I'm not sure if you're agreeing with me or not, haha.LG design the OLED has a monitor/TV use based on one to two hours per day was more than enough to gaming on/five hours of TV use with a lifespan of 100,000 hours (11 years of use) As for static UI most modern games today can be edited in the menu, but browsers can't Sony released the first OLED back in 2007 when burn-in was a big problem and only a lifespan of 36,000 hours panel but still people bought them, 11 years later on with new features added to combat burn-in like on C8/C9/CX/C1 it's not the OLED panel fault but a user problem.
If and when Micro LED comes to the market there will still be one problem remaining the User.
Let's say you have a productivity use case where you have Visual Studio on the screen for 8 hours a day. With many static windows, UI elements (buttons, etc).
You'd be very brave to buy an OLED for that kind of usage. That's the kind of usage I associate with something called a "monitor".