LG DM2780D 27" 3D monitor

i bought a pair of these of ebay for 12 quid
Zalman ZM-SG100G 3D Stereoscopic Glasses and low and behold the ones off lg turned up the day before they came but i cant find them on ebay now for some reason... the replacements off lg took about ten days from first ringing them
I have setup my screen great now :) I tilted it back about 1/4 of an inch and all is well with the pound land glasses
so I tried the LG monitor glasses that came today and no difference :eek:
I will be buying what's left at pound land this week :D
As for games I used the setup I posted a page back and I get no lag at all.
Half SBS films are fantastic but the Full SBS doesn't look right.

Well they are 3940X1080p :D
anyone tried these from ebay


I'm still waiting for the replacement from LG :(
Just ordered my self a set, I'll let you know how it goes :).

i bought a pair of these of ebay for 12 quid
Zalman ZM-SG100G 3D Stereoscopic Glasses and low and behold the ones off lg turned up the day before they came but i cant find them on ebay now for some reason... the replacements off lg took about ten days from first ringing them
Had a look for the Zalman's and they've suspiciously shot up to £25 quid, and that's just the clip on ones :eek:.

I have setup my screen great now :) I tilted it back about 1/4 of an inch and all is well with the pound land glasses
so I tried the LG monitor glasses that came today and no difference :eek:
I will be buying what's left at pound land this week :D
As for games I used the setup I posted a page back and I get no lag at all.
Half SBS films are fantastic but the Full SBS doesn't look right.

Well they are 3940X1080p :D
Know anywhere online that sells the poundland glasses? I don't think I've got a poundland here in Canterbury :(.
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popped into poundland today and picked up a couple of pairs. Not bad a definite improvement over the LGs in that I dont have to tilt my head. A very slight hint of crosstalk but nothing horrendous.

I found the gromit that lets me tilit my screen back on the wall bracket and that really makes a big difference as well.

The zalmans are cheaper on amazon.de but not in stock until the 19th works out about £14.

I think I'll go back to poundland and buy the remaining stock. The poundland in canterbury can be found at 21 St. George Street.
deuse well my replacement glasses worked a treat the serial no on the monitor ones is EBX61528101 with monitor on the side and the crappy cinema ****e i got with it is EBX61588301 and have cinema on the arm people shouldnt need to put up with sub standard products lg shout be penalised some how for such a balls up also the zalmans i got off ebay from this fella if you wanna keep a eye open when there in stock ,, for £1199 http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/pcarena-bristol/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
deuse well my replacement glasses worked a treat the serial no on the monitor ones is EBX61528101 with monitor on the side and the crappy cinema ****e i got with it is EBX61588301 and have cinema on the arm people shouldnt need to put up with sub standard products lg shout be penalised some how for such a balls up also the zalmans i got off ebay from this fella if you wanna keep a eye open when there in stock ,, for £1199 http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/pcarena-bristol/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686

£1199 :eek::D

I found no difference between the LG monitor glasses and the poundland ones.
It maybe that I am about 6ft away from the monitor and I tilted the screen back a bit.

My GTX 295 can't cope in 3D(94c) so it looks like getting a GTX 580
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did they send your the correct ones as the monitor glasses sorted all my issues out but if poundlands ones work all is good cheap and cheefull

It took LG six days to get the right glasses to me. Try the poundland ones they may work for you.
my replacement glasses arrived this afternoon. If I need anymore I'd definitely go for the poundland ones there does'nt appear to be much difference between them other than appearance of course.
my replacement glasses arrived this afternoon. If I need anymore I'd definitely go for the poundland ones there does'nt appear to be much difference between them other than appearance of course.

Yes they make you look like Roy Orbison :D
My poundland is down to their last 6 boxes I'm hoping my nurse gets them for me.
So I ordered that pair off ebay, and just as you'd expect, my replacement glasses from LG arrived the day before them -_-

The ones I got are indeed branded '3D MONITOR GLASSES' and they work great. I'm using Nvidia 3D vision on my DM2780D and with a couple tweeks it works great ;) (even work's OK with the cinema 3d glasses).

The ones someone linked to on ebay are pretty much identical to the LG Cinema 3D glasses that came with the TV, so the ghosting/purple shadows are the same; the frame's a bit more stylish though :D.

I also tested out a pair of 'real 3D' glasses I nabbed from my girls place (which I assume are the same as the poundland ones people are getting), and they also have shadows & ghosting.

PICS (ebay glasses at the bottom):



tobsmonster2 same thing as me landed day apart from the ebay ones also ive got a gtx 460 g card how can you use 3d vision with these glasses if so how can i set it up as when i lookes it asked me to turn my glasses on ect
tobsmonster2 same thing as me landed day apart from the ebay ones also ive got a gtx 460 g card how can you use 3d vision with these glasses if so how can i set it up as when i lookes it asked me to turn my glasses on ect

That's because you need to install this file first:

It basically tricks the 3D Vision software into thinking you're monitor is one of the Zalman or Acer models which support 3D Vision.

The reason it works is because those Zalman and Acer screens use the same passive 3D tech as our LG panels.

ALXAndy posted this tutorial here:

And the link to the file came from here:

Not sure if my tridef hadn't been configured correctly, but I find 3D vision to be a lot better; there is a noticeable performance hit though. Even with my SLI 570's I have to drop settings down to medium in BF3 to maintain 60FPS.
Try this...do the hack with Zalman info then turn Nvidia 3D on(test) if all is ok
leave NV 3D on but change back to LG monitor inf and use TriDef to start the game.

I had very bad flicker in skyrim with Tridef(GTX 295) but doing the way I said I get no flicker at all :eek::D

I did find that the NV 3D was not that good, I got crosstalk ect. Now I have NV 3D on but use Tridef to run the games.
I get zero cross talk using 3D Vision. Depending on the game I turn down the intensity level in the control panel; usually between 30~80%.

Do you guys use ignition to launch your games? With 3D vision it's a simple keyboard shortcut to switch between 2D and 3D which i've found a lot less difficult than ignition. Especially since ignition doesn't pick up most of my steam games.
In ignition I just add the games exe then pick the profile for that game..done.
Also I have installed all the new and beta updates from Tridef so far so good.

NV 3D does not use all my gpu power Tridef does and as for the NV shortcut I
thnk it's easier to use Tridef then messing with the NV 3D slider.
so the way we have got this set up is were getting the best of both worlds if the games isnt good in one try the other the 3d in vision on prototyp0e was stunning good on tridef aswell has anyone got any tips wat games work better thanks guys
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