yeah but if ur gaming on a couple of 1080p tvs.. why waste money on a 2080ti..
dont get me wrong.. my best gaming moment of this year has been final fantasy tactics on my psp. graphics arent the be all and end all but i struggle to understand why people budget for a 2080ti and smack it with a disgusting screen.
Depends what you class as a disgusting screen? Anything not an OLED lol.
Not everyone cares about the best black levels or having the best hdr and not everyone wants to worry about burn or may not have the room for a large tv. Or just plain may not like some of the features OLED/tvs have.
First time I went to OLED I actually sent it back because of the 24p judder/banding/tinting issues. The QC for such an expensive set is bar on nonexistent to tell the truth.