with my virgin brown box directly below my front window:

Last weekend i was watching TV when my Tivo box started slowing down and generally wasn't responding. Thought nothing of it and started to leave the house for football only to see a virgin media engineer work on a house 2 doors down. I asked him if there was a problem with the virgin in the area as my tivo box had just stopped responding to which he replied no. Fine i thought and jumped into my car and was just pulling away only to see the engineer run towards me. The conversation went like this:

VM: Is that brown box outside your house connection to your house?

Me: You mean the one outside 125?

VM: Well yeah the one with the brown box outside?

Me: Yes that will be mine then

VM: Oh is that not for house 118?

Me: Why would my connection directly outside my house for 125 be for 118?

VM: Oh i was working on that brown box.

So in conclusion my tivo had stopped working because he had disconnected my service for house no 118 whilst working outside house 127. All houses connected to me are odd numbers and im not entirely sure where house 118



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Can't read the letter? Have people not heard of CTRL + +/- ?!

Anyway, I've had my experience with "engineers" from VM in the past and been dealt with a senior thereafter. The last guy didn't understand that you could get the modem stats off the superhub by clicking the status link top right of the log in screen without logging in. Apparently he does it a different way... He also double clicks hyperlinks.

Go figure.
Last edited:
13 Nov 2005
I had a few VM engineers out a few months back, the first two engineers were useless and didn't appear to know what they were doing but they were friendly enough. However the third one was brilliant, identified and solved the problem in about 10 minutes.

I can understand why you would get frustrated with them but I didn't see any reason to be rude or ask them to leave. Also 7 years with this issue? I had an engineer out every week until they solved the issue I had, but 7 years? WTF?!

Also well done to VM for standing up for their staff.
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